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Astronomy: How Did The Ancients Know

Sitting Buddha

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The Earth's single plate was smashed by a meteorite, which formed the moon. We should be able to work out the timing of this event through religious beliefs and meteor showers along the equator.

I reckon some remnants of this meteorite can be found at the Peru site. I also think that this original meteor hit the Sun, the wreckage got caught in the Sun's gravity and created our solar system. The collision means that the meteor and the Sun was sent on a new orbit, so it shouldn't hit us again. I remember that a large meteor came quite close to us a few years ago...

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Earth's single plate theory along with climate, wild and intelligent life, was where legends were born (fertility worship being the most likely practice). This would eventually lead to religion and civilisation.

The lost of nature due to the birth of the Moon (releasing Earth's trapped vapour into the atmosphere, creating oceans and abnormal climates), means that we (the survivors) started again, picking up from what we have interpreted from ancient discoveries.

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people scoff at the ancients who worshiped the sun but if you cut out all of the theology and spiritual bull what you have left is the sun as the giver of life, not fake gods. without the sun there would be no life on earth, its as simple as that.

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Guest Dr Benways Assistant

The ancients got to know they're astrology cos there was much less to do back then. Once the food and fuel had been sorted, kids go to sleep and it gets dark the sky is the most entertaining thing to look at. After several generations of talking about and looking at the same stars it would be noticed that sometimes they look different or have moved.

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Actually, they built pyramids to map the universe and to predict these meteorites, possibly the remains of tenth star or East star (Easter). The leaders were sent to the heavens whenever there was a poor harvest/drought so they can bring rain.

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Guest Dashboard Dice
The Earth's single plate was smashed by a meteorite, which formed the moon. We should be able to work out the timing of this event through religious beliefs and meteor showers along the equator.

You got the first part right at least!

The Moon's origins still remain unsettled. A similarity in the composition of the Moon with the Earths rules out any sort of capture theory. One of the most probable theories is that at one time, a giant object, conceivably the size of Mars, collided with the primordial Earth, shattering what crust the earth had. The sheer force of an impact this size is believed to have forged an immense gorge, melting the Earth's crust, and ejected a shower of molten rock and part of the Earth's mantle into orbit. It is believed that the material then condensed to form a massive ring of orbiting debris. The Moon then formed from this substance.

Primordial sums it up, really. ::spliff::

people scoff at the ancients who worshiped the sun but if you cut out all of the theology and spiritual bull what you have left is the sun as the giver of life, not fake gods. without the sun there would be no life on earth, its as simple as that.

Life out of the Sun

Compared to the surrounding sea floor, upon which organic matter rains from above, hydrothermal vents boast a community of organisms that is 10,000 to 100,000 times denser. The reason for this: the presence of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria as a food source either directly or through a kind of cooperative "agreement" between the bacteria and a particular vent organism.

Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria and other forms of bacteria that gain energy from the metabolism of inorganic compounds belong to a category of organisms called chemoautotrophs, as mentioned above. These bacteria are able to oxidize (remove electrons) compounds such as hydrogen sulfide and store energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the universal "energy" molecule in all organisms, including humans. These bacteria use this energy to transform carbon dioxide into simple sugars and other molecules, just like plants.

There is speculation that one of Jupiter’s moons may also have this kind of life. It being made of ice and under constant gravitational pull from Jupiter.

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The Sumerians were the one of the first civilisations that left a record of their traditions , most of, if not all religions of today are storys that have been taken from sumerian scriptures . The storys have been changed slightly through the ages to suit whoever was in power .

The sumerians had amazing understanding of cosmos , They were able to map cycles of planets and stars . They also new that those cycles had a direct effect on our planet ....

How did they know about those cycles ??? Well if you read some of their scriptures they say that the gods decended from heaven and gave them the knowledge, That to me could be a metaphor for a higher intellegence visiting our planet many thousands of yrs ago ....

Do your own research into their history and you will find some startling information that could change your thoughts on the origns of mankind forever ....... :spliff:

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Guest Dr Benways Assistant
Actually, they built pyramids to map the universe and to predict these meteorites, possibly the remains of tenth star or East star (Easter). The leaders were sent to the heavens whenever there was a poor harvest/drought so they can bring rain.

Now did they do this after sitting watching the sky for milenia or before?

This should be in the conspiracy forum along with most everything else you say SB :spliff:.

e2a: when they say 'God descended from the heavens and gave them the knowledge' do you take that literally to mean someone came from the sky and told them how to do these things?? The ancients used metaphors too, a lot more than we do.

All this smacks of an inability to accept that so called primitive people could think of these things. They weren't as primitive as you might think. Their brains were exactly the same as ours.

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2'nd page, and my brain is fried..

I thinks the Sumerians of lost the plot!

It started with animism, the core of all communication. Everyone understans pictures, but not everyone will sp[eak double dutch.

. The stars represents whatever they look like and their gods. They're trying to say the knowledge came from the heavens.

But, I'm sure there was a moon and oceans by then..

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