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Not another cal mag thread!! - Is it just snake oil?


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As far as I can remember Calmag wasn't a thing, I've only heard of it in recent years. Everyone seemed to be growing cannabis just fine before we had it. Ok if it helps you now then why not use it but we did fine before it came about.

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1 hour ago, GSZZ said:

I always believed its effect on soil bacteria etc were over stated

100% unless your brewing a compost tea or similar there's no need to neutralise chlorine. Chloramine may be a different story, but I just pretend that doesn't exist lol

Edited by MindSoup
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3 hours ago, sweettooth said:

wasn’t criticising anyone Ratdog



sorry mate, wasn't aimed at you, just those who preach against its use



only time i saw deficiencies was when i was lazy and didn’t ph which led me to me other question about ph downs and there effect on calcium and magnesium which may also be a contributing factor as using phosphorus based ph downs may remove some of the useable CA and MG



i've not had to adjust my feed ph at all using ionic, but even with 1ml of calmag i'm still using 85ml/10ltr of bloom to get to 1.7-1.8, that's probably why it's so cheap, £30 for 5ltr

Edited by ratdog
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4 hours ago, ratdog said:

cue captain beef heart


Hes probably having a shit in a layby...



Edited by BilgePump
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11 minutes ago, BilgePump said:


Hes probably having a shit in a layby...





i read that too fast and read "having a shit on a baby" then thought, that's probably about right lol

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just picked up dutch pro ph down, it's nitric acid based, my waters shit, ill report back on my diary as to my findings

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some of my plants need it some are fine without and I have a ph 7.4 most days not much fluctuations so no its not snake oil read the plant if it needs it let em have it.Mainly needed with crosses with more sativa in I couldn’t tell you why.And a bit off topic but get some decent silicone and a fan and you won’t need loads of fishing line to hold the buds up done.peace Goohfy.

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  • 2 months later...

If you’re running r/o then it’s needed.peace Goohfy.

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In contrast to my previous statements, I have started giving plants a 1ml/L dose during switch over from veg to flower and up to week 3


I think some people see it as a "fix all" and its not, sort your feed and environment first and then add when the plants need it (reading your plants is a must)

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1 hour ago, sweettooth said:

In contrast to my previous statements, I have started giving plants a 1ml/L dose


so it's not snake oil after all?


great thread lol :russian:

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11 minutes ago, ratdog said:


so it's not snake oil after all?


great thread lol :russian:



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I used CalMag after switching to Coco from compost but I have changed to a new nutrient and I don't seem to need it anymore. I guess its a matter of horses for courses. Nutes/Substrates, etc.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I use canna coco along with 10ml cal mag in an 18L container. I know that if i do not add that calmag i have deficiencies,  this is because my water is soft simple as that. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I use soft water and haven't had any Mag/Cal deficiencies, so I'm not sure it's quite as simple as that. 



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  • 1 month later...

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