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No Fan Leaves


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Might sound a silly question but can a plant support itself throu flowering with only a couple of fan leaves?

What about none? Has anyone had any experience of this please.

Thank you.

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Guest N30SS

WHy you have a real bad day or summit? it will survive but wont be what it would ov bin I suppose. Expect small airy sorta buds, dnt forget millions of little leaves are normally produced in a nitrogen rich soil mix (any your likely to use for growing cannabis and tomatoes)

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Had a real bad couple of weeks mate, cant work out whats going on, fan leaves yellowing, shrivelling and dying. no matter what i tryed nothing seems to work. Its doin me head in. it only started the same day they had their first feed, lowest strengh recommended. Thought it may have been mg def because they yellow abit. Give epsom salts, yellowing still happen. Next thoughts may of overfed but couldnt really see how. Flushed and give em water, still yellowing and dying. Started feeding again incase they short of nitrogen, had one feed but still yellowing everyday, due another feed tommorrow. Not sure wether to or not.

Thing is been looking round the boards, books, web, magazines and its hard for me to pin down what it is. If it carries on there be none leaves left :rofl:

I even thought could be too strong sun but doubt that. Cheers.

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Hi NFW, I've lost my fan leaves before, basically cos I'm a novice :nea:

As I didn't know they were important as I was quite dumb about plants, I never even blinked an eyelid...lol

Point being that they survived and were still good to smoke!

Gotta agree with Fatmanbob though, why are they coming off?

Good Luck Ms Powerband lol

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Thank you for replies,

Definatly not SM, got em last year in the greenhouse and wreaked havoc, none this year touch wood. :yinyang:

Going to try and sort a cheap camera today, I owe it to my ladies :wink:

Thank you.

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Guest HomeGrown

may have been mg def because they yellow abit. Give epsom salts, yellowing still happen. Next thoughts may of overfed but couldnt really see how. Flushed and give em water, still yellowing and dying. Started feeding again incase they short of nitrogen, had one feed but still yellowing everyday, due another feed tommorrow.

sounds like u have not checked the Ph of your nutes before u fed them and its been to low, hence the yellowing...u are slowly poisoning your plants to death..the low PH causes nute lock outs, hence what may appear to be a nute def is nothing of the sort

Edited by HomeGrown
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Sounds a very similar problem to what I've just had on my grow. I'm nearing the end of flowering now (week 7) but since about week 2 they have had very little in the way of fan leaves :unsure:

Having said that though they have still fattened up quite nicely (u can see a few pics in the indoor bud shots) :unsure:

Still trying to get my head around what went wrong :headpain: I know I definately had an Mg defiency early in the grow which was sorted with misting & watering with epsoms, but then it seemed to come back with a vengeance causing all the leaves to go crispy and fall off.

My suspicion is maybe it was caused by overwatering but I'll put it down to experience and move on :unsure:

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Just noticed you're growing in Westlands organic the same as me, I think therein may lay the problem :headpain:

I aint using the stuff again anyway! :unsure:

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Nice buds Sminky :guitar:

Thats how mine started off yellowing, i give em epsom salts but the yellowing just rapidly spread , all yellow then they brown, shrival and die :doh: Interesting you reckon could be compost.

You still got some fat buds tho, dont think i going to have any leaves left soon, but they still producing buds up til now anyway.

Still trying to find a cheap enough camera to take pics.

All the best.

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Hi mate where are the plants situated, if they are outdoors or indoors but are shaded too much from the light the leaves can yellow and drop off rapidly .Just experianced that myself with an indoor set up.

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Hi Greenmachine, there in full sun outside all day, when its out anyway.

I thought it may of been sun too hot for em but doubt it. The leaves only have to be touched and they just drop off Cheers

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