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Budology Number One


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Just noticed something interesting. These fan leaves. They have a forking effect going on. As far as I can see, none of the others have this. Have a look at your leaves, see if yours have this snake tongue thing going on. Just checked the other psicodelica and that one has the usual branch to leaf. This one forks instead of all the leaves coming to a point and then to branch. Quite mad. Never noticed that before. Also, this one the branches and even the support branching for the leaf blades are really chunky and strong. Checked the roots on the same plant and they're looking nice too. Psicodelica #1. Same plant I chopped those leaves off yesterday.



... and just incase people are wondering wtf is he going on about. Here's what I'm talking about. This is a flashback fan leaf, they all are like this apart from the psicodelica. I love differences, unique stuff. They're pretty much the same distance from the lens too, so you can see there how much chunkier the stems are on that psicodelica. Probably twice the girth.


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Thanks for stopping by Rand. Should be sweet when these start budding man. Can't wait. Not long to go now.

Thanks for the wishes mate... Merry Christmas :wink:

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Seriously good work so far dude lol

Picture of health whichever way you look at them ....roots, leaves the whole shebang :) Really well developed for a few weeks vegging too.

Mad that you're getting smells in veg too, I've not ever really noticed if my plants smell in veg as the whole loft stinks full stop lol

Hope there's no more fungal type shit flying about,seems to be plenty of it all over the place though :D

When you going to flower them ?

Merry Chrimble mate :stoned:

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happy yule mr blaz'd

all is looking spot -on .

I hope these all carry on in the same way and in a few monthsyou'll be harvesting some sweets .

The Psico is really doing it for me , and is definiteely improving with time in the jar.



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Sup withnail, thanks for stoppin by and the props too man. The smells are impressing me to be honest. They smell like plants I've had flowering before now :rofl: I've noticed it a few times in the past, with vegging plants, but not like this. They're impressing me on that front. I'm thinking the fungal was my own doing. Through being careless with the water is my guess. We'll see how things progress but I've had a close look and it's only the one plant that has it. I'm hoping I've seen it quick enough and removed everything that's infected so it doesn't spread. Should be ready to flower by the new year I think man. I hope so anyway. As long as my ass is still in gear these will be flowered as soon as they mature. Week or two at the most is my guess. Merry Christmas to you and the family mate. :rofl:

Sup Gee, I'm looking forward to toking these psicodelicas man. Still a bit on the light green side. Plus that little fungal looking prob. Hopefully I can flower them and get some nice bud out of it before I have a chance to do something stupid :rofl: Merry Christmas man, thanks bruva. :rofl:

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Sorry Yam, almost ignored you there. Alright man. :yep:

Well, we've had a big fat nightmare occur over the past few days since that last update. Boxing day I had to chop leaves off a few girls. Maybe 3-4 of them. Alot of LSF. Some worse than others. Some not affected. One of the poor little psicodelicas which I noticed it on first has had to be nearly completely deleafed of fanleaves. One of the flashbacks is just looking bare too. I got some pictures of damage but to be honest I wasn't in any mood to take photos so I didn't take many. Some of these aren't looking healthy at all now either. The psicodelica which doesn't have LSF, which was the one I mentioned was light in colour is now a luminous green on the verge of being luminous yellow so I'm thinking there's something wrong with that. I'd think about half are looking healthy, if that. Here's some irony though. The most healthy plant, which has had no trouble at all, is the only plant not in the westlands. I left that plant, which was one of the weakest, in the old compost I was using, which I didn't like because it drained to easily. Didn't absorb water. So I potted one plant up into that just to satisfy myself that the compost wasn't good enough. Turns out that plant is now the healthiest. Looking real sorry for themselves now though, apart from that one which is looking real nice. The smell of flowering plants has diminished. One or two have lost their dark sheen since this LSF outbreak too. To top all this off, my fucking computer won't recognise my piano so I can't make tunes to feel better. Just not in a very good mood. You won't believe the dive these have taken in less than a week. Unbe-fucking-leavable. So, a very pissed off blayz signing off. Although, I did take the opportunity to top a load. I think I might've topped the lot. Not quite sure yet. I wasn't best pleased at the time so I'm not quite sure what I've done to them and can't bring myself to have a proper look. Glancing in there this morning has just pissed me off bigtime though. Never seen such healthy plants bomb in such a short time before. Here's some pics.

Some of the damage.


Cat decided to have a go aswell. Possibly the cause of some of the trouble. Fucking thing.


This is what they're looking like now.


This is what they were like a week ago.


Gutted doesn't even sum it up. Maybe I need to get a grip but there's a real thin thread stopping me from going completely insane and taking a sword to the lot. :guitar: Welcome to my world. Any more of this LSF and I'll go mad. Some of it doesn't look like LSF either. You can see in those pics that one looks to be black stains rather than rusty spots. So I'm thinking there's more than one problem. Unless that's what LSF looks like before it turns to rust. Anyway, I gotta get this piano to work before I lose the plot.

