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Dutch growshops MUCH cheaper than UK!


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High OT1,

I am not confronting or arguing with you man - why take it the wrong way?

I was replying to your post, which I thought was meant to mislead people into thinking my advice was not sound.

If that was not the case, then fair enough, but I really don't see how S&P fan prices are relevant here?

I respect you OT, but you've got to understand that I am trying to help people, which is the second reason I'm here.

The first is to learn about the herb, from people like yourself, and as you know, I am discussing details far more advanced than anyone here with you by PM (living ecosystems, etc).

I am not here for pleasure, with only occassional posts in 'smokers forums' (here and OG) very rarely, as my time is valuable: I am a serious & determined grower, *who WILL go all the way*

All the best and OT1, you'll always be top of the class in my books m8 :rolleyes:

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"you said people can draw their own conclusions, I also think the more facts they have the better they are able to do it. "

You got it m8!

Have a good one and enjoy those delicious sativas :rolleyes:

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Ok, here's the prices (for the lazy!):
- ppl are lazy for not checking things themselves BUT you ant to help people by doing the checking for them - you are starting to sound like Krusty to me (self rightous).
I am not here for pleasure, with only occassional posts in 'smokers forums'
- spare the patronising for OG.

I am out of this too.

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well all I can say is chill out. I thought it was only women who suffered from PMT.

If you want cheap stuff follow Trichome's advice.

Personally I would rather give my local grow shop my money, as a novice they will always offer good advice. This is my experience anyway.

Support the local economy.

Chill out and relax


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lol! This thread is too much!

I've not even reviewed it yet, but will surely have a laugh doing so!

Anyway, Fred, I did it because OT1 posted the other (more expensive) prices, and I didn't want people to be misled about the savings.

As for being a father figure to people (i.e. patronising), please m8, do me a favour!

I am a fellow grower, who has helped literally hundreds of people in the last year (mainly on OG, but some here too, and many, many PM's!), and will continue to do so.

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lol! Hey redeyed, good to see you, we'll have a full house soon!

The whole point of going on growsites is for communicating with other growers, who "will always offer good advice", in your own words.

IMO, grow shop advice isn't worth much anyway, the internet is much better, as you get an unbiased advice and a wide variety of opinions.

All the best and smoke one for me redeye!

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Ok, of course, UK420 offers excellent advice. People like yourself and many others here do an excellent job of helping people like myself.

But it is also good to know that I have a grow shop near buy, which will also offer me advice.

Happy toking

This thread is pretty funny, but not quite as funny as the one about that BC Pete guy.

everyone just grow and be happy

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High redeyed,

I hope you and your brother are enjoying your grow :)

I am happy to have helped you in the past, and will continue to do so, so no problem lol

All the best and have a good one :)

PS! I'll have to look into 'that BC Pete thread', sounds legendary already!

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hi Trichome, were enjoying our grow very much, especially now - looking at the buds all joining together, seeing how it all develops.

4 and a half weeks in 12/12 so hopefully things will continue well and we'll get a nice smoke.

Hope to see some more pics from u soon.

Cheers and Happy toking

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Just to get a couple of things straight mate

Unauthorised advertising on UK420 is not permitted

If you take a look around, you'll notice we don't carry many ads, main reason being we don't need to.

As owner of the site, I would feel uneasy accepting money to recommend a service or company that I had not used myself.

Does he pay for advertising here? No,  

What he does or doesn't pay to advertise here, believe it or not , has absolutey fuck all to do with you!!

But as you asked so nicely I'll tell you any way!

Hydrotechno is a fairly long standing UK420 member ( although under a different name) coupled with his genuine offer of discounts for all UK420 members,( although not as generous as the genuine one you were offered and so graciously declined) and the fact that the prices I have seen, before discounts are applied are actually cheaper than most others retailers selling an identical product in the uk, prompted me to help give his new venture a kick start, free of charge.

If you really want to expose the 'rip off', maybe you should be asking the big established UK players how they can be undercut by the 'little man' just starting out ?

IMHO the the price differences between UK and Holland are also directly related to the differences in legal status of cannabis between the two countries.

And just a personal preference, I sleep much better at night knowing my grow gear didn't have to pass through customs and excise on route to my front door, given the higher state of alertness that they operate under today, and the fact that big bulky parcels containing micro circuits , metal objects and wiring could quite easily be mistaken for something else when it's passed through the x-ray machine.

I'm prepared to pay 'over the odds' for a good nights sleep

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High Joolz,

A safe address is recommended, as it would be for when ordering from UK growshops.

Unless it's a 4-5" RVK fan, when that could be justified as a bathroom extractor, which is good because most people here are micro-growers anyway.

A trusted friend to receive seeds, clones and hydro equipment always comes in handy lol

All the best

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Guest Lambuster

Well... here I am.

First time in here after a good long while posting over on OG, and this may well be the last visit.

I agree with a lot of good points made here. I'm not going to name specifics but the way I see it is this...

If you want to save money (and let's face it, we all do..), then you will tend to buy goods from the place that gives you the best deal.

The best deal may not always equate to being the cheapest, as often that "personal" service is worth more than a few quid in the long run... however, if something were significantly cheaper than average, I would truly appreciate that information, especially in the way that it was presented to everyone... in the spirit of goodwill and support.

That price difference between the UK and the rest of the E.U. is not restricted to this business alone and therefore cannot be associated with the variance in legal status of cannabis. Any statement to the contrary can thus be regarded as fatuous and unsubstantiated. Look at the difference in car prices for example... the same vehicle can be bought considerably cheaper abroad in most cases. Musical instruments costing £2k here are routinely retailed at £1400 and less in Germany (including UK built items)...

But I digress...

Surely the whole point, and indeed the main mandate of this forum should be to propagate and disseminate information of a constructive nature to those who have no access to such - i.e. the so-called "hobby-grower" as opposed to commercial growers? When this fails to be the case and reverts instead to prepubescent name calling, then I'm afraid the forum has failed in it's primary function.

Incidentally, at what point does it cease to be a hobby anymore? When you start to require fans and filters or when you stop growing on the window-sill?

As far as I'm concerned, this rather timely referral, courtesy of TrichomeUK, has saved me £80 on this order alone, and shortly a lot more on those 600w HPS units I've been promising myself.

Enjoy yourselves.


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