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Ice Hash For Free.....


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hi all,

well i did it, i made some water hash tonight, and i will say its ***cking great,

have to wait for the rest to dry dried a small bit quickly cos i couldnt wait the rest will be ready tomorow


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out of 3 large zip lock bags i got about 1/8th from it after the pre smoke it weighed in at 3.2g. happy with that, smokes like a dream, just like abit of nipolise i had in Dam.

thanks to bushdoctor for the totaly creative idea,

i slightly moddified the shopping list to suit what i could find:

2 x buckets @ £1.50 each = £3

1 x pair of tights @ £0.99

1 x box of coffee filters @ £0.99

2 x bags of ice @ £0.99 each = 1.98

Total £6.96

(havent the cappacity for making ice or it would be cheaper)

the bud was frozen already, so i wipped up a bucket of freezing water and added the ice and the trim, mixed with a electric whisk for 15 mins then repeated after half hour, after straining into another bucket with the tights over i left the greeny water in the fridge over night, and used a pint glass to scrape off the top 3/4 of the water and used a 100ml syringe to suck up the rest, just leaving a little water in the bucket i then tipped that into a smaller see through bowl and refridged for another hour to settle again using the syringe i got rid of the excess water to show the hash on the bottom and then put the tiny amount of water left through the coffee filter, i squeezed the filter dry, be carefull not to brake the filter like i did, and scrape off the hash (sandy looking at this point) and leave to dry, the next day wala you have hash you can mould into whatever shape you want.

this has got to be the simplest and most fun ive had, try it at home!!!lol

any comments on my way would be appreciated


Edited by hydro-man
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That looks excellent and thanks for posting it i will be trying it as soon as i have the necessary plantage to do so cheers hydro-man. :blub:;)

I hope you dont mind but i might post this elsewhere ok.

Edited by sibannac
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Lookin nice, hydro-man, lookin very nice B)

A final thing you might try is something I picked up from reading the polm & bubblebag hash threads. Put it on a baking sheet & pop it in the oven on no higher than 150c for ten minutes/quarter hour. I found when I did that my hash went from a kind of dull sandstone appearence to a lovely soft, brown hash. The real method is to put it in an airtight plastic bag, wrap that in wet paper & bake it, then roll it while it's still in the wet paper so you end up with a flat sheet (something about breaking open the trichomes), but I think the heat is the important bit, it certainly seemed to improve mine (I say under 150 cos I've read around & variously found the vaporization point of THC to be 170 or 200, so 150 is well below the lowest).

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thanks for the good comments peeps, ;)


I hope you dont mind but i might post this elsewhere ok.

No probs mate carry on!

will be posting some more indepth pics of hash in the making tommorow. :blub:

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Hi all,

well its not quite tommorow yet but here are some pics of the hash in the making.

This time when we manicured the plants, we cut all the trim into smaller pieces

to make hashing easier, as it was fresh it was easy`er to cut up.

we also added some water to the trim to help freeze and save on buying so much ice, and left a bucket of water in the fridge to get chilled, (this is ok if ya have a spare fridge, or if you can bottle it)

we then placed the frozen trim blocks into the bucket a beat them up to show em who was boss, pic =


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we then attacked with the electric mixer to shake em around abit and brake up the ice more and it soon looked like this, pic=


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we then poured the bucket of icey trim into the other bucket with the tights over and straighned thoroughly,

and scraped of the icey trim back into the original bucket and bagged up for a re-run in the future.


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we then placed the bucket into the fridge over night, and the leftover trim into the freezer.

tommorow i will post some more pics on the final straining through the coffee filter into a pint glass.


Edited by hydro-man
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right, ive removed most of the water from the bucket with a pint glass (gently)

and poored the hashy water into a clear jug and left for 1 hour to settle again then sucked more surface water off with a syringe and poored the left over contents into the coffe filter that we have strapped over a pint glass as below....


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after settling in the coffee filter for a while we removed the coffee filter from the glass and laid it on the side so we could dab it with a tea towel, beacause we used the tea towel to soak up the excess water we could handle it much better and actually mould it to a cube with our fingers see pic.....

i have left it on a coffee filter to help dry it out faster as it is still moist.

will post the final pics tommorow.

any coments welcomed?


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I´ve just followed the guide with the frozen trim from my last grow.

I´ll let you know the results when it´s settled.

Fingers crossed.

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