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Nirvana beans


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:thumbs: Hello again everyone  :thumbs:

I have started to germinate 2 SW & 2 BM for gypsy oh and 2 sk#1 and i was wondering if anyone has grown these before? and if anyone is wondering about gypsy's delivery system it is very discreet and bloody fast too !

righty ho i will see yers later  :thumbs:

take care and keep safe

hemlok :peace:

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yup - it is fast - I put in an order today - PPP, Superskunk and Cali Orange Bud,

I'm growing the mystic - a blueberry number.

Then I should finally have a full set of mums. Hooray - it's only taken about 300 seeds.

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There is NEVER a full set of moms.

Edited for sanity: hurrah, editing inside head.


ps:  Can I go home now?

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:thumbs: Hello everyone  :thumbs:

Hope everyones doing good and keeping safe?

I notice from the posts from cal3b that he is/was having probs with germinating, so i hope this helps if you are reading this cal

I started to germinate these seeds on saturday, soaked in water for 24 hrs, 3 of them looked like they had already split in the cup, i then used the paper towel method, which i did on sunday, i checked them on monday and both snow whites had fully popped, the blue mystic and sk#1 had popped but nowhere near as strong as the snow whites did! so i potted em all up on monday night, give em a good water stuck the lid back on the propagator and put them under my 250hps at about 30 inches away. And i am very happy to say that one of my snow whites has broken through the soil after only 5 days  :thumbs: not sure if this fast or not but i am well impressed!  :thumbs:

However i definetly could not have got this far without all the help and advice from everyone, so thank you all very much

take care and be good


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lol High all  ;)

quick update on me little beauties, got in from work and i was greeted by another 'snow white' seedling(6days) and the first snow white has got a tiny pair of serrated leaves just showing  :rock: i think they might be 'magic super beans' WOOHOOOOOOOOO sorry 'bout that  lol

the other 2 blue mystic and 2 skunk have not shown yet but it is early yet so only time will tell on them.


take care and be good everyone


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I agree utopiate,

But I had nine mini-pots to fill in the cabinet - and now I have nine candidates - but they're being subjected to a 'mum world-cup' so if anything better comes along - one gets knocked out.

Got my beans on the wednesday after ordering on monday - fast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've grown out Nirvana's Afghani and it was knock-out quality, though admittedly not as big a producer as some Afghani I've seen.  Would definitely grow 'em out again; hardy and rugged plant, like any true Afghani, and that Old World classic taste.

A friend grows BlueMystic, which is what we crossed with Breeder Steve's SweetTooth#3 to make BlueTooth.  He's grown fonder of the BlueMystic with each new generation.  It tastes delicious and packs a walloping stone.  Finding a weighty mama can be a challenge, but the genetics are there.

Currently growing out a Nirvana NLxHaze female, but have over a month to go flowering.  Nice structure and smell at this early point.

The Skunkman's Skunk #1 batch Gypsy was sending out has some meaty yielders and a delicious stone, according to my prodigious grow mate.  I've got a clone, but it's early in veg.

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quick update on me little beauties, got in from work and i was greeted by another 'snow white' seedling(6days) and the first snow white has got a tiny pair of serrated leaves just showing  

:guitar:  Hemlok ... you already hooked m8 ...  :guitar:

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:oldtoker: High Space cadet  :dj:

i know mate its a bit scary just how fast you get hooked on a spot of indoor gardening!

Both snow whites are now 4" tall and very stocky looking already, the blue mystics are both about 2" and the sk#1 is also 2"

in total they are all 4 weeks old on saturday, which is when hopefully i will get this nft tank all set up with a dripper kit, and then its time to watch and wait and hope that these wont be males !

take care and keep safe

hemlok :peace:

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Hemlok My Man!,

Sorry Just noticed Your growing snow white.

Your in for a serious shock when You put those bad Ladies into flower mate..... :mad:

I've got 4 Snow White Females in day 51 of flowering Bud & They look fantastic.

The Buds look like They've doubled in size in the last couple of weeks & I'm Just starting to lose some fan leaves now.

Their very bushy & short & look like I've poured icing sugar all over them....Cant wait for harvest.

Looks Top Quality hemlok & I'll let You know what it's like  when I harvest Bud..

I'm growing Nirvana Feminised Northern Bright next {NLxHaze} Basically.

I have the seeds now & plan to sow them this weekend.

I think I'd like to grow some bubblegum & K2 also.

Phyto...Currently growing out a NLxHaze Female......We must talk.. :D

Hemp Playboy: Tried to PM You a couple of times mate & Your box is Full. :confused:....Must be Nice...  :blush:

:peace: ZZ.

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:rock:  :mad:  :thumbs:  :rock:  :D

Nice one ZZ, hope they do ya proud mate !

have you posted any other details on snow white? or should i keep it for a surprise ?!

take care and keep safe


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Phyto...Currently growing out a NLxHaze female......We must talk

Yo, zigzag.  How far along's yours?  I only have one, Haze dominant fortunately -- not nearly as stretchy or unmanageable as I thought it might be (but I'm admittedly no stranger to growing out sativa-dominant plants).  I'm growing in dirt -- in a 3-gallon pot -- using bone meal & blood meal and haven't had a single problem (knock on wood).  Hoping for a good yield; the smell is a lot like my Thai, earthy and slightly sweet.

I just dusted mine with some Thai pollen and look forward to the (hopefully) mindbending results of the cross.  Expect to have access to a digicam this weekend and will post some pics for the curious.

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