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Upon closer inspection. I think the cat has given my plants some kind of fungus infection by chewing the leaves. The ones which haven't been infected have no damage from that motherfucking cat. That'll teach me to leave doors open. Gutted man. I'm thinking a good few of these have near enough had it for a healthy grow now. Not sure whether to pot the remaining healthy ones up and give them more veg in order to salvage a result. Hmm. Whatever the case this is a nightmare.

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Just took some better pics of the carnage. I've also concluded that the centre plant in that group shot has locked out N somewhere along the line. 2 waters ago I fed it 1ml grow to see if that stopped it changing colour. It didn't and the lowest set of leaves continued to yellow, aswell as the whole plant changing in shade to a lighter, much lighter green than usual. Or compared to the rest. So last water I gave it 1.5ml of grow and it still seems to be heading down the same road. Killer. I think I might just take all the nice ones and pot them up into 15L, veg for a week or two longer than I wanted and then flower less plants in bigger pots. I'll be back soon to let you know if I killed them all or not lol

Oh yeah, that one at the back, on the left, hasn't been effected by anything.. and is the only plant not in westlands. Interesting that.

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WTF is it with pets and grow rooms :ouch: my two are constantly out there having a nose around dreaming of the summer months i believe. Anyway i hope you get on top of the LSF Blayzd looking good all the same mate.

916 lol

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Tell me about it 916. Usually they won't touch my plants. They just have a look, scope the scene and maybe fall asleep by the door cos it's warm. When the spiders are out they come and guard my grow, in exchange for some heat :unsure: Damn animals man. I'm sure that cat is responsible for this fungus outbreak. Hope I can sort it out too mate. At least I'm in a slightly better mood today :spliff: Nice one mate, thanks for stoppin in. :unsure:

Right then. Seeing as my piano still won't connect to my PC and my camera is charging before I photograph the rest of these plants. A proper update plant by plant.

Moham Ram 1. - Infected with fungus but not doing to bad. N def going on too. I've noticed alot of these are showing lack of N but they shouldn't. Last water I gave the lot of them 1.5ml of grow and they continue to ask for more N. None have tip burned either, which I expected. After consideration. I had 6 months odd off growing. All that time the nutes were sitting doing nothing. After just checking. At the bottom of my bottle of grow is a block of nutes which has turned solid, it's not liquid. Seems to have settled into a solid state at the bottom. So I think there's my problem as far as this N def thing. I'll feed them again today with different nutes and see if there's improvement. I'll chop that bottle open after and see what it looks like. Pics of MR1


Moham Ram 2.


Impressive roots on that tho, if nothing else :rofl: More to come, in a bit when my camera is charged. Not to keen on that shade of green either. It's a bit on the light side. Shame all the fan leaves are going down the drain too. These would be awesome plants if all the leaves were still on them... and that biobizz wasn't so dead. Live and learn. Last grow I flowered under a light I'd used for about 4 grows and a couple months vegging. I thought I'd leave the bulb in, use it to veg and put a fresh one in when I flowered. Completely forgot the fresh bulb. As is life. This type of thing always happens to me lol Always through my own doing too, or not doing. lol

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All 3 of the mohams are having a rough time. Small leaves, slow growth, more LSF than all the other plants. These are the worst effected by the whole nightmare for sure. They just look real unhealthy man. lol Apart from these roots :unsure: Worst looking, worst effected, but have the best roots, wtf.

Moham Ram 3.


:unsure: Gotta laugh at this now. Windows explorer won't let me explore. Not responding is all I get, so I can't even go through pictures now. I think this laptop might be on the verge of death. In astrology terms, my starsign is in alignment with hell. :spliff: Back to complete this update when I can get this piece of shit technology to work. GRRRRRRR, it's a good thing I'm in a good mood man. :rofl:

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Psicodelica 1


Nightmare. That was a beauty before this week happened. All infected leaves gone and no real signs of any return so far.

Psicodelica 3


Major lack of N. No LSF really. If it wasn't for the colour this one would still be quite sweet.

Leaves looked like this on the 20th. 6" long dark green lushness.


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I'll just show the one FB which is nice. The other 2 are in the same sort of state as the rest. This one the cat loved. It munched a good 5-10 of the fan leaves. Maybe we should rename this thread how not to grow. :unsure:


.... and the difference in roots. Bare in mind this is the only plant not in westlands advanced+ and is the only one not really effected by anything at all. Strange stuff. The worst effected plants are the ones with the strongest root systems. I don't get why the plants with the best roots are the worst effected. If anyone has ideas on that let me know.


That's flashback 2. Not quite sure what to do man. Never had a nightmare of this magnitude happen. If the fungus stuff persists there will be no leaves left on half these plants soon. Don't know what to do man. I suppose I can somehow turn the disaster into an opportunity. I don't wanna have to veg these again to sort them out for flowering though. Dammmmmnnn, all they had to do was stay healthy a bit longer and they'd be in flower real soon. What do you suppose would happen if I flowered these in this state? I'm thinking it would just get worse through flower. Compromise my result. Nice to see some of these still stink up the house when I checked those roots though. So something is still working in some of them. We'll see anyway.

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