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Buggsy'S Sweet Autos


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Back with Cream Caramel pictures!


^ Cream Caramel Top shot


^Cc Side shot


^ CC bud


^ CC budshot 2

Right so thats them pictures done. Thought id get them up then waffle on after! *big Bud XXL is effecting my motor skills*

Well what can i say about CC? first of all i think shes the better looker out of the two. Buds are nice and compact, extreamly resinous. Especially when you consider shes a week behind FB. And she had her head taken off by a fan. She absolutely STINKS, as said previously, completely overpowers fastbud so much so i dont even no what FB smells like. The smell is divine! reminds me of a sweet shop making a fresh batch of fudge or similar. even a slight touch of the buds and you've got some nice sticky fingers to play with.

over all i think she may yeild a bit more than fastbud. Especially as she will have the extra space in a few days.

I for one im glad iv got two weeks off as of next week, so ill be able to sit back and enjoy trimming them down :)

Iv probably missed loads i want to say about them both. so may be back to update again.

Let me know your thoughts guys!

keep it green. Buggsy :spliff:

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Looking good bugsy!

you got some itchy fingers or why are you chopping the FB in a week? She looks like she could use some more time... :unsure:

The CC looks and sounds lovely! keep it up...

AT :oldtoker:

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Ey ups at.

Yea that's just my guide. Sweets say 7 1/2 weeks. And next tues is 8weeks. So I'm going to re asses what she's like then and make a decision. If she needs longer she will get it. But yea my fingers are getting itchy somewhat. Looking forward to a different smoke ha ha

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Wow mate, really nice! :oldtoker:

That's a big plant for an auto, hehehe, so many strong branches... it seems to be going to produce really very well.

But let me share my opinion with you. First, in the Sweet Seeds catalog they have 8 weeks since germination for indoor harvest. 8 weeks is 56 days. Mine took a bit longer, some 62-66 days as you can see in my grow diary. If next tuesday your CC Auto will be 8 weeks, today she is 7 weeks and 1 day, which would be 49 days. And, to finish this, your CC Auto seems to have vegged a bit longer than usual and that's why she has all that beautiful structure which will alow for a very good harvest. But to get that structure she started flowering a bit later than usual and so you may have to give a few more time than you were expecting, while she will also very probably give you a bit more production than you were expecting from an auto.

So, my suggestion is that you wait 10 more days, until day 59 since germination, and then we have another look at those beautiful flowers in order to determine if she needs a few more days, just like my CC Autos did, or if she is ready to harvest.

Those buds can and will get much fatter, the last 2 weeks of life for the autos mean a great increase in yield. And all the pistils are white yet... So it would be a crime if you harvested in the next 5 days, hehehe ;)

Stay cool, keep it sweet and kind regards,


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Wow mate, really nice! :oldtoker:

That's a big plant for an auto, hehehe, so many strong branches... it seems to be going to produce really very well.

But let me share my opinion with you. First, in the Sweet Seeds catalog they have 8 weeks since germination for indoor harvest. 8 weeks is 56 days. Mine took a bit longer, some 62-66 days as you can see in my grow diary. If next tuesday your CC Auto will be 8 weeks, today she is 7 weeks and 1 day, which would be 49 days. And, to finish this, your CC Auto seems to have vegged a bit longer than usual and that's why she has all that beautiful structure which will alow for a very good harvest. But to get that structure she started flowering a bit later than usual and so you may have to give a few more time than you were expecting, while she will also very probably give you a bit more production than you were expecting from an auto.

So, my suggestion is that you wait 10 more days, until day 59 since germination, and then we have another look at those beautiful flowers in order to determine if she needs a few more days, just like my CC Autos did, or if she is ready to harvest.

Those buds can and will get much fatter, the last 2 weeks of life for the autos mean a great increase in yield. And all the pistils are white yet... So it would be a crime if you harvested in the next 5 days, hehehe ;)

Stay cool, keep it sweet and kind regards,


Hey tommy!

many thanks for popping by! CC is a beastie for sure!

Im not sure if you saw the previous post of the fastbud (sorry my mistake)? it was only her i am suggesting to chop down next week (if shes ready). Fast bud was on day 52 when the pictures were taken, the cream caramel was only on day 46 as shes 6 days behind FB (due to getting the seed after fb was planted). So im fully expecting cc to be in there for around two weeks yet..

wether fast bud will be ready next tuesday, im not sure. probably go a bit longer as well.

Cheers Tommy :)

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Ohh, ok mate, I see...

Yep, 2 more weeks may be enough, we'll see ;)

Keep it sweet, cheers!!


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Sorry for not replying sooner Buggsy, but everything is looking good dude :yep: My CC auto is at 57 days today and like yours it absolutely stinks, in a good way though :D I don't think mine will be ready at 60 days either, but then she was a slow starter.

Try not to get twitchy with those scissors :guitar:

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Sorry for not replying sooner Buggsy, but everything is looking good dude :yep: My CC auto is at 57 days today and like yours it absolutely stinks, in a good way though :D I don't think mine will be ready at 60 days either, but then she was a slow starter.

Try not to get twitchy with those scissors :guitar:

Cheers serp, cc is my fav and will deffo not be chopped before she's done properly. Glad yours is coming on well. Im pretty impressed with both of them, especially cc as she's been treated so harsh but still looking great.

