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Atheist, Agnostic, Believer ?

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Please excuse my resurrecting this topic. Spent an hour or so though reading the 11 pages and would like to chuck in my 2p:

Boojum, re the origonal post. I don't think agnosticism's cowardly. It's actually not very comfortable sitting on fences, they hurt. Ow. . My partner often asks if my bollocks are sore from the agnostic fence. Yes, but that's not enough reason to retreat to the comforts of fixed belief systems.

On a more personal note, Nov 12th 06 I nearly died and my first thought was of my girlfriend. I said to the ambulance guys 'If this goes tits up tell her I loves her'. No fear of divine retribution or hope of paradise. If anything just a blank void apart from that. I feel like I looked into the void and saw nothing. Doesn't prove there's no God though.

When I was in hospital wondering if the future involved being in a wheelchair, I certainly prayed, ultra sceptic or not. Now I'm out and it's probably not MS and I can walk a bit I can make plans, glad to be alive. Thankful to be alive but I'm not sure who to. I do pray though that whoever god is s/he/it will bless my attempts to grow med. weed.

Still fundamentaly agnostic tho

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;) I forgot to say, I've turned Agnostic leaning towards Atheist :yep:

I've decided when I get asked the question "What is your religion?" I'm going to answer, "None" B)

:) .. until they admit Jesus loved Kaneh Bosm and integrate it into the religion I'm out of the Christan flock :wink:

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i believe if anyone searches for the truth they will find it. I also believe if you pray, no matter who you are, stoned or not, God hears you. In fact He has the number of hairs on your head counted. So surely He will hear you, and surely He is able to lead you to the truth. Just pray something;

God, I understand so little about life and your purpose for me.

But I am searching for the truth.

Please lead me to the truth.

If you mean what u pray it will work.

Just keep an open mind, and if you seek the truth u will find it.

I think if you believe in nothing, that is also a belief.

The best place to start is in your heart.

Anyone else here agree with me? That anyone who searches for the true belief will find it? Or is it not important? If God exists, our purpose is to find Him, right? ;)

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  • 8 months later...
Boojum, re the origonal post. I don't think agnosticism's cowardly. It's actually not very comfortable sitting on fences, they hurt. Ow. . My partner often asks if my bollocks are sore from the agnostic fence. Yes, but that's not enough reason to retreat to the comforts of fixed belief systems.

I'd just like to clear this up... Agnosticism is not "sitting on the fence", it is a stance in itself. One definition of "Agnostic":

a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. (This definition is actually Strong Agnosticism)

I'm more of a Pragmatic(or Apathetic) Agnostic. I see no proof for or against the belief of God or Gods, thus I don't believe in either position. I don't really mind about the whole issue as it is not relevant to my life.

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I agree it will only be relevant when the time comes,so i'll wait and see.

Until then i'm an agnosticus in theory and an Aadtheist in practice :smoke: .

Grtz. Aad

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I've always been jealous of people who could see the path before they walk on it, meaning people who know that there is a heaven and what to do to get there and believe it whole heartedly. But I was brought up a methodist which is enough to break anyone of religious tendancies. Then I dabbled with buddism which did my head in coz they invented kung fu to kill people but teach not to harm a soul.................... so on so forth.

Now I've found spiritual irreligiousness, meaning i don't not believe or believe coz at the moment in my life i have no need of it. My life will happen and then i will die. If i have to answer to any mighty spirit or such then i will have to do that, how could i ever prepare for that? If my spirit is snuffed out when i die then i will not know about it.

So my religion of irreligiousness basically means if i have no control over what happens then it does no good to worry about it. I'll just get on with living till i am not anymore.

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Then I dabbled with buddism which did my head in coz they invented kung fu to kill people but teach not to harm a soul.................... so on so forth.

That's not true. Kung Fu came from ancient China, whereas Buddhism came from northern India. Kung Fu was invented by Chinese soldiers and is practised by Shaolin Monks; not Buddhist monks.

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Kung Fu was invented by Chinese soldiers and is practised by Shaolin Monks; not Buddhist monks.

The monks of the Shaolin monastery are buddhists,albeit Ch'an (Zen) Buddhists.

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Kung Fu was invented by Chinese soldiers and is practised by Shaolin Monks; not Buddhist monks.

The monks of the Shaolin monastery are buddhists,albeit Ch'an (Zen) Buddhists.

Ah right sorry, didn't know they were Zen Buddhists. I was only thinking of Theravada :doh: I should keep my trap shut when I'm not certain about something.

Ch'an is part of Mahayana, isn't it? Anyway, I'm sure Buddhists do not practise Kung Fu to murder people, but practise it for mental and physical exercise and self-defence.

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