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Any other practising Christians on here?

Red-eye Jedi

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Hi Budfan

Hi mate, hows it going?

So how would you describe your status now, in terms of having a faith or not? (or feel free to ignore, don't mean to pry with personal qs)

I oppose all "Church" models of discipleship, to organise is to destroy.

So why would Jesus found a Church, if ultimately it was unnecessary?

(though I suppose whether you regard this question as even worthwhile depends on what you now believe / do not believe etc)

I take Jesus as a model, no more, no less. I dont agree with him 100%, but I think He was/is on the right lines.

F*cking hell, don't let the Bishop hear you, folk have gone to the gallows for less than that haha! lol;)

Same with stuff like Thomism.

Argh! I cant agree!

If I have a son, I'll call him "Thomas Aquinas [my surname]", if I can get the wife to agree (which I will not be able to lol).

All Religion is waste, and it poisons men's minds and hearts.

Jings, have you been at those Dawkins books again?

Sure, its not hard to find examples of when religion has been used as a vehicle or justification for violence or tyranny (much like nationalism, race, social class and politics have too).

But look at the good it does overall, and how transformative it can be individually.

I would not say I had ever been a "bad person", but looking back at myself I can see that both my life and my character are very different some ways - all for the good, of course lol - and its been amazing and so worthwhile.

and call no man "Father".

Heresy I say! ;) (and what about my Dad?)

"Regret"? Maybe "Repentance" would be a better word for my views on Religion and those 20 wasted years ;)

Well I am sorry to hear you feel like that, but I sincerely hope that this stage of your lifes journey involves broad, sunlit uplands and happiness, not feelings of wasted time!

And just think - though you might wish you had spent the time different, I know you will have unknowingly touched a lot of peoples lives and hearts during those years and they will doubtless remember you very fondly. Theres a great many worse things you could do with a bunch of years.

Take it easy



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Hi Bud fan. Good to get a bit of online fellowship.

In reply to your question. Thoughts and feelings are transient and can be influenced by all manner of things including what we had for lunch. Decisions made in a good mood can be completely different to the ones I make when I m tired and run down. Not exactly condusive to a life of stability.

God, as you know is a rock. He never changes he is always stable. I am learning to abide in his will. Sometimes I wrestle like Jacob. Sometimes I want to do things my way but the longer I walk with him the more I trust that His ways are higher as eveidenced by the way they playout in my life. I have experienced the changes in my life that I always tried to achieve on my own strength. To abide in his Word and to walk in step with his indwelling spirit has sent my life on a upward trajectory and given me the peace I always hoped for. Its so cool to be able to let go of control and not have to think things through from every conceivable angle.

I suppose ultimately I have used what little intellect I have to figure out which path makes my life more constructive and fufilling. I also think an intelligent position to spend my last moments in hope, after all their gonna be my last moments so its good to enjoy them. Aside from that choice I ll leave the rest to someone who knows better.

All my knowledge was nothing without wisdom.

Anyway I'm glad you find strength to.

Bless you bruv :stoned: :stoned:

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  • 3 months later...

Seems like an ideal thread to pose this query? :) Aimed solely at folks that have doubts regarding the Holy Bible..... so please note, no offence to anyone is intended? :)

I don't have a bible at hand to consult, I'm looking for two contradicting points, an example would be along the lines of "an eye for an eye" and "thou shalt not kill" ?

It's not for use as ammo in any rows, just to help a friend actually....

Cut short, she needs to know she aint bad and the bible befits what you make of it...

So I need two complete contradictions to show her, she's not a bad woman ...

Fank you, I know it's a peculiar request, and hope it makes sense? :unsure:

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Guest bazzad9

Another way to go would be to try and show her her morals don't come from the bible they come from her

Would she stone to death a disobedient child? If not why not the bible says so?

Just rejecting this one part is a choice. What she base this choice on?

You can ease your way into it with her :hippy:

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