Hopefully fb will be putting the weight on over the next week. I reckon they will both be a better smoke than the last auto we had (ak auto which was pretty good to be fair). These new auto strains have certainly come a fair way from the early deasil ryder etc.

Keep it green bud :)

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he he he!

just checked in to mentaly check on the girls progress. Bluddy amazing i tell you! the plants in these pictures look nothing like the ones in the groom. CC's branches are very un sturdy due to the mahoosive buds on the tops, lots of lovely colours starting to form, you can see the purple's in there now. Looking through the scope she has mostly cloudy trics, however she's going the distance, at least until sometime mid-late next week. She's my favourite, smell, looks, everything about her ooooooo :yahoo:

And as for fastbud, well, were on our last few g's of BigBudxxl which has been our main stock for the last 4months. so i decided to remove the main cola (not before inspecting the trics at 60x and 100x mind), and dry that out slowly(ish). My reasoning behind removing the main cola, is that as the cream caramel doesnt have one anymore. so if i removed the main cola from fastbud i would then be able to lower the lamp to accomodate all the branches filling the space. on inspection at least 75% of the trics where cloudy..

Soo i shall update with some pictures tomorrow when i have a nice free day.


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It's all sounding good buggsy and your a stronger man than me letting the CC go the distance, but then if I had enough in my stash, she would have :D

Looking forward to seeing the updated pics and I can see the logic behind cutting the main cola off and I fingers crossed she continues to develop :guitar:

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Holy sheep shit Buggsy!!

nice work cant wait to see the flicks

bet that cc is gonna be a blinding smoke!!

should keep you goin for awhile:)

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Hi Buggsy. Got some myself @ Day 51 (CC AUTO's) can't wait to try them out. Im going to (try!!) and let them get to at least 60 days (need the CBD/pain relief effect). Good luck.


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It's all sounding good buggsy and your a stronger man than me letting the CC go the distance, but then if I had enough in my stash, she would have :D

Looking forward to seeing the updated pics and I can see the logic behind cutting the main cola off and I fingers crossed she continues to develop :guitar:

Cheers Serp! Well Fastbuds deffo still developing, the bud that were shaded from the light by the main cola, have noticably got fatter and throwing out more orange/brown pistles. As far as CC goes, pictures very very soon. just returned from looking at two prospective jobs, which could be in the pipeline. Need to get out of my job asap. and have the rest of the day to my self.

but yea she's going the distance to at least 60+ days. I would like a decent medicinal effect from her. also it'l be nice to have a daytime smoke and a nighttime knock you out!

Fb will meet her end tomorrow, as the missus wants to give a hand with the chopping down (used to help her Dad all the time). Its the only bit ill let her be involved with haha. there my ladies...

cheers serp. check back in a hr or two and there shold be some illustration to go with this waffle.

Holy sheep shit Buggsy!!

nice work cant wait to see the flicks

bet that cc is gonna be a blinding smoke!!

should keep you goin for awhile:)

Cheers Beanie, i sure hope so. cant wait.. going to be nice once its all dry and cured(if it gets that far) haha

Hi Buggsy. Got some myself @ Day 51 (CC AUTO's) can't wait to try them out. Im going to (try!!) and let them get to at least 60 days (need the CBD/pain relief effect). Good luck.


Ahhh niceone Dark,

not far behind my beautie. i think you will find in the next week or so she will go crazy with the growth. mine did, went from tiny nuggest to massive fists in a couple of days. you'l see what i mean by top heavy once the pictures are up.

been keeping an eye on your diary lately! nice to see plenty others getting on the sweet auto train.


keep it green

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Buggsys Sweet Autos.........................................

Cream Caramel: day 55

Fastbud: day 61

Here we go guy, Were on the final lap now..



^As said previously i decided to chop down the main cola from Fastbud. Me and the missus wanted a smoke drying as were nearly out. and after close inspection i deemed the main cola worth chopping. i know it sound strange to be chopping the main stem, however, Cream Caramel lost hers a while ago, and has been in the shaddows since. so i thought if fb looses her's this will 1) Mean i can lower the lamp a touch, as its more or less an even canopy now. and 2) mean the other buds on FB which were in the shaddows have had chance to fatten up somewhat.

The majority of it is still drying out. However i flash dryed some too, bearing in mind the taste is not what it should be due to being fast dryed. im quite impressed with the smoke and effects. Very similar to a friends Fastbud i smoked a few weeks back. so i cant wait to sample the properly dryed buds!! hehe.


^ side shot of FB.

Now i know her under bits look rather tatty and unkept, i should have done a bit more trimming before she went into flower maybe?


^ FB top


^ A shot of some buddage.

Over all im quite impressed with her, hasnt really been a problem throughout the grow. very forgiving, and a decent smoke to boot!

she will be coming down tomorrow. On close inspection mostly all the budsites are covered in mainly cloudy trichomes. She's had nothing but water for the last week or two.

To be Continued.....

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here we go with cream caramel.

sorry for the mediocre shots, my neighbours been on his garage roof all damm day. so not wanted to draw attention. so was just a quick snap around both plants..


^ top view of Cream Caramel.. you can see those lovely dense resinous buds :)


^ side view. Hopefuly here you can see what i mean by she's all wonky. those lovely big buds make her branches say about like crazy even with the slightest nudge to the bucket.


One of my favourite buds on the plant, although its not the biggest by a long strech. But it seems to have more colour in, you can see the lovely purple tones (i like purple see).

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