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Sweet Seed Comp 2012: A 4-Way Cube


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Well done bro, plenty nuff to keep ya busy there and I 2nd LVS ya a winner no matter what the outcome dude :yinyang:

Good Luck :lucky:

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Thanks everyone, really appreciate it, it feels weird not being a slave to the grow room let me tell you. Can't wait for the summer now and a bloody good rest :guitar:

:yinyang: :yinyang: :yinyang:

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Guest nelly123

Respect Bud ya done a damn fine job their man, imo you wont be far away from the crown my freind, unbeleivable job you just done m8 inspired loads all over the world man! nice reports at the end very good description, well done m8 whatever the outcome. Nelly :yinyang::skin_up:

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Chers nelly mate, looking forward to giving them all a proper spin once they have settled a little. I'm like a kid in a sweet shop though!


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Great result Budelaire 52 ozs :yahoo: and all looks quality, stunning diary pics

info looks like your winning what ever happens with the comp, and if you need

any help making a dent in that harvest im more than willing to help :smug:

Hope you enjoy your break :skin_up:


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Some brilliant sights there Budelaire, truly mouth-watering, love the pics and smoke reports too. :grubsup:

Those walls of bud you had in here was the best and most pure genius thing i have ever seen in a growroom, you have certainly got us all thinking now. :notworthy: In personally thought you were the 1st place in this competition and it would of been truly deserved if you had. Enjoy the very generous bounty from Sweet Seeds and of course all that lovely bud, is there anything else to improve in here? :king:

All the best, Happy days for me too with i feel an undeserved 3rd place finish by the very kind judges at Sweet Seeds, okay i thought i could be in with a chance of a goodie bag as Sweet Seeds were so generous giving 40 prize lots but it never crossed my mind to get a podium :notworthy::yahoo:

Great job mate, i look forward to future works.

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Cheers amnesia, rabid, I really do appreciate it my friends. As said it was super close, and the breakdowns made it clear for all to see, i certainly was in with a very good hance it seems. But this is all about the end product and I fell short on quality and also my enthusiasm waned slightly at time due to the sheer length and workloads elsewhere.

Another thankyou for tommy & Sweet seeds for going the extra mile for the sake of clarity with the scorcards... it certainly was a toughie it seems.

Can see me giving it another stab at some point, with a few minor refinements. Air cooled lighting being the major element I would change, With 1 downwards pointing 1kw reflector handling the horizontal and bottom part of the verts, and another vertical 1kw bulb handling the rest of the walls, or maybe two 600's bare up top.

Apart from that any issues where my own doing and I am 100% happy with it for a 1st effort for sure as the simple yet devastating errors I made this time round Cost me dear but I simply woudnt have to deal with the loft etc etc so they coud have my full attention. All told, I have acheveid quite a lot over the last 6 months whilst this has been plodding along.

Never thought I'd have this much weed on hand, and it's very nice, just not very photogenic at the end! :blushing:


Edited by Budelaire
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Hi Budelaire!

Congrats once again my friend :yep:

Like our friends around here are saying you really deserved it...

Never thought I'd have this much weed on hand, and it's very nice, just not very photogenic at the end! :blushing:


Really mate, I'm really impressed with how humble and honest you are. If you look at the "score cards" you can see that if it wasn't for the appearance of the plants you would be untouchable and would have won for sure. Until some point in your grow, maybe until mid flowering, I would never believe if someone told me that you would end up not wining, but we're dealing with nature and we can't asume that things are for sure... :unsure:

But well, you are now more experient, you won 2 importante prizes (900 euros in total and 2 cups) and you have a sweet harvest to cheer up your summer, so I think you have been a great winner of this contest :)

Thanks for all the good vibes and karma mate, I'm sure it will come back to you sooner or later. See you around and enjoy your sweets!



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loving those smoke reports my friend all sounding real tasty and all doing a good job stone wise !!! i have another 4 weeks to go on my cc and bj but finding some cc are smelling very alike to my lemon skunk plants , smell amazing with lots a resin production at 3 weeks so all looking sweet at moment , decided to nock the canna bioboost on the head , lol had bat guno in mail but after reading on the rights and wrongs on using it and after reading few more of your threads i decided just to stick with otbloom no additives now and just keep upping the feed then lower last 2 weeks so have to say should a just took in what you and others said and not wasted money on stuf i dont need , anyway great reports got my mouth a watering !! peace rep+ sorry ment to say congatulatons on your winning the prizes your more than deserve it bro !!!!!

Edited by uk420growergcf
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well done dude ..very deserving as all the winners were ..enjoy the spoils and same again next year?

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good work bro shit happens, is that a bong your tooting or what :bong: :bong:

Mainly vaporising now mate. No fire needed. But yes a bong in effect :D

Hi Budelaire!

Congrats once again my friend

Really mate, I'm really impressed with how humble and honest you are. If you look at the "score cards" you can see that if it wasn't for the appearance of the plants you would be untouchable and would have won for sure.

(900 euros in total and 2 cups) and you have a sweet harvest to cheer up your summer, so I think you have been a great winner of this contest :)

Cheers Tommy kind words buddy, I didn't realise just how well I had done in the other stakes until going over it and I feel honoured to be graded as such. So I'm over the moon pal. No worries there. Entering the comp as been a success that's for sure. Can't expect the earth can we! :rolleyes::yep:

am I right in thinking I get a 2nd place trophy? As that would be cool too. A pair of Bookends :D

decided to nock the canna bioboost on the head , lol had bat guno in mail but after reading on the rights and wrongs on using it and after reading few more of your threads i decided just to stick with otbloom no additives now and just keep upping the feed

You've done the right thing there pal. Simple is best with organics and most boosters and additives will only cause problems in the organic based rootzone.

Good luck dude.

well done dude ..very deserving as all the winners were ..enjoy the spoils and same again next year?

It would be rude not to vince buddy

it will still be set up at this rate when the next beans are going round :blushing: got loads to do before I can chill. But hopefully will be back on it before the years out after a nice bit of rest.


Edited by Budelaire
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