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Cream Caramel Auto OH YES!!!!


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All sounds good dude. Good job you got back in time to water them. Just to let you know we cant see through the prop.

Tent looks like its just the job.


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Sorry folks me bein a bit of knob :wanker: not used to this new fangled computer tac! Here's the pics i thought i put up yesterday.....

Before repotting




Best of CC...so far!


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Finally in their new pots and new home!


As you can see the SDL is tiny compared to CC's but we'll have to see how she gets on! They will stay under the little prop light for now as flat check this week not happy! After the check I will have to use a 250W after as my m8 is still currently using my 400W but as soon as that's done i'll have it back along with a few nice smokes of VK... oh yes!

Will update soon

Stay Sweet TS1

Edited by Thestiff1
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Looks like this show is getting off to a nice start dude. Tell us a little about ya compo mix you made. Looks like you got a nice ratio of perlite in there which is real good for them. What else?


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Hey Serps, if your CC's go anyway near as good as your current auto's you will be lovin it!!!!

DS1 I used B&Q multi purpose grow bags...i know a lot of people on here frown upon this but i've had real cracking results with it in the past, plants with super thick stems and real monsters so I do have faith in it! As you said i probably went just under 50/50 with the perlite and soil mix. When potting up I put a layer of soil/perlite mix then a layer of Plant Magic Granules then so on and so on. I used about half a tub of granules within the 4 pots and i will use the rest of the pot when they go into their 7 liter pots in about a weeks time. As i said they will only be given water until they show signs of needin ote else, then i will give them a bit of Bio Bizz Boost.

Lovin the bondage on yours m8 lookin real sweet!

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Your probly thinking feck off chunky you keep going on, but dude have a look at the colour of your stems. The SDL is bright purple. This is either the cold, or to much feed in compo, or both. It maybe the cause of the slow growth cuz ive seen it 100s of times on here. You need to find out which it is causing it asap.

I would sugest taking a temp reading from pot level in the shade. Get it to 18c+. Anything below that an you gunna have fun n games. Also im not sure if it was a good idea to put them straight into the BnQ. Seedling compo wud have been better.

I hate to preach mate cuz i far from know it all. Just want ya to get off to a good start.

Your very simular to me in the way you dont like to be told when we think we know whats best :headpain:

So be TOLD :ranting:;):P


Edited by DaChunky1
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Day 5 from sprouting! So yesterday had flat check so i shit my pants but it seemed to go ok...we're wait and see i guess :nea: I promised the girls a 250W light so yesterday I sorted one out and put her up :B): I also had to set a fan up pointing straight at the light as temperature was going right up to 30oC! Previously it was sitting at a lovely 19oC with humidity of about 60%. I was surprised at how much of a difference there was between the T5 light i was using and the 250 I put in! This has made me re-think putting the 400W in as due to location it could be a real bitch to keep temps down :russian: As you will be able to see they looked a little thirsty! :eat: So far i had given them absolutely nothing so I gave them a small drink of good ol' council wet. I will not give them any feed just yet as there should be plenty in the soil already!

As DC said the stalk on the CC2 is lookin a bit purple...fuck knows why this is but it certainly doesn't seem to be doin any harm and she's comin on just as quick as the others, but any ideas would be helpful :wink:

When I was setting up the fan, like a complete knob head i knocked CC1 with the fan lead n she took a bit of a hit and the stalk is proper bent :wanker: She's ok though and i'm sure she'll pull through :wink:

The SDL... not really much to say but she seems happy!


CC1...she's taken a hit but i'm sure she'll live!


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Guest weedmonsta

no worries about the stem colour a tad cold maybe..but it should be ok m8...

best of luck

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Finally CC3... The best lookin of the trio, she's happy as larry...who ever he is!


Today i also picked up some timers so from tomorrow morning they will be going down to 18hrs light, this is goin to bring me another head fuck of keepin them warm when the lights off coz its fuckin freezin in here :(

Anyway... Stay Sweet TS1

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no worries about the stem colour a tad cold maybe..but it should be ok m8...

best of luck

Tidy! Cheers m8 takes a bit of the ol noggin! The new light should help this! TS1

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All the Best with the new auto's m8

Doing a grand job so far :)

Cheers Buddy Its goin to be a learnin curve...never done auto's before so fingers crossed!

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Day 8 from sproutin and i can't believe how they've gone in 3 days. :guitar: I swear you can literally watch these auto's grow...they're fookin ace! :yahoo:

Max temp gets up to 32.3oC this is hotter than i'd like but coz of location i can't do a great deal about it!

Min temp 16.1

Humidity ranges from 48% to 70%

18 hours light

The stems are fattenin up nicely and loosin that "seedling stem". They're gettin a little drink of water every other day when they ask for it :eat: No roots are at the bottom of the pots yet but i'm expectin them any day now!

I noticed that they are stretchin a bit compared to some grows on at the mo, so i have moved them closer to the light as i have limited space and don't want tall gangly plants :ouch: i hope this helps!

The CC's are all goin at near enough exactly the same pace...fast as fuck! :smoke: But i have to say I'm also well impressed with the SDL from Sagamartha (don't mean to big up another company too much in a Sweet seeds comp) :ninja: but in all fairness credit where credit's due in these early stages it really is keeping up with the CC's which i really am surprised about as not much on the 420 about them! :alien2:

Sorry for some of the shit pics but havin trouble with the camera!

SDL... impressed with her so far thought it may have been a bit bump?!



CC1...comin along nicely!



CC2.. think she's forgotten about the knock she had!



CC3... my fave!



Stay Sweet folks TS1

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