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You've got to give credit to DP


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why bother when you can buy many other cheaper, better strains
(my italics)

You have hit the nail on the head, why bother when you can buy many other cheaper, better for some things that are also the things you want, strains

What YOU prefer does not neccesarily mean Better

I guess I can imagine what the world would be like if we did not have to think for ourselves, if individuals were no longer held responsible for their choices and knew they could stamp their feet and demand to have everything resolved for them with no effort on their part, a world where grown adults, without a trace of irony, talk about 'honesty' in the context of any advertising, let alone advertising for a product which cannot be used as intended legally in most of the world, Oh I live in that world it seems...

must be my age

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valid points about variety in seed stock and also seeking variety in what you get, but we are talking about Dutch Passion here, a company who has a customer base that by their own admission is 97% fem, auto and fem-auto buyers, I doubt all of these growers ascribe to the thrill of the strain hunt argument. I would lay good money that most just want successful germination, no hermies and a good smoke and nothing at all beyond that... so for this client base, some of whom I suspect can't even be bothered learning the basics, like sexing, vegging, training, etc, let alone cuts and mums, then the argument that a particular line of genetics is known to be unstable etc. and that buyers should do their research first just won't wash.

If there is a known potential issue, then for the benefit of new growers, say so on the seed description, or at least caution that it is more suited to experienced growers, honesty is needed in all this, not apologists... for auto strains were it is known the auto gene isn't always expressed, some breeders admit to this in the description, it should be no different for sexual stability surely?

I agree with AT though, fair play to DP for deciding to openly discuss strain issues and start a dialogue with disgruntled customers here

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Sorry Arnold, but how much do 10 UGORG seeds, which you continuously advocate, cost? £60 for ten, therefore cheaper than BB and in most peoples opinion better. I could name numerous other examples of 'cheaper and better' strains, which are still not neccesarily cheap, but provide a higher likelihood of finding a keeper from less seeds.

It all boils down to value for money for me: spend £900 odd quid to find a keeper of a specific strain, or spend 100 odd quid and get as good or a better keeper from another strain. Also, how long would it take a wardrobe grower to find a keeper if they need to sprout multiple packs to find something at least half decent? Lot of wasted time and money for one decent plant.

And why would someone looking for a special pheno and who is willing to go through multiple packs to find one even bother starting their search with questionable genetics which are known to hermie? BB is nice, but it ain't that nice.

For me personally, lifes too short for known unstable genetics.

And Moodyman:

It's not about what I prefer, it's about people who have paid good money for something which will not perform as is described. Many new growers who just want a few decent plants probably presume that shelling out £90 for ten should guarantee at least a smokable end product. It'd be nice if everyone was as informed as you are, but they're not and those are the ones who get stung. So what then, it's the growers fault for not doing their research, and the company isn't to blame at all? Not in my book mate, unless the company has explicitly warned of known potential problems and the grower still decided to purchase them. If not, it's pretty much a rip off.

I'd love to see those making excuses for DP pay £90 each for a few packs of BB, dedicate a whole grow to it, do a diary on it, and then not be at all pissed off if all or a high % of the females hermie or turn out shite. Then, buy more and repeat to find that 'special pheno' that, WOW, tastes quite nice, gets you stoned and doesn't herm...

Alternatively, you could just buy a different strain without the fundamental flaws and save the fannying about.

Edited by MekongBlues
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hey mekongblues thanks atleast someone gets it,, and as for the blue berry i new it had hermi traits especially after my first pack i done,, but my point was after dp had said there sorting stuff out making things better i thought i would try it out again and give them a chance to shine wit what they have been, along with the orange bud, but it was another fail,, but to be honest now im getting sick of all this if there not listening to people that are reporting back about all this it will be there loss in the end,,, i have just got 50 bluez seeds from ugorg, and going to do them as i have heard good things about them,, i do hope dutch passion takes this onboard and thinks of another way to go about things,, and good luck to all with your grows,,

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When I want a uniform grow I look to my mums and clones, not to that little box in my fridge, and its genetic potential! ;)

That just about sums it all up in one sentence :B):

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Just a little detail, just for the sake of comparisson. DP blueberry 10 pack regular only costs about 45£ the last time i checked. You can then probably argue, then why would a company ask for more money for a the version which is more likely to hermy (the fems) - I don't know why, but i wouldn't be interested in the fem. version anyway, cause of the risks with this particular strain!

