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Nirvana beans


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No probs Hemlok,  :D

I' have'nt posted any other details on the strain Bud but tell me what You want to Know & I'll do my best.......Bear in mind though this is my first grow so my experience is limited.

I hope it will surprise myself mate. :)  :D

:peace: ZZ.

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I have'nt planted them yet mate,

I'm gonna' sow them this weekend so any info or tips on the strain from seed would be very gratefully recieved Bud.

I'm going to grow them in Rockwool slabs using a Dutch Dripper kit.

Very looking forward to this one.

Would definately like to see some pics Phyto & the cross should be nice mate..............I have'nt had Thai for ages...

Take Care.

:peace: ZZ.

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:oldtoker: High everyone are we all having a nice break??

hope so.

Hiya ZigZag, hope your keeping well? quick question if you dont mind? what age did you put your snow white into 12/12? as you can tell i am quite keen to see and taste the results !

cheers for any help mate - take care and keep safe

Now then now then (thats my jimmy savile impression)  :stoned:  anyway on with the update, my little dears are all four weeks old now, the Snow whites are completely un stoppable and get bushyer every day they are now 6" tall and 6" wide already :) i had to cull a blue mystic, i am not entierly sure what was wrong with it but looked like it had been chewed by the cat or something ? but the other one is 4" its a bit leggy but nothing to severe, and the 2 sk#1 are still very very small, but they are late flowerers so i suppose that is to be expected.

Right then me and my missuss and her sister are going for a chinese tonite so i will see you all later


take care and keep safe everyone

hemlok :peace:

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:) High everyone hope your all being good or at least trying to be?

just a quick update really my babies are doing really really well i have had to move the light again as the snow whites are having a race against each other i think ? ! and as an added incentive to my little monsters i have starting them on a regular course of some truly inspiring classical music, puccini, motzart, vivaldi, and of course one of my all time faves wagner ride of the valkyries, the other being Orff - o fortuna (better known as the 'old spice' ad music), they dont need cheering up or anything like that but what the hell, i cant hurt can it? !

Take care and keep safe everyone  :thumbs:

hemlok :peace:

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High Hemlok. :dj:

I've grown them Hydro in pots & put them into flower at 4 weeks.

That's 2 weeks propagating/germinating from seed, 4 weeks vegging, & 59 days & counting in flower.

Just come out of the grow room now.

One's getting chopped in about 20 minutes when I finish this cup of tea.

The trichomes have gone milky enough I think.

The trichomes still look clear on the other three.

Hope that helps Hem'.

:peace: ZZ.

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Hiya ZZ, cheers for the info mate greatly appreciated my little stinkers are starting 12/12 tomorrow  :thumbs:

And i think that i can see the beginnings of wispy white thingys comeing out of the spurs ! could it be true ?! are they little girls ?

I hope the chopping up wasnt to stressful mate, pity you have to dry/cure it first ?! ah well i am sure it will all be worth while  :dj:  :D

All the others are doing well, repotted the sk#1 today Innes no3 and perlite(70/30ish) and i have started to use the power gro nutes that i got with my tank, these are ok to use in pots arent they ?!

Right take care bud and keep safe

Hemlok :peace:

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np Hem'

I've chopped the one like I said & it is currently doing a bat impression in my loft.

The other three are still in & I think they will just have 12-24 hrs longer light now max & then I'll leave them in the dark for a couple of days.

The trichomes on the other three are going milky now.

They almost look at the same stage on each plant,

So I think I'll just run all three together now so they can all have 2 days darkness together once finished.

The first plant was pulled at 59 days & the others are 61 days now.

Keep me posted of Your progress Hem' ...I'm very interesed.

:peace: ZZ.

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Hiya Zig Zag, hows it going mate? hope all is well with you and yours!

I checked my little monsters on sunday and 1 Snow white is definetly female  :thumbs: it looks as though the other might be male, not entierly sure so i have moved him/it just incase until it shows one way or the other, the Blue mystic is quite happy still a bit short but nothing to bad  :thumbs: and the sk#1 are i think doing what they want when they want! so i will just leave them to get on with it i think :D

They have all been repotted into 3ltr pots with a good inch of hydro beans on top to keep them moist'ish . And they are getting fed with 'power gro' at 1/2 topping up rate (under 5ml of both a+b in a liter) and they seem to like it every other day. What did/do you feed yours with ? if you dont mind :thumbs:

So my friend i think thats it except of course to ask how the curing/drying is going? have you had a taster yet ?

Take care and keep safe

hemlok  :peace:

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Hello everyone, hope your all keeping safe and well?

Quick update on my little monsters  :stoned: i originally started with 6 in total 2 snow white 2 blue mystic and 2 sk#1, so far 1 snow white is 100% fem. Both blue mystics were males and 1 snow white was, not sure about the skunk yet?

I must admit i was a bit pissed about both blue mystics but at least i have got one good female and she is looking very very healthy :) i will just have to start more blue next time i think !

Anyway thats it for now, so take care and be good

Keep safe

hemlok :peace:

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:stoned: My time will come mate  :)  

and then i will take over the world - mmuuuaaarrgghhhhh !

sorry bud thinking out loud   :thumbs:

Yeah with a bit of luck it will all work out, i have been looking at the auctions on cbay and might try and snap up a blue fem hybrid. Although i am gonna build/buy a new grow space as i have out grown my first one and i have a much better idea what i want to achieve now. I will try and keep everyone up to date on dimensions etc.

Take care and keep safe mate

hemlok :peace:

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High Hem' :)

Glad to hear Your doin' alright mate.

All the plants are in my loft now & I'll let You know what it's like in a week or two once it's dried a bit mate but I had a little tester from a lower bud & I felt it tingle right down to my toes...Just the Job.

I'm hoping it will improve though with drying & then curing.  :stoned:

Catch You later mate Take Care.

:peace: ZZ.

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:rock: All the respect in the world mate for those piccies you and joolz put up  :rock:

I cant wait for mine to start budding :) this is week 1 of 12/12 so maybe next week   :D

Take care pal, i bet your loft stinks!

Keep safe

hemlok :peace:

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:angry: Hello everyone, quick update on me little monsters.

The snow white is now nearly 6 weeks old, 19" tall and is sprouting little white pistils all over the place, which is definetley good news. And the last remaining sk#1 has just started to show her true self there are very fine wispy pistils starting to show at the top. Unfortunately i have had to chop a sk#1 so thats 2 blue mystic gone, 1 snow white and 1 sk#1. Despite this i have started to germinate a further 4 blue mystic in rockwool this time, never used it before so we will see what we will see :thumbs:

I will probably be back today some time panicking over 4 little blocks of rockwool :thumbs:

until then keep safe and take care everyone


ZigZag! hows your curing coming mate ? is it driving you insane waiting yet?


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:) High Zig Zag and of course everyone else ;)

Have you fully cured and harvested your snow white yet?? what does it taste like cured ?? sorry mate your piccies look so good, and i cant wait to harvest this baby :)

Quick update, the Snow white has now past the 2 ft mark and seems to have stopped, and at the very top you can clearly see the formation of the main bud  :thumbs: its just a shame i havent got a camera to show you all, she really does look very very healthy, the sk#1 is only half the size of the snow white but she seems to be doing very nicely indeed, finally 3 of the 4 blue mystic i started last week have sprouted up from the rock wool and look ok.

Righty ho then see ya's all later.

Take care and keep safe

Hemlok :peace:

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