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Mr Rhinos Sweet seeds grow!!

mr rhino

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Green poison 1


Green poison 2


Group shot


The Black jacks seem to be going a little bit pasty in colour i think this is down to needing to be potted up which im going to do as soon as the Green poisons catch up a little, all plants are still under the 150 watt.

Thanks for looking in folks another update soon!!!

Edited by mr rhino
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Hi Mr Rhino!

They are good, don't worry :doh:

Nice heavy leaves lol

Keep it sweet!


Hello Tommy!!

Thanks for the comments much appreciated mate :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another 11 days on veg......

Disaster has struck!!!! i have been away and left the mrs in charge of things and she went and forgot to water them :nerd:

I have managed to save 3 but im affraid Green poison 2 and Black jack 3 are gonners :nerd:

My head is totally done in now!! my original plan was to do 9 all of the Sweet Seeds strains and now i have only 3, on a happier note my mate has kindly donated 6 babies of another strain to make the numbers up!!

Here they are anyway all nicely recovered now:

Black Jack 1


Black Jack 2


Green Poison 1


The plants were Repotted into 3litre pots using Canna terra pro + and topped about 9 days ago, they are now under a 220watt Cfl on a 20/4 light cycle.

Thanks for loooking in guys!!

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Sorry to hear about your disaster rhino, the trials and tribulations of an indoor grower eh!

At least 3 survived so its better than nowt I guess & hopefully these will come good for ya :stoned:

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Shit happens mate. I just lost a load that were about 4 - 5 weeks in flower. That hurt, believe me. Least you have some new ones to replace eh?

Good luck... Burton

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Another 5 days pass.......

The black jack are roughly 6 weeks into veg and the GP 5 weeks

Black Jack 1


Black Jack 2


Green poison


I have been giving them 1ml per litre of Canna vega for the last few days and I will be potting up again into their final 15 litre pots in about a weeks time, then it will be time for some HPS :D

Thanks for looking in folks!!!

Another update in a week :stoned:

Edited by mr rhino
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Yo Mr R, Shame about your loss dude :unsure: Good job we got freinds though eh? :D Few backups will be cool to fill ya space. The others look like they recoverd fine though.

Do you always use canna compo? Im gunna see how far it will take me untill i need to feed. I fed to early with it last time n burnt me babies :stoned: Wont do that again.

Looking sweet dude


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Yo Mr R, Shame about your loss dude :( Good job we got freinds though eh? :spliff: Few backups will be cool to fill ya space. The others look like they recoverd fine though.

Do you always use canna compo? Im gunna see how far it will take me untill i need to feed. I fed to early with it last time n burnt me babies :rofl: Wont do that again.

Looking sweet dude


How do DC!!!!

When i first started growing i used Terra pro with excellent results, then a mate was raving about bio bizz so gave that a try for a bit but i had nothing but problems with it, so i reverted back to the terra but now im using the pro + one, last 2 grows have been mint with it so im sticking with it now along with the Canna nutes which i have always used and have had no probs with i dont listen to their 5ml per litre though its way to strong IMO!!

You will know when they start to get a little hungry mate the leaves will turn a bit paler, when you see this start them off at a low feed :rofl:

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Yo Mr R, Shame about your loss dude :( Good job we got freinds though eh? :spliff: Few backups will be cool to fill ya space. The others look like they recoverd fine though.

Do you always use canna compo? Im gunna see how far it will take me untill i need to feed. I fed to early with it last time n burnt me babies :rofl: Wont do that again.

Looking sweet dude


How do DC!!!!

When i first started growing i used Terra pro with excellent results, then a mate was raving about bio bizz so gave that a try for a bit but i had nothing but problems with it, so i reverted back to the terra but now im using the pro + one, last 2 grows have been mint with it so im sticking with it now along with the Canna nutes which i have always used and have had no probs with i dont listen to their 5ml per litre though its way to strong IMO!!

You will know when they start to get a little hungry mate the leaves will turn a bit paler, when you see this start them off at a low feed :rofl:

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