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Any other practising Christians on here?

Red-eye Jedi

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Are you kidding - the man's a Catholic - that's only one step from satanism! :rofl:

Some of the stuff the Calvinists say you couldn't make up. I read posts to the effect that burning most of the earths populace in Hell for eternity is Gods way of showing us His love.

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Calvin sounds like a right cunt!

Not 'arf! Alright, stay bright... Oh Lordie, I'm now officially to stoned to be in charge of this laptop. Well, excuse me!

But yep, you are correct. The man was a bad'un! Yet cunts are good, I like 'em. I like to .... well, enjoy em ;)

Ho-ho, Geneva, must have been a right old laugh, I'm sure! What a crock!

(Do a Calvin's Geneva Google, dudes, I'm too wasted by far to explain stuff now)

that you were a minister.

Technicality; Past tense is wrong. Once a .... and all that jazzeroo.

Some of the stuff the Calvinists say you couldn't make up

lol Too true. And let's not even go anywhere near the reverend James Jordan and his side kick Mr Chiltern, or Greg Bahnsen! If you think historic or modern Calvinism weird, you better not go and look up "Dominion Theology". Oh lordie, lordie me, mama, NO! Its all just sooooo ..... wrong!

Theonomy (another word for Dominion Theology) is the Christian version of Sharia law. Witches to be burned, abortionists executed, and lambs sacrificed. Sick, never mind weird.

I sometimes think I might go mad, the stuff I've studied and fallen into. :( dangerous stuff, theology!

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  • 2 months later...

By 'practising' i dont mean 100% attendance at church but rather a living relationship with Jesus Christ.

I had a bit of a crazy 'religious experience' back in 99 and soon after started to attend a small yet lively church near me, met the missus there and the rest is history ( much like my marriage unfortunately). I still love 'church' but have a few issues with mine so seldom go.

I also have to keep my herbal exploits a secret other than a very few select friends as most christians cant reconcile cannabis use with christianity. I didn't smoke for 12 years but when the marriage broke down I started again as I was in a knot and didn't fancy the powders pills and potions on offer at the doctors.

Has no one anything positive to say about Christianity.:-( I m a practising Christian Red eye. Yes i struggle with some aspects of the bible but i love the gospels. I m new to the game and from the outside it can look a bit mad but once you take the red pill (or is it blue?) it makes as more sense than anything else in this crazy world. If everyone lived in complete alignment with the word of Jesus capitalism would nt work anymore and the empire would fall. Of course no one can live in complete alignment and thats why God gave us grace. Jesus suffered to understand our suffering. Through that suffering we have the grace to make human mistakes and still retain Gods love.

Faith is great. It means i dont have to worry about all the other day to day bullshit, work, addictions, illness etc. with a strong faith (which mine isnt by any means) one doesnt even have to worry about death. With that kind of faith you truely are free.

If im wrong. Well at least ive found some peace in this life.

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Guest bazzad9

Has no one anything positive to say about Christianity.:-( I m a practising Christian Red eye. Yes i struggle with some aspects of the bible but i love the gospels. I m new to the game and from the outside it can look a bit mad but once you take the red pill (or is it blue?) it makes as more sense than anything else in this crazy world. If everyone lived in complete alignment with the word of Jesus capitalism would nt work anymore and the empire would fall. Of course no one can live in complete alignment and thats why God gave us grace. Jesus suffered to understand our suffering. Through that suffering we have the grace to make human mistakes and still retain Gods love.

Faith is great. It means i dont have to worry about all the other day to day bullshit, work, addictions, illness etc. with a strong faith (which mine isnt by any means) one doesnt even have to worry about death. With that kind of faith you truely are free.

