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Budology Number One


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Yeah I think so too Rev. They healthy so I ain't worried man.

Flashback at the top, Moham Ram in the middle and Psicodelicas at the bottom. The mohams have this crazy maple leaf on the go. 2 of them have the same leaf deform. I'll upload it to the next post now.



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Compost is doing the work so far. Close on a couple weeks old from germination. Waiting game at the start man, I have to stop myself from operating on them with a blade lol

Mad leaf. This is on 2 of the mohams. I like the shape of the moham ram leaves.


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All looking very good :) Those Moham Ram leaves do look interesting dude... I agree it's gotta be down to genetics.

I got some of those seeds in the fridge.. (in fact I think I have most of the SweetSeeds catalogue in there.. :yep: )

Looking forward to seeing how the Moham's turn out.. :D

Dorko lol

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Alright Dorko. Those Mohams are doing great man. They smell coming off them after a few weeks from germination puts a big smile on my face. I quite like the strain.

They're all doing well. All still green which is good. Pot them up soon and get some pictures for ya then.


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More potting up. A 2 bladed leaf. And then they go home to sleep.

The mohams have some sort of skunky smell going on, rather potent is how I would describe it. It's like a flowering aroma but the plants are still small. Touch them and it fills rooms lol I like that. The Psicodelicas have this sweet fruity type scent. They make this crazy canopy too, really flat compared to the rest, like a palm tree. They like warm conditions too. They cheer up if I take away a fan making the temp 29-30. With that fan the temp reads 26-27. They seem to like it a bit warmer and more arid compost too. They don't like to much water. I didn't like the compost they were in. It didn't absorb water well. So now they're in decent compost. Hopefully not a bad batch. :unsure: Can't wait till there's some bud on these. Some I might operate on, some I might bend, others I might leave alone. I'll have a closer look at them soon and get some pictures of stuff. Psicodelicas still the ones I like best. Mohams a close second. For me these two seem easier. The flashbacks are.... temperamental. They're all alive though, that's the main thing :rofl: Still haven't found that Psicodelica I lost at the start either. Gutted because the remaining ones are proper plants. Some pictures of todays fun and games. Flashbacks at top, mohams middle and the delicas at the bottom. I like the unusual leaves :rofl: I get tempted to cut them off and keep them in a book.






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Alright smokeyT, roots are nice and white, look ready for potting up to me man. Should end up with a nice ball of root when they've filled the new pots. :puke: Nice one man.

Alright Flip, thanks mate. :ouch:

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Ayup Blayzd.. :ouch: dude i didnt realise this was your first diary as such....shit man good luck wi ya sexy spanish ladies,..i mistreated mine n they fucked me right off for it(see diary)...hu-hum..'he says red faced'..:ouch:

anyow top job so far mi old son... :rofl::puke:

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Yo alright Biz. Took a look at that diary man, killer that bro. We all get em though. I've had enough plants that end that way man. Thanks for stoppin in bruva.

Sup Yam, leaves are sweet on these so far. We'll see what happens when I flower them and have to try balance the nutes. :spliff: One of the psicodelicas is a lighter green than the rest. Not sure if it's anything bad yet. Might just be the pheno has a lighter shade of leaf than usual. All the rest are reasonably similar in shade. All rather dark looking with a leathery look going on. Quite glossy and nice :spliff: I got a few pictures here. I'll upload a few now.

As taken on the 19th. They germed between the 24-26th Nov, so they're around the 3 week old mark? :yep:

Anyway, nothing really exciting happening. Just veggin, letting the compost work. Although the compost is a bit hot. Getting a claw leaf on some, slight ramhorn happening, some have a tiny tip burn which is near impossible to see unless your looking hard. Here's some pics for you anyway man.

These are the flashbacks.





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Some Moham Ram, love the nodes on these. Quite close but not as close as the psicodelicas. They still have the palm tree looking going on and the nodes are between 1-2cm apart, on probably 5-6th node. I show pics of those now. But here's moham rams. That's all I have room for, only MR #The leaves on these are a real dark green. Got some nice leaf shots I can use for backgrounds out of these.




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Moham Ram #3 with red in the stem.



Those Psicodelica nodes.


Still not sure if I'm gonna operate on these. I like how they're growing. Some are taller than others. Flashbacks are the tallest. They probably have a few inches over the rest but the others are more compact with closer node spacing. Can't remember which one it was now but I noticed one of the plants had angled stems. I noticed it before. Where the branches can change their angle towards the light at each node. Where you end up with a sort of zigzag stem as it's searched out the light. I quite like that. I'll get some pictures of that next time.

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My brother called over earlier. He said I needed to do something about the smell. No carbon filter connected in veg see. Apparently the house is full up with the smell of bud which hits you when you come through the door. He said it smelled like there were plants flowering :wassnnme: Gotta love that. Quite happy with these so far. All the makings of some nice bud to come. Should be able to flower in a couple weeks or so.

Group shot. Hard to get good pictures under the HPS that show the colour well but the psicodelica I taked about which is more pale than the rest is centre at back. Couple flashbacks at the front.


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Had to take some fan leaves off one of the psicodelicas. Had this strange LSF type effect going on. Doesn't really look like LSF though, this seems to be working from the veins outwards. The main vein down the centre of the leaf was brown too. I checked the rest but they're all looking sweet. So hopefully it was just something random but I'll keep an eye on them.


Found this on another plant too. Which I put down to careless watering, where water was left on a leaf, which then caused the slight rot you see here.


The yellowing of those lower leaves was because I left them in their middle size pot for 48 hours to long, by the time the final pot compost was watered through and the roots started taking up nutes from the new compost a couple had a slight N def showing in the first set of leaves. Usually leave them on but with these dodgey spots they came straight off. They're the only problems with these so far. Well happy with the Mohams. They're resilient little girls those are. Although one does have a red stem but it doesn't seem to be causing any problems. Probably the most healthy plant of the lot to be fair. Keep an eye on her and see if the red stem effects it.


So far, so good though. Anyone know what that brown is which is eating from the vein out?

Oh yeah, you wouldn't believe the smells coming off these either. Potent or what. When I water these babies it makes the house stink baaaaad. The Mohams seem to have a skunky sort of smell. The psicodelicas are really sweet smelling, more than fruity really. Extreme sweetness to the smell. Beautiful. Still trying to put my finger on the flashbacks. They seem to be a mixture in one. Like fruity, skunky and a sort of pine all in one. Really strange scent. Stems and branching are quite impressive on these flashbacks too.

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