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Hi mate!

Thanks for the pic, it's looking good, hehehe, and I would say the double top is just a secondary branch that got the strength to catch up the main branch. I think it will be beautiful in the end of flowering. In about 3 weeks we'll confirm it... or not :)

Seems like after all you can get good results ;) If things keep like this I think I'll end up changing the name to the thread, so it gets more informative of what a user can find after opening it, hehe

Keep it sweet mate, kind regards!!


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hello again,

yeah be my guest to change the name of the thread dont what to but dont mind lol. reults are looking good they growing well and your right its 3 weeks left from today so lets see what these can do.

the double head does look so cool and hoping it does turn into a awesome and huge dripping with resin bud :yahoo:

heres some pics frome underneath...


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Hi mate!

Looking good, thanks for the pics!

And a very nice choice, the Big Devil #2. I expect to start with mine in the end of the month, but if I keep as busy as I've been lately until the end of the month then I'll maybe only start around 5-15 of October.

Keep passing by, sweet smokes!


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Hello again mate

Just a quicky the past week they don't seem to have done much growing and even my regs have caught up do they do some sort of internal growing and then suddenly boom with a load of bud??

Iv got 2 weeks left from tomorrow and they look like they are a long way off and need more like 4 weeks

Speak soon mate

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Hi mate! :stoned:

Yep, it doesn't happen every time, I think it depends on grow parameters, but you're not the first one talking about that and I can tell you that other growers who told me the same thing in the end got good results. On te second week of flowering, more or less, plants may seem to slow down growth a bit, but then they usually go back to full speed some 5 or 10 days after. And that's where autos are quick: in the last 3 weeks of life.

Did you check the contest? It's about to start, if you want to get your 3 packs of seeds to participate now it's the time to ask for it ;) Just in case you're interested.

Hope they keep growing well and produce even better. Sweet smokes!!


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Hello mate

Yeah I checked contest it says only where seeds are legal I don't think they are in uk are they??

Well hopefully mine will speed up and go flat out producing big buds lol I'm gonna not look at en for a few days see if notice difference.. I did see someone's post on here that they hadn't got much on but then in 10 days they went big so fingers crossed

Speak soon buddy

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Hello mate

Yeah I checked contest it says only where seeds are legal I don't think they are in uk are they??

Speak soon buddy

'less u were bein ironic wotsits,yes they are legal in the uk. totally legal to possess seeds,just germinating them that's naughty,so you can still enter.

Some countries, the US for example are even more draconian than here (if that's possible),where you can do jail time for having these little "souvenirs"


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Hi mates!

Yep wotsits, just like our mate roached said ;) Actually, 90% of the contestants are from the UK, hehehe, that's why we make this contest here in UK420 :)

This one goes for everyone around the world: if there are legal shops selling seeds in your country, that seeds are "legal" in your country.

I put legal between ""'s because in many countries they are not literally "legal" they just don't have a law making them ilegal, but that's another story which is a complete offtopic to your thread wotsits... :)

Keep it sweet, kind regards!


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Hey mate

Yeah I know legal to possess I must just read it wrong/misunderstood when it said can only enter if legal I took it as to grow not just posses em sorry! bit embarrassed now lol

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Hi again

Either I'm being really thick or I just can't find it,but how do I send a pm to you Iv been looking everywhere and I just can't find anything to do with sending pm's and it's kinda doing my head in now :wallbash:

Cheers if anyone can help

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Hi again

Either I'm being really thick or I just can't find it,but how do I send a pm to you Iv been looking everywhere and I just can't find anything to do with sending pm's and it's kinda doing my head in now :wallbash:

Cheers if anyone can help

Click on his avator (pic) then click send message bud.. i think..? never done it but seem to be the only option :skin_up:

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