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A little (actually, a lot) advise plz

Red Eye Knight

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im intrested and how does it make ozone and what would i need to do to make it make ozone heres a pic of it dont know if its the right kind the plug is missing or id have it switched on i needed a plug from somewhere lolso i whipped it off that

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hey strider what do i have to do to get it producing ozone ?? and help would be great if i can utalise it ill use it heres a pic o it

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You need the transformer from the neon sign.

You stick a wire mesh to each side of a sheet of glass and pass 5KV through the glass.

Not really something to mess about with. ;)


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ah right sound advice wilbur i wont much about with it sorry bout the pic sizes new digi cam still figuiring it out

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Its well worth doing if you need that extra level of smell protection but ozone isnt without its health risks.

I'm gonna make one real soon.

A transformer costs about £120 so getting one out a neon sign is a bonus.

You can use a transformer from a microwave but that needs tinkering with and i dont know enough about it.

I'll leave the soldering to someone who can do it safely like Strider (and then copy ;) )


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well wibur im a nugget when it comes to electrics u reminded me of the pain i felt when i nuked myself sooooo on that note my neon sign will be wasted if ya want to pay for the posting ya can have it for freesave ya some cash i could send ya it and u could forward the postage when ya get it ?? if ya want other than that its gonna sit collecting dust as its never used up to you if no it will be binned or boxed shame to let it go to waste

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paradox, are those buffy the vampire slayer vhs tapes u got there?? :)

she's fit!

and is FACE written on the poster Scarface cut off?? good film :)

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This thread is developing nicely. Being the guru of screw ups, I'm coming off as centre stage, but everyone with a few years worth of mistakes knows as much as me. It's accepted now that HPS lights are needed for getting a decent crop. Wasn't always, people had to be convinced. Same with lower Ph in hydro.

So how do we get what NPK knows about the value of odour control into a newbies head? Beating the crap out of them would work, and make us feel better, but the sods won't tell us where they live. :woot:

So many newbies fail and give up. They could have been soldiers on our side of the war. For every sr, paradox, NPK that manages to get to other side, how many try and give up? They're still buying from dealers. Buds shots are great, keeps people like us trying, but it takes some tenacity.

I contend the learning curve is optional.

I also contend that any newbie with a reasonable space and budget can be told how to grow without reading a grow guide.

Not by me unless it's my system, but they can be told any system, 'cos you guys are doing it right now, easy peasy. The learning can come later.

Grow guides are good, I learned from one, and forums like this. When I started there was no "Do it this way, it works." There is now, but they're commercial, or wrong for a poor newbie. Quantum hydro pots are a good example for personal growers, they work, just follow instructions. People on benefits can't afford them unless they skimp on lights and ventilation.

I'm in ramble mode again... damn honey oil. :)

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paradox, never be frightened of high voltage, it's the current that kills you. (That spark when her nylon pullover finally comes off is 20Kv+.)

Many of those transformers have been finger tested by standardised idiots (American kids) who report a tingling sensation.

Don't recommend you switch nationalities though. :woot:

Best designs I've seen have a small fan BEHIND the plates, (so the ozone doesn't kill the fan,) and a case built so no way can fingers get to the HV. There's 20Kv in your monitor that can really hurt, and it's safe 'cos you can't touch it. You'll regret losing that transformer.

Ozone itself has some risks, but so does tobacco, weed, beer, whisky, staring at big boobs on the arm of a gorilla, vindaloo and walking the streets looking for a quarter to three woman to exchange body fluids with.

Yes, ozone is safer than Saturday night, and it's a hell of a lot safer than being put in a cell with a big bloke called Doris.

My smokers cough is a lot less since building the genny, but that prooves nothing. The worst thing about a good one is having to turn it on when you can smell weed, and turning it off when you can smell ozone. It's tedious, but it works, and some fiddling with a timer helps.

Can you get a pic of the transformer?


Wilbur, if you buy a soldering iron and learn how to use it (one stoned weekend) you can copy mine. Costs about £20 or less, safety built in.

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Strider - I can solder no prob. Its the theory (or lack of) that'll kill me. :woot:

I could make one with an expensive transformer but i'd obviously prefer to hack apart a microwave and do it for a 20 semollians.

If you have some clear pics and quote the exact resistors i'll need to make a microwave one safe, then i'll give it a bash. :)

Have you been measuring the amount ozone yours is making? I found these cards here (go to the botom of the page) which will measure 25 times for 14 semollians. A bargain.


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:D red eye its got the ful scarface on it its a massive poster its life sized :smoke: my fav movie is scarface and back to the ozone generator il post a pic of the back of the neon sign and let ya know what it looks like but the offer is stil open its never gonna get used cuase im a idiot when it comes to electricity ;) give me a bit of wood i can carve ya something awsome give me anything technical to bulid with instructions id still balls it up lol but if wilbur dosnt want it its free to a good home as long as i dont get stiffed with the postage lol but i offered wilbur first he gers first refusal kk im rambling jesus most typing ive done in ages ok i gotta go
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first off, cba with the mother all of a sudden, sounds like quite a bit of unnecessary hassle - i could just buy sum more seeds for the second grow!

cba??? Nothing like the prospect of hassle to lower expectations, works every time for me. I was going to suggest you grow with cheapies, harvest, and have a few weeks off before you start again. (But you had the clone thing planned.) Most of us have gardens that bear no relation to our early plans. If the plan is "one seed grow, then stop." it's cushy.

