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Astronomy: How Did The Ancients Know

Sitting Buddha

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Actually, they built pyramids to map the universe and to predict these meteorites, possibly the remains of tenth star or East star (Easter). The leaders were sent to the heavens whenever there was a poor harvest/drought so they can bring rain.

Now did they do this after sitting watching the sky for milenia or before?

This should be in the conspiracy forum along with most everything else you say SB :yep:.

e2a: when they say 'God descended from the heavens and gave them the knowledge' do you take that literally to mean someone came from the sky and told them how to do these things?? The ancients used metaphors too, a lot more than we do.

All this smacks of an inability to accept that so called primitive people could think of these things. They weren't as primitive as you might think. Their brains were exactly the same as ours.

I never said they were primitive, far from it actually ....I believe they were much more advanced than we were .

I take the gods decending from heavens as a higher intellegence from space...Have you ever studied the sumerian civlisations ?? if not i suggest you do .

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The hitler believe in the Sumerian teachings.

Hitler was into the occult in a very big way , i've no doubt he interpretated scriptures to follow his own perverse ( imo) agenda ... As i said alot of later civilisations were based on sumerian scriptures from the inca's to the ancient egyptians to the maya's and more recent the romans and even to present day ....Just open your eyes and you will see the symbology all around you.

The maya's were also a very intelligent civilisation , they had an understanding of the cosmos that leaves todays scientists astounded by their accuracy.. The maya's used long count calenders that was said to predict future cycles of earthquakes , tsunami's , and periods of chaos on the planet.

You see, they knew that everything is connected and comes in cycles , for example the moon is responsible for the changing tides due to it's gravitational pull , u can't see the energy but it's there ... the same goes for how stars and planets affects our own planet in a VERY BIG WAY....

Heres a link that kinda explains how science backs up claims of the mayan astronomers :

http://www.aztlan.net/rumblings_center_galaxy.htm :yep:

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The aliens arrived when the world was 'flat'. the ancient race was of 1 sex, reproduction like chicken eggs without fertilisation, and fed on the mother when it hatch. The cycle was viscious, until therey learned how to clone, losing their fertility.eventually. They flew off to another planet when the moon came.Mother earth fed From theiere genes that they left, and primitive organism were were born. When they came back, they discovered the life and genetically altered it to become president bush.

Where's the conspicacy fromrum???

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The aliens arrived when the world was 'flat'. the ancient race was of 1 sex, reproduction like chicken eggs without fertilisation, and fed on the mother when it hatch. The cycle was viscious, until therey learned how to clone, losing their fertility.eventually. They flew off to another planet when the moon came.Mother earth fed From theiere genes that they left, and primitive organism were were born. When they came back, they discovered the life and genetically altered it to become president bush.

Where's the conspicacy fromrum???

have you been watching too much mork and mindy? asexual aliens aliens hatched from eggs? that would make them the easter egg people by your reckoning wouldnt it? chickens arent a single sex species by the way, the hens are fertilised by cocks [male chickens, no pun intended there] and laid by the hens. if the hens are left unfertilised the eggs still get laid but they wont produce a chick though.

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Was Mork a hybrid phoenix too? And everyoe knows that easter eggs are made from chocolate!

But since the destruction of the plate, the heavier metals were introduced into the food chain which caused diseases and genetic mutations.

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i thought the moon was about 4.5 billion years old, the collision that caused it happened 4.5 billion years ago? thats what the latest scientific theories say anyhows.

to quote:

"the giant impact theory:

The basic idea is this: about 4.45 billion years ago, a young planet Earth -- a mere 50 million years old at the time and not the solid object we know today-- experienced the largest impact event of its history. Another planetary body with roughly the mass of Mars had formed nearby with an orbit that placed it on a collision course with Earth. When young Earth and this rogue body collided, the energy involved was 100 million times larger than the much later event believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs. The early giant collision destroyed the rogue body, likely vaporized the upper layers of Earth's mantle, and ejected large amounts of debris into Earth orbit. Our Moon formed from this debris."

thats the "accepted" theory these days, the dating of the moons surface and the fact that it seems to be entirely made of "crustal" material are two of the main evidences for this theory

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A mate told me.....

That there was a planet named Typhon (or something similar) which was massive. Something happened to that which created asteroid belts, Earth and some moons. Obviously, because a mate told me, I have no idea whether there is any truth to it.

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Guest dr rockster
Was Mork a hybrid phoenix too? And everyoe knows that easter eggs are made from chocolate!

But since the destruction of the plate, the heavier metals were introduced into the food chain which caused diseases and genetic mutations.

Plot lost? Yup fraid so!

But,to add a bit of pharkin' reality and undaft thinking.............

The moon doesnt behave as a solid body when struck hard,ie.,when you crash a bit of space junk into it or do a seismic test on its surface.

The resultant 'echo' from a surface based explosion says its hollow.That is supposed to be fact and something that quite blew NASA engineers away when they first did this.

But don't blame it on the illuminati or what fucking ever now will you?

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Could it be porous?

Could intelligent life existed 4.5 billion years ago?

What about the time when men were men and women were woman, as separate species?

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Once upon a time...

Life on the single plate started off as a single cell, created by fusion energy from the Sun collision. When it dies, it goes back into the ground, causing chemical reactions, and altering dna to the upper food chain. Radioactivity caused cells to split and that's how growth was invented. These evolved into seeds and eggs.

From the egg, Eve was born. When she matured, she gave birth to eggs, incubated them, hatched them, and fed the girls until they were independent.

As the climate changed, Eve no longer gave birth to eggs, they got stuck on the way out. Consequently, it got dormant and the egg only came out during the period, by which time the egg has already given up.

Meanwhile, Adam was born in the deeps of the ocean. He gives birth to families of sperm, they swim off and fended for themselves. Those that made it through the cocoon stage become adults.

When Adam met Eve, they discussed their problems. Eve tells Adam that she needs to get the egg out before it dies. Adam suggest to dislodge it.

What happened next was discovered by accident, Adam's sperm got into Eve's egg. The sperm and the egg got married and couldn't wait to grow together, so they incubated right where they were, as one joined in holy matrimony. When eventually born, Eve was shocked that it was not a girl, but a boy who had retained Adam's reproduction system with Eve's looks. Sometimes they were born as girls.

But for poor Adam, he was in demand. One day, he was about to run out of sperm, so he decided to take-off into space, become an alien and raise his own family.

Happy ever after...

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