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Ice Hash For Free.....


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cheers for the input booj

one week or so to my next hashing, im getting the jitters

got a whole plants worth of trim from my last last lot still, mixed with dust from all sorts ive smoked in the last two months

im gonna mix that lot with this crop trim and see what i get :wassnnme:


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I was wrong about the bowl - glass is better than metal, metal's OK while it's still damp, but if you let the 'dregs' dry out, it scrapes off glass easy, but not metal...

Also the decanting does seem to produce different 'grades', the heavier stuff that sinks straight away is the best (my mate remarked that it was like charas - not a bad comment on my first effort), I'm just smoking the last of the lighter stuff that I evaporated the water off - still a nice smoke, but more like commercial hash (not soapbar!!!) - more of a "hashy" smell to it, if that makes any sense. I found it easiest, instead of filtering, to just carefully pour off the water, then when there's not much left, gather all the stuff into a blob with a credit card & tip the bowl so the last of the water drains off, then when it's not too sticky, mould it with your fingers.

Again (at the risk of sounding like a stuck record) thanks for the thread - the hash I made was a far nicer smoke than the bud off my first plant (but I fucked up the nutes during flowering & roasted the main bud cos the light was too low ;) ). I'm a couple of weeks from chopping down my next 2 plants (which look far sexier than my first) - I've got a pair of tights & a couple of ice cube trays at the ready ;)

I think the lass in the chemist thinks I'm a tranny, though - shame, she's cute :)

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lol @ Boojum! Down, boy!

Green Peter, :woot:! Would presenters be sacked in disgrace for Not smoking weed?

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i would imagine that crushing the ice would preduce better results as their would be greater surface area friction/contact between the crystals/ice and it may help to break the draw up without powdering it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I made some more a couple of days ago, I'm just smoking the first spliff (and my GOD is it nice - the fact that I made it plays a major part in this, but it really is some of the nicest hash I've ever smoked, both in taste - it's sweet - and high :smoke: ). I broke the ice up a bit, didn't quite crush it but the cubes were in 3 or 4 pieces, seems to have done a better job than last time with whole cubes. Once I'd poured off most of the water I kept scraping the stuff together in a pile & tipped the bowl to let the last of the water drain off, then I transferred the lump of goo onto a tablespoon & put it in the oven at 120 C for ten minutes. It was kinda almost khaki and like sticky sand when it went in, when it came out it was a lovely dark brown & gooey. That was last night, today it's almost black & still very soft, and I put about half as much as I'd usually put in a single skinner in a king skin joint, and as you can probably tell by my rambling I'm wasted.

lol £15 an eighth for ropey polm, what was I thinking :)

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Dunno How I have not read this before now... :)

Nice one BD.... and Boojum... for all the quality product testing... lol

Have a shoebox full of trim and I will be giving this a go tonight!!

..Get a bit fed up with the old Polm shaker...tend to shake too much... :smoke:


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ive got some in the freezer, and ive just bought the gear to build it, so will give it a try tonight, will let you know how it goes.

how much trim do ya need to make a reasonable amount?

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I'm really bad at judging amounts, but I had enough trim to fill a large coffee jar when frozen, and I ended up with about a sixteenth of hash (but if I were to compare it in terms of strenth with commercial hash, it's more like a quarter, cos I'm putting hardly any in) - that was from my first 'shake & strain' - I put it back in the freezer and gave it another go last night cos I could still see trichs on the trim, that's settling now (if my previous go is any indicator, if I shake it more vigorously & for longer I'll get about the same amount again, but it won't be anything like as potent). I think bushdoctor said a couple of good handfulls.

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well i bought 2 buckets, a pair of tights, some coffee filters, and iom picking up the ice tonite

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