Another mantra for you:

Rich people think in decades, poor people think about Tuesday all day Tuesday.

Mother Nature is slooooow. A high % of noobs get 2 weeks from harvest and realise they've no mother and plan to re-veg. Did it myself after destroying mom during a security scare. (g/fs are OK, ex g/fs are dangerous.) I now know that re-vegging is a waste of time.

The hassle I suggested has a timetable something like:

Week 8 go to 12/12 (assume delay in getting clones)

Week 18 harvest #1 (I prefer 10 weeks of flower)

Week 19 put vegged clones in flower room

Week 29 harvest #2

Week 30 vegged clones from selected mother into flower room.

Week 40 harvest #3

I can't figure a quicker way to harvest #3 except buy clones. That's common in Canada. x number of healthy clones get delivered every y weeks. Now that's what I call gardening. :smoke:

Hmmm ....Davenports... clones at home. (giving my age away.)

A seed grow and stop will add 20 weeks or so, (you'll be mashed,)

I think it's worth the wait, but if you are going to muddle through to constant harvest, might as well go the quickest route.

My fan cost £125, the recommended filter adds £180 or so (smaller might do for a year or two.) Gary is a member here with a hydro store. Hydrotek?

m8 and i think we should have the grow room built by friday

Can you draw the plans in mspaint or whatever and post first? You might have a failure risk built in (no offense) and some experienced guys are following this, we might be able to save you some hassle. I knew a guy who worked for Sony in Sydney. With a new project, they talked for ever about everything, asked the opinion of the blue collars etc. New warehouse went up double quick and was right on the first day it opened.

They built a pub in Lime Street station. Forgot to build toilets. Punters had to use the station toilets. They added them eventually, cost more than building the pub.

to have one air in and one air out vent. coz the low pressure inside caused by the fan could create a constant breeze thru the cabinet. without fan it would b hard to have an air in only on its own

Sort of follow that. In most good setups the ventilation costs more than the lights. Be nice if used (and cheap) air conditioning was available here, but it's not to be.

2 growrooms, 2 fans each growroom. Ouch. I'm not a fan of air cooled lights, but they might be an idea in your situation. The cheapo fastlight looks like it can be adapted, they sell the glass to go with it. Would use a smaller fan. The CO2/fresh air thing is a myth for less than multiple Kw setups, they don't need much in a personal grow, and a daily visit will change the air enough. Lots of pics of plants suffering from too much heat. Never seen one suffering from lack of CO2. Circulating air with a desk fan helps prevents mould.

(I've suggested this 'cos I get the impression you can't muck about with the garage too much. The big fans need a 6" hole. Air cooling the light is usually 4".)

Anyone using air cooled lights?

[/b]is odour a problem within the first 4 weeks?

Not really, but it shoots up after that. IME, drying is the worst. Working around live plants is hassle in it's purest form, best to sort it first.

From a previous post, you're keen on 5oz per plant. This needs heaps of lighting. On most plants, top half is cola, bottom half is infrastructure. The light has a maximum depth of penetration, say 12" - 18" depending on wattage and reflector. So anything over 3' tall is missing out on some of the cola. Life is so much easier if you aim for 3' (but have space for 6') :D

Red Eye Knight, you're a cool newbie. No greedy questions, no lazy questions and prepared to buy the right equipment.

Up to now this thread is all about logistics, apart from my physco-babble. It's 70% of your yield. Maybe more.

I can sense the eagerness to start, but it would be great if you double checked here before buying/making anything. It'll delay the start, sure, but if you can manage it, you'll have beaten the learning curve. Well nearly all of it.

Lots of stuff I know too little about, but there are guys with their own specialities, and they're all prepared to help.

I'm trying to avoid telling you WHAT to do, just pointing out what won't work and where the problems are. I'm pretty much convinced you won't get 5oz from a plant. If someone chimes in with "I get 5oz a plant by using xyz, no problem." then I'm wrong, and you have a plan to follow. (I can smell trolls, so no probs with bs artists.)

When a ventilation guy gives the thumbs up, you can order the fan(s) with confidence. There is one here, read some good threads of his.

Soil guys can examine your watering/feed schedule and give it the OK.

In short, every mistake you're about to make has been made, collectively, by all of us, and you can avoid them all, if you choose.

Keep the plans coming.

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Stay with it paradox, Wilbur and I know enough to get you to build it.

Big bonus you're scared of it. Will help others like you.

You won't have to be near it when you first swtch it on. Only 2 connections to make, and it doesn't matter which way round they go.

How long are the leads, transformer to bulb?

(I'll have it for the sign, and use something else for HV.) :D

We can have a "grow electrics for dummies" thread with ozone as part of it.

Wilbur, I've no interest in measuring the output. I'm of a generation that believed ozone was good for you. Spent many happy childhood days breathing the stuff while paddling in mucky seawater.

I'll accept it has a few risks, but my lifestyle is a much bigger risk, so I'm not bothered. I've got a thread on building it in "growroom planner" just bumped it for you, links for the circuit and supplies.

Most I've smelt is a faint swimming baths effect, but I think it needs a new glass and some extra stages. It's a lash up, Not going to glue the next one, just clamp it.

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