UGORG or Ot1 to me, is an exceptional breeder, which keeps his standards high and I respect his work a lot and for what he's done to help this site and beyond. Many growers that came here and read the useful threads, articles, grow guides were seriously helped by the knowledge being passed on (including myself), especially if you are into organic growing. :yep: Yet, he keeps his batches very small and has only a couple of strains to offer, which in turn are really well worked, but can only satisfy x amount of people!

I do have a "little" anecdote to add.

Last year, i had a discussion with the shop keeper of my local headshop in austria - we know each other over 10 years now - anyway, we have a discussion about DP and certain issues that i've read about, but not experienced myself - he pointed out that sagamartha had a good Blueberry version if i ever wanted to try this strain. Anyway, during our talk he tells me how popular frisian dew had become and it was basically flying of his hands for the current outdoor season. I believed him since i had grown the frisian just a year prior and was impressed by its performance. Nevertheless, he tells me that one customer had recently bought around 5 packs (i can't remember exactly how many but was quite a lot) and then came back a week or two later saying that none of his seeds germed and that DP was replacing them ALL!!! I was astonished, as this must have been the growers own fault and the shop keeper nodded. The shop has a fridge to keep the seeds fresh btw. Anyway, this was a little surprising to me and thought good for DP to care that much!

Obviously DP isn't like UGORG and vice-versa, but they both have complete different "market strategies" and/or principals and values - OH NO - i shouldn't go down that route... Don't want to entice another fem/reg discussion with different "lobbies" defending their sides... To me they both have their qualities and disadvantages.

I just like the fact that DP is here to clear some of the issues and people should be more patient and a little respect gets you pretty far if you want good service and perhaps some change.

AT :oldtoker:

edit: for grammar

Edited by AustrianTokker
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I just like the fact that DP is here to clear some of the issues and people should be more patient and a little respect gets you pretty far if you want good service and perhaps some change.

DP hasn't cleared up any issues. People have been patient, have endured what is now years of hermying seeds and DP blaming it on them regardless of whatever happened with the Austrian guy

I regret calling feminized Blueberry birdseed now - because Tony has used that as an excuse to disappear off the thread without making any promises of changing the strain. Need I draw attention to the fact that he has not come back with such promises? Why is anybody supposed to lavish respect on a breeder who sells dodgy seeds, and doesn't even seem prepared to print a caution on the Blueberry packets ? Respect has to be earned, and there is a difference between respect and sycophancy.

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I just like the fact that DP is here to clear some of the issues and people should be more patient and a little respect gets you pretty far if you want good service and perhaps some change.

DP hasn't cleared up any issues. People have been patient, have endured what is now years of hermying seeds and DP blaming it on them regardless of whatever happened with the Austrian guy

I regret calling feminized Blueberry birdseed now - because Tony has used that as an excuse to disappear off the thread without making any promises of changing the strain. Need I draw attention to the fact that he has not come back with such promises? Why is anybody supposed to lavish respect on a breeder who sells dodgy seeds, and doesn't even seem prepared to print a caution on the Blueberry packets ? Respect has to be earned, and there is a difference between respect and sycophancy.

You could write this on almost all packs of seeds produced and sold!

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I'll tell you what......

Why not ask how many unsatisfied customers there are, to happy customers?

I'm betting it's more happy than unhappy.

Tony, what's the percentage of good vs bad?

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have grown there frisian dew and passion #1 with great success! i wouldnt grow blueberry due to hermi reports but i would happily pay to try every other dutch passion strain.

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You could write this on almost all packs of seeds produced and sold!

Writing anything expressing the sentiments I just did would only really apply to DP and they are not cooperating. It's not as if every strain fem or reg hermies every time, just that it's a higher proportion of more strains for longer than any other breeder has been accused of.

It isn't the stable strains that matter, it's the dodgy ones. Every other breeder manages to turn out consistent non-hermy strains and DP could too if only they would apply themselves to it.

DP Blueberry seems to grow hermy-free outdoors, and I remember somebody on here saying if you veg them 6-7 weeks for indoor growing they crop OK :- so the straightforward solution would be to re-brand it as an outdoor strain. Of course north European sales would plummet, which is perhaps why they haven't done that.

Tony, what's the percentage of good vs bad?

Do you actually expect an answer to that one?

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Guest komodod

all you folks who find in needed to grow out 100 seeds of a strain to find one that fits the description? rahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

id really advice you to try some other seed banks!

dp rub your hands with glee, you have some die hard dp fans here.. tell ya what all of you put your money were your mouth is, buy a 10 pack of blueberry(just short of £100)and grow it on a dairy here. if you get a blueberry smelling and tasting pheno that dont hermie, imagine how many non dp fans will be converted?

Edited by komodod
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