If im wrong. Well at least ive found some peace in this life.

to be honest mate i cant think of any thing positive about christianity other than it being a comfort blanket for some ,which in itself isnt necesarily a bad thing

it may make more sense to you than anything else to you but it has not given us anything we could have had without out it fact in some instances it has a detrimental effect on discovery

i beleive you have the right to beleive anything you want mate i only take exception when i read statements like " it makes more sense than anyhing else " ,aside from all the incosistances in the bible and the paradox's of a tri omni god and the debate of whether jesus actually existed would you say that the bible makes more sense than modern science given what modern science has given us .

not trying to start an argument but the bible making more sense than anything is an alien concept to me ,to clarify i mean in the sense that everyone has there own interpretation of it ,are you not fitting the bible to suit what you think makes sense to start with

you also say that faith means you dont have to worry about stuff including death do you beleive in an afterlife or heaven ?

feel free to ignore me if you dont want to discuss it mate im definatly an athiest but im not a religion hater i just dont understand the logic and i do like a discussion :smokin:

i would argue with no faith or dogma you are truely free

Edited by bazzad9
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I dont mind discussing it bazzad9, in fact being new to the faith it actually helps me. I m not religous, organised religon is most definately used as a tool to control people. My relationship with God is a personal one. As such dogma has no place in my worldview. When i say "...makes more sense" i mean on a personal level. You see i ve tried everything. Counselling, drugs, medication, meditation, hypnosis blah blah blah. This is the only thing that makes sense to me. I am an addiction free, more peaceful, and loving person. I love science, always have and always will but the two are not exclusive, i have enough evidence to base my faith on.

Regarding the bible The Gospels are a good place to start i like Matthew 4 - 7 i think this is a good place to go when i need centering or grounding.

Yes this all used to be alien to me to but after 34 years living faith free and making a complete fuck up of my life and family i cant really argue with the results. It works for me. All my prayers have been answered so far.

Do you not believe in an afterlife? Even before i became a follower of Christ i sort of hoped for one. I thought most people sort of did, you know Grandad looking down type of thing. That s what i have now, a growing hope. From a mental health perspective, hope is better than nihilism surely.

I spent enough of my life quite fervently anti Christian, but i never truly understood before. Like cannabis, Christianity is misrepresnted by the media because it would undermine the system. Dont let zealots and facists kill something beautiful.

Any great to share with you bazzad9. Keep Growing.

I ve tasted freedom for the first time ever.

Edited by bennyblueboots
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How long have you had this new found faith Benny? do you not think it may turn out to be a fad just like the others you mention? :stoned:

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Guest bazzad9

thanks for sharing benny im glad i asked you my main disagreemnet has always been with organised religion so we definatly agree on that

when you say you addiction free now to you think you could have done it anyway?its something i hear a lot along with things like cosmic ordering and it always makes me think that when the person praying or cosmic ordering gets the thing they asked for they are taking far to little of the credit themselves (good on you for doing it however it came about ).

the trouble with giving a god the credit for these things is that then you take the stance that god has control over our futures and actions which leads down the path of the problem of evil and the like for instance why would a god make a murderer murder ,theres two sides to the coin .

as for afterlifes ive never beleived in one ,as for death i beleive when the brain dies thats it the end ,as far as i can tell in my reading the person that is bazza is a construct of my brain given the right damage that bazza could be replaced by a completely different one .

if you dont mind me asking did you find your religion during treatment for your addiction ?

so in short from an athiests point of view there was no god involved in you beating addiction it was entirely down to you

i normally respond and argue against religious claims made but you havent made any so i have no argument with you or your beleifs mate if it makes you happy stick with it

i beat an alcohol addiction myself so i know its not easy

happy to discuss any points mate

take it easy :smokin:

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Guest bazzad9

How long have you had this new found faith Benny? do you not think it may turn out to be a fad just like the others you mention? :stoned:

just as a general note it does seem religion can be a replacement drug and you quite often find there the ones that get into it really deep preaching on street corners and the like

thats not aimed at you benny just to clarify :smokin:

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Guest bazzad9

ive been looking at the mormons for quite a while now its complete batshit crazyness but its slowly becoming main stream and its slowly adapting to suit modern living a little better ,i just find it really interesting to watch its proggresion in real time (roughly speaking ) ,there is a much better known history of how it started who started it and the general history of the man that started it

i often wonder if i where to come back in 1500 years what it has become and how its changed from the original ideas

the book of mormon is pure fiction :smokin:

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the book of mormon is pure fiction :smokin:

PBS did a really good documentary on them, and yes, if you believe the events that led to this religion then you too are bat shit crazy lol

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