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Petition To Legalise Cannabis And Other Similar Petitions


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all my friends have been regular tokers since they were 17 years old...........

sorry folks i only started smoking 6 years ago and i can take it or leave it and im 46yrs old in march :yinyang:

Well zippo if it screwed you mates up and turned them into para zombies that cant exist with out herb then why the hell did you try it all these years later?

any yes as nifty says, you are a hypocrit


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I personally think online petitions are bollocks and not worth the paper thay arent printed on.

But so are you Zipposp coming on a site like this and saying stuff like that.

Why grow/smoke it if you believe that?

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personally i honestly think it leads to psycohosis later on in life :smoke:

i use my yardstick like this..............

all my friends have been regular tokers since they were 17 years old...........now 23-30 years on they are all fucking bonkers totally reliant on marijuana to function normally :smoke: i dont use this in a sacrcastic manner they really do need the weed :nea:

if they have no marijuana they are paranoid and disfunctional :( amongst my friends lots had potential to excell in their chosen career paths yet none have achieved their goals with the exception of one. :yahoo:

im not replying to start an argument just stating the obvious in my situation :wink:

i do agree medi users should be able to obtain marijuana legally as i know its helps allevaite ailments as a few friends suffer from various disabilitating probs from ms to back pain etc etc :yahoo:

so i will not sign anything i do not believe in :yahoo:

sorry folks i only started smoking 6 years ago and i can take it or leave it and im 46yrs old in march :smoke:

i wrote loads to argue the fact but i deleted it all just to say ,everyone has free speach and who am i too argue with a fellow man about his personal beliefs,last time i did that in brick lane ,i had to make a swift exit lol,and they call it a non violent religion..this kuffar is having a smoke ,

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I think a petition could, and certainly should be made which encourages people to sign anonymously, although obviously with a valid email so you can confirm it. I mean if people take the piss with the stand on his head and juggle ice cream, surely it's not unreasonable for them to allow an anonymous petition to be created, especially since this is something where people clearly worry about prosecution. pretty rediculous. And if they reject such a petition then someone better call the press!!!

Edit: side thought about non anonymous petitions, I wonder if it would be possible to show statistically, with significant certainty that people on the petitions were targeted. Just some numbers on 1) general prosecutions, and 2) numbers of prosecutions etc of petition signers?

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By their very nature petitions cannot be anonymous. Any official petition must have a valid name and address or it wouldn't be accepted.

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By their very nature petitions cannot be anonymous. Any official petition must have a valid name and address or it wouldn't be accepted.

Doh. Ah well I might try it anyway. I do kind of think that just having a thousand or two signatories is so low it's almost counterproductive. Frustrating!!!

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I do kind of think that just having a thousand or two signatories is so low it's almost counterproductive. Frustrating!!!

I agree 100%. Unfortunately I can only ask people who support legalisation to stand up and be counted, ... horses and water.

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i'm afraid that public opinion has nowt to do with what will happen. if they could tax it it would be legal by now but they haven't found a way without total legalisation and that's several steps too far for a person whose job depends on their popularity. ie a politician. they know that alot of us ignore the law but they're still scared of the opposition shouting "soft on drugs" across the commons like 12 year old kids if they show any "weakness".

we all know it's bollox and they do too in their heart of hearts but what can you do.

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Just as a throw in as I feel like typing. ..

I still favour the courts and will return to it but it's not impossible that legalisation could be achieved through the ballot. The current government won't be moved on the issue of cannabis but, luckily for us, are about to be moved by the general public. I think the Tories will win but I'm hoping the LibDems have enough seats to make a difference. Regardless of that, imo, the media aren't quite sure how to handle the medi use issue at the moment. Even the Torygraph is printing sympathetic articles. We could have done with a story to follow the THC4MS debarcle, and it's still possible, as there seems to be a hunger for public opinion on the issue whenever it presents itself which the media in general are happy to oblige. We've all seen how the media are driving legislation these days and there's a tiny chance the scales might be tipping in our favour. Cameron's latest revelation of schooldays toking is going to cause him merry hell in parliament, I'll give you even money Wednesday's PMQs make the 6 o'clock news, and given the timely questioning on his website he just might decide it's time to raise the legalisation debate, if only on medi grounds. The LibDems are already committed to decriminalisation so any proposal on medi use is likely to have enough votes. Unfortunately all this relies upon politicians.

My own choice of posibilities leans towards Strasbourg. Which I feel needs to be peppered with as many human rights cases as there are humans to claim them. The continued breakdown of Federal control in the US will have an effect upon the considered opinions of EU judges when viewed alongside the moves toward legalisation already evident in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Germany, and the long term usage figures produced by the Nederlands. It only takes one HR case to be upheld to set a presedent wide enough to fit a crowbar into and once the crack has been made human nature will tear it open.

The petition was just an attempt to keep cannabis in the media's eye and I'd wholehearted recommend that all those who supported it support the other cannabis petitions still running when this one dies unlamented in 5 days. Media backing and good coverage has got the traffic tracking petition over a million signatures so we'll see if it makes the government think twice. All past experience would say no but as this is a voice of their own creation I'm not sure. It might just be a usable weapon given publicity.

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i think that a few emails to the cameron office to congratulating him on having the courage to speak out and asking if he will take this opportunity to at least help the medi community would be a good idea. might be a good chance to plug the Carlisle Crew at the same time. anyone with a uk420 email address might even persuade his researchers to take a look at what we're doing.

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Ah but a lot of members would prefer they not look at what we're doing. I agree totally with the support letters but uk420, in my understanding, is an educational site not a political one.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Did have a look just, But it seems that the petition had to be signed by feb15.

Any idea how many votes were made?


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