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Ice Hash For Free.....


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I've just made a wee bit from the trim off my burnt buds. This time I put the tights over the cannister I use to shake the stuff in instead of over the top of the bowl, seemed a bit less messy. Also I've used a plastic tub (one that's smooth & kinda glossy to the touch) instead of glass, and it works much better (I don't strain through a filter, I just wait for it to settle for about 24 hours them pour off as much of the water as I can without losing any of the good stuff, then leave it on the windowsill to evaporate the last of the water off), with a glass bowl it was a bitch scraping it all together with a credit card, cos it stuck to the glass (same with metal), but it comes right off the plastic like greaseproof paper (I assume that nothing will leech out of the plastic, I think that's only a problem with making honey oil cos you're using butane as the solvent).

Anyway, just thought I'd share in case anyone else does it like that.

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  • 1 month later...

quality thread, will be giving this a go when av got my 1st grow done, here's hoping that I get a lady, so I can try this with the trim, thx,


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  • 5 weeks later...

Alrite B-Dr, tryed your method got bored of shaking and put the ice/water/trim into my mini mixer for a few seconds, ended up with a brown liquid, left over night in fridge (could of left for longer) drained of water, syringe last bit, then tiped the last bit with the hash into a coffee filter let drain for 20 mins then spooned the hash into some tin foil, put in the oven on 100 c for 20 mins and ended up with about a 1/16 th of dark soft hash. The leaf wasn't the best quality but the hash is very strong.... nice one... not sure if this works better than the original method, any feedback would be good :yep::):wub: take it easy, alpha B)

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hi HG,

there aint alot of trim there for the ice method, i would use a shaker of something like that, think it would be more beneficial.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello ,

What an absolutely FANTASTIC thread ! Trim going in the freezer very shortly , now to find the ice cube trays . Just what the 'doctor ordered and just the ticket to mix with the latest butane extraction :yinyang: I'll report back :unsure:



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i cant wait for my harvest so i can turn all that trim into some quality hash.

thanks bush doctor for the know how , i cant believe i used to throw it in the bin because it was to harsh to smoke :yinyang: i wish i knew about this website back in1997 i must have chucked about 250 grams of leaves(half a black bin bag)in the dustbin. :unsure:

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Hello people,

Love this site by the way and would like to become more active as I usually just read what you guys have to say.

Just thought i'd mention that last time I ventured up north (over the tamar) I descovered that matey in Progrow in exeter makes his own bubble buckets with screens in the bottoms that fit inside each other like the sacks but are so much easier to work with than sacks and only cost a fraction of the price (£50 for a 5 bucket set) and I've found that through having the extra space to whack it all around with your mixer (I use a drill and paddle) and being able just to add more water and ice that I been getting not only bigger but purer yields of bubble, from said quantity of trim (or currently bud from the worst outdoor season in years-gutted, but at least there's more for the old 'kitchen chemistry').



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Hello people,

Love this site by the way and would like to become more active as I usually just read what you guys have to say.

Just thought i'd mention that last time I ventured up north (over the tamar) I descovered that matey in Progrow in exeter makes his own bubble buckets with screens in the bottoms that fit inside each other like the sacks but are so much easier to work with than sacks and only cost a fraction of the price (£50 for a 5 bucket set) and I've found that through having the extra space to whack it all around with your mixer (I use a drill and paddle) and being able just to add more water and ice that I been getting not only bigger but purer yields of bubble, from said quantity of trim (or currently bud from the worst outdoor season in years-gutted, but at least there's more for the old 'kitchen chemistry').




Hello ,

Don't worry , I'm also struggling to break the 1 post a day average :guitar: Thanks for the tip , I'll check 'em out . Just done my first bowl of ice hash , slimy green coloured crud is sitting settling :spliff: Next time , I'll wrap the tights around a sieve to stop the tights sagging into the water . Methinks a DIY multiple grade system similar to the buckets could be very feasible . Sieve , tights then a piece of silkscreen from an art shop . What do you think ? :toot:



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i cut the toe off & use that, strerch it over the top of the receptacle, then once i'm done take it off so it's like a little bag of wet trim & SQUEEEEEEZE, there's trichs in every last drop if you've shaken/stirred enough.

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