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No Fan Leaves


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Well it looks desperate to me :smoke:

Its worrying and due a feed tomorrow. The mad thing is there still packing (sort of) buds on :wassnnme:

and i am excited this secongd grow that i done, both outside. Jus had a lot of stress this year with my girls, but i think me doing a grow diary would of helped, or me avin a camera would of helped.

One thing i learnt is its good to do a grow diary because you can sort probs out as soon as you get them,

stating the obvious now. Nightmare getting me pitures up tho, and taking em in day was not very good.

Sorry waffling id appreciate any comments because i cant stop whats happening to them and they going to have no leaves left, even the little ones are poorly ;)

I think they either had too much fert, but i still dont think so, i think maybe not enough nutes she had. Or enviroment? Cheers Just dont know.

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Looks like a Nitrogen def to me mate hence all the fully yellow leaves :smoke:

Give em a feed of grow food to give em a boost of N ;)

Owd :wassnnme:

Edited by Owderb
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My suspicion is maybe it was caused by overwatering but I'll put it down to experience and move on :wassnnme:

I dont think i overwatered these plants well i have once on two different times, nthing major i hope. the rest of the stuff that you mention Sminky sound right,

If the worst comes to the worst ill put it down to experience too :smoke:

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Owderb thanks man :wassnnme:

I been stuk on this and not really known what to do. Give em a dose in morning then :smoke:

Thjing is they not going to be anywhere their potential, looks wise anyway ;)

I gew the same way last year and fed miracle grow and the plants looked alot better, good stone too. But im expecting this to taste better , it surly smells better. Gutting thing it only started the same day as i fed nutes for second time ;) It was going well up til then.

I give em a 2ml grow, or perhaps 3 do you think.

Srry got loads of Qs

no more tho, Thanks Owderb

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Trying to show the yellow abit more, the best is night at dusk time ,

You see loads of illuminous yellow marijuana leaves floating :doh: , not supposed to be like that tho. Thank you.

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Done that this morning, 2ml no bloom. :guitar:

Should i keep it at 2ml for abit, going to start bit of bloom next water.

Thanx again :rofl:

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Done that this morning, 2ml no bloom. :g:

Should i keep it at 2ml for abit, going to start bit of bloom next water.

Thanx again :yinyang:

You can feed the grow and bloom together. :guitar: At the mo I am 4 weeks into flower and am currently feeding 3ml bloom and 1-2 ml grow per litre of water at every watering, which is roughly every 2-3 days. :wink:

2ml of grow per litre should do you ok tho. But no need to stop the bloom nutes too. ;)

Edited by EnigmaticOne
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Thanks EO :headpain: I going to use the both next water then, going to stick to 2ml grow for couple more waterings plus the bloom then drop to 1ml grow and extra bloom.

Thanks again :wink:

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Just been reading a reply by oldtimer1 in another thread bout taking fan leaves off and he said the plant needs these to feed the buds, without them the buds wont develop :blub:

My leaves still going worse and worse every day, there wont be any left and the trouble is the plant wont be able to replace em now.

So thats it then :yinyang:

Its still been fun growing and learning, hope to still get a bit of a smoke tho, bout a weeks worth :hug:

Hope to do better next time, Cheers. :yinyang:

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Do you think they will. I think i running out of TLC to give as i give them that much, altho you wouldnt think it to look at em. The funny thing is they where perfect for nearly 3mths, potted up 3 times, sorted males out, lovely looking plants. :yinyang:

Soon as i hit 12/12 it all went tits up :blub:

I ll try and give em the TLC they want tho :yinyang:

Thanks JollyGoodSmoke

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dont give up on em mate they still look good all u lost is a few fan leafs, just keep feeding

all should be good :yinyang:

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Thanks MR-Green, Some got none left and others 2 or 3 but their going too,

Just a bit gutted really as they look poo! Thanks for your words ;)

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