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Astronomy: How Did The Ancients Know

Sitting Buddha

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What about the time when men were men and women were woman, as separate species?

that never happened, never ever. i think you may be confused with how humans develop in the womb. we all start out as female, then something happens [i think its hormonal] that causes some to develop into males. humans have never been a single sex species, eve is fictional, as is adam and god, we evolved from primates. i dont think we ever hatched from eggs at any point in our evolution [imo] as we exhibit no avian traits.

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If you believe we came from cave man where's the missing link. ..Yes the sun is a life giver and ancient man would see it as a god. But it is a ball of raging gases it too has a life span...I respect others believes but I look forward to the day when religion is cast aside and humanity becomes one.

It won't happen for at least another 2000yrs but surely by then we will be humanes.. If you break down woman it is wo which obviously stands for the womb and then man...My dad believes we have been visited by aliens and we are a cross breed from them and that somewhere in the galaxy they watch our progress.. there is an ancient tribe that swear a spaaceship came and showe their ancestors how to plough and grow crops they are called dogma I think if memory serves me right...


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If you believe we came from cave man where's the missing link. ..Yes the sun is a life giver and ancient man would see it as a god. But it is a ball of raging gases it too has a life span...I respect others believes but I look forward to the day when religion is cast aside and humanity becomes one.

It won't happen for at least another 2000yrs but surely by then we will be humanes.. If you break down woman it is wo which obviously stands for the womb and then man...My dad believes we have been visited by aliens and we are a cross breed from them and that somewhere in the galaxy they watch our progress.. there is an ancient tribe that swear a spaaceship came and showe their ancestors how to plough and grow crops they are called dogma I think if memory serves me right...


its strange how people rubbish the idea of evolution based on us not having found the missing link, yet are perfectly willing to believe in rubbish like gods, aliens who seeded earth, crop circles, nature spirits etc. the missing link is out there somewhere, we've simply not found it yet. the way i see it is that as we evolved we were driven out of africa by the stronger tribes and somewhere along the line the missing link people were either wiped out or bred out like the neanderthal. it may even be the case that the missing links were killed off by us, in the same way that if a tribes woman produced a child with birth defects it would be killed.

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I disagree I think it's silly to think we are the only sentinent beings in this universe... I don't go for the god theory that's man made.

I do believe Jesus was a good man and preached a good way of life he gave hope to the poor and down trodden and that's not a bad thing.

Humans have always been delusionary.............. :spliff: And to be honest if you were an intelligent race would you want earthlings as friends ..


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The Sun was hit by a rock. The rock was was covered in ice. The blast caused fusion to take place between rock and ice (and whatever was in the ice) with the Sun's metals. Without these precious metals, life can not conduct energy. It all settled and it cooled forming a crust on the planets. With the heavier metals having a greater gravitational pull, our planet orbit closer to the Sun, then the rock debris to the more gaseous planets.

On Earth, the ecosystem was perfect for life. Organism got healthier, bigger and stronger. It only died through starvation due to the metabolism of the ecosystem, the life-span and growth was indefinite.

When the rock hit the Sun, the smaller self and it's debris went off it's orbit but was sure to come back, gathering new ice. It hit Earth and made the Moon. Cracks in the Earth's crust caused volcanoes, mountains and continents. As the ice thawed, it settled on the lower surfaces, cooling the flatter lands to become oceans.

The oceans caused evolution to go into overdrive. When the ecosystem balanced, the land survivors came out of hiding and the aquatic life began to emerge onto land.

Today's ecosystem is not so perfect anymore, the Sun's energy, the effects of the moon, the pollution, the food-chain etc. have brought upon us diseases and infertility. We can not undo evolution, nor can evolution save mankind. I believe that the half-life is coming to a halt for mankind, it is up to science now.

If I am thinking straight, I would imagine that we all have the potential to reproduce clones of ourselves...!!!

Nanu :yahoo: Nanu ;)

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i agree with the idea of other forms of life being out there somewhere, from single cell life forms to highly advanced civillisations it all has to be as the universe is to vast to only contain life on one world. i just dont believe that aliens came here, tinkered with the gene pool and then pushed off again leaving us to evolve. i could be wrong though.

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If it's possible to travel into space and terra-form planets, will we be the first aliens? And if so, please do not not leave any evidence such as a copy of Playboy!

Perhaps we can take Thor's Hammer and smash up Mars a bit and water it. Will sure to get Bush in a couple of million years!!!

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:yahoo: Well that excludes my family.......having come from a family of all girls 5 sisters I never saw anything like that and if my dad had them he kept them well hidden... Having had 3 sons and countless magazines found all over the house playboy would have to stay. I never let on and turned a blind eye to it because I think it's healthy indulging in a little fantasy..... so Playboy has to go in to my time capsule.......... I'm sure extratarrestials have the equivelnt......imagine it.......................
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My controversy is that the human race existed during the single plate period. Sunken cities?

Sunken Cities are more the result of cities built during the Ice Age 10,000 years ago when the Water level was much lower on earth. A collision like the one that formed our moon most likely brought mass extinction along with it leaving only the smallest, most adaptable creatures (not humans) alive.

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..........soon the nuclear war will end life man will destroy himself and what will be left will be giant lizerds with strange mutated plants, we will be just another layer

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If you believe we came from cave man where's the missing link.

..If you break down woman it is wo which obviously stands for the womb and then man... :wink:

The Australopithecus afarensis

Australopithecus africanus

Java Man

Homo erectus

Sinanthropus pekinensis

"In Old English (prior to 766) a woman was a wifman, that is, a wif "woman" + man "person". Wif is also the source of modern English wife. Wifman, by 1000, had become wimman, by ellision of the f, and before 1200 the word was wumman. By 1250 the word had taken on its present form, woman. Woman is not related to womb. That word developed from Old English wamb "belly, uterus".

The word was frequently pronounced and spelled oman. As late as the 19th century, ooman was considered the upper-class pronunciation but nowadays is only found in dialect."

M and M


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