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Do You Know Any Psychics?


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pi is a greek letter , in maths it has the value of 3.14[1592672etc]

working out an area of a circle = pi X r2

Where R is the radius

Area =3.4 X the Diamater [R2]

and im not a maths genius its needed for medicine

right so because you're doing hard sums about medicine you're obliged to point out the obvious on the internet? :unsure:

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  • 6 months later...

I have a friend who knows the person who holds a very high position in the psychic society,cant really say who or what in to much detail but....when I ment him a we had a chat,i asked him amoung other things"so is all the real or just clever hog wash"...he replied "boy it's as real as u want it to be,the human mind believes what it wants to believe,even if u don't realise u want to believe it,all u need to know is stay sceptical...."

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Guest bazzad9

I have a friend who knows the person who holds a very high position in the psychic society,

high position based on what exactly ?

they may be highly regarded by other psychics but that doesnt really mean a great deal to be honest

if you asked me if it was real i would say read" the full facts of cold reading "

that would be an honest approach ,his answer was just a swerve by the sounds of it

its not subjective its either true or not

http://podgorny.cz/~radek/mess/Ian%20Rowlands-Full%20Facts%20Book%20of%20Cold%20Reading.pdf (pdf)

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Yeah he ain't just respected by psychics but holds the top title in the field for a certain organisation...don't really want to disclose to much info about what organisation cause I have not ask permission to quote what he said to me......and yeah think it was a swerve to be fair...but the impression I took from it was that he basically told me it hogwash,but I thort that anyway so I can't really make judgement...because it can be taken ether way....just thort it may be of interest....

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Guest bazzad9

Yeah he ain't just respected by psychics but holds the top title in the field for a certain organisation...don't really want to disclose to much info about what organisation cause I have not ask permission to quote what he said to me......and yeah think it was a swerve to be fair...but the impression I took from it was that he basically told me it hogwash,but I thort that anyway so I can't really make judgement...because it can be taken ether way....just thort it may be of interest....

definatly worth reading that book mate if you are interested

its an interesting book regardless to be fair

if he is that good though i can hook him up with a million dollars (no bullshit) of course i will want a cut but thats a real offer

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It just didn't come across like he believed....but just the perception I got,some1 else may have perceived it differently...

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Yeah will definitely check it out...

And yeah I will get in contact with him and I could get him to contact u...I'm just not sure how tho...email maybe?...can private messages be sent on here?....he's is not into weed or nothing like that so can't get him to contact u tho here... :(

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Yeah will definitely check it out...

And yeah I will get in contact with him and I could get him to contact u...I'm just not sure how tho...email maybe?...can private messages be sent on here?....he's is not into weed or nothing like that so can't get him to contact u tho here... :(

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Guest bazzad9

It just didn't come across like he believed....but just the perception I got,some1 else may have perceived it differently...

i think some see it as it as advertised as entertainment and thats that ,a bit like a magician would say its really magic and give you a wink

then there are others that are genuinly intuitive and pick up on things we would never pick up on ,they just assign this to being psychic

and then there are the outright scammers purely out to get easy money from the vunerable

and then for arguments sake lets say there is another group that are really psychic

the problem is without some way of testing or checking which one is which ?

i think the telling is in what they say in there readings ,if its all nice and positive or more giving you that outlook for a couple of quid and its all done with a bit of a wink then its theatre ,like magicicians

if its basic stuff about you you already know then its probably just they are intuitive

the scammers are normally much bolder but its hard to tell at times

but yeah thats the problem even if it is real there are definatly scammers out there so how do we tell ?

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Guest bazzad9

Yeah will definitely check it out... And yeah I will get in contact with him and I could get him to contact u...I'm just not sure how tho...email maybe?...can private messages be sent on here?....he's is not into weed or nothing like that so can't get him to contact u tho here... :(

mate i was joking about the money ,my cut

the million is very real ,get in touch with him if you can ,let me know and ill point you in the right direction :hippy:

its a long standing offer so there is no rush or panic

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I will let him know...but when I go to him and say I was speaking to a fella on uk420 about getting u a million pound job...he is properly just gonna laff at me...but maybe not he is ment to be a psychic after all... lol....

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Guest bazzad9

I will let him know...but when I go to him and say I was speaking to a fella on uk420 about getting u a million pound job...he is properly just gonna laff at me...but maybe not he is ment to be a psychic after all... lol....

if you look up the james randi foundation or "randi's challenge" you will find it mate

your mate will set the terms of the test so it will only test what he claims its not just set up for him to fail

ill leave it with you mate

keep us posted though :hippy:

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