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getting back to the subject of the topic though, I'll be in dutch experience all afternoon tomorrow if anyone is local, has a free afternoon, and wants to continue the debate over a smoke? :-)

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Good points MD and Splan,

I'd love to chat about it in the DE - though it's too far at the moment.

I think the Europe factor may some influence. If we decimmed - the Dutch would side with the UK and maybe Germany too - that influence in the EU would be more powerful against the US zealots. I'm thinking that acceptance and tolerance in the EU - would force US to make concessions on its hard line stance.

I agree with the 'scared to upset our US friends' view - but they owe us a favour or two for recent events - time to get less preachy from their point of view and make some global friends again. They need them politically at the moment.


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Just a small point re-the EU; they made a recommdation in 1997 that all member states should move toward decrimalisation.

I also remember reading somewhere, but can't find it now, that the EU was pulling out of the UN Single Convention on Drugs (or whatever its called), this is the agreement held up governments as preventing the legalisation of cannabis.

The future is bright - the future is green!


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Europe - they can have my vote if they decrim all over the continent and make everyone ease up - i wouldn't know where to book my next holiday...


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  • 3 weeks later...

ii nearly had to go to the d.e. today.....

i was'nt looking forward to going out in the hail and snow.luckily as i was getting ready for the train supertoker rang and said she was on her way with 1/2oz of bud for me,saved..next time i need to go,i hope its a better day.

spliffdaddy :mad:  ;)

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Would I use a cannabis coffee shop?

Difficult one!!

Lets look at the options.

a. Spend my valued weekends being dragged around Marks and Spencers so I can end up paying six quid for an apple


b) Sitting in the warm, drinking the odd mouthful of coffee, getting stoned out of my mind and feeling absolutley great

Derr! Homer, can you help me out here?

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And the point was not just would you use a coffeeshop...but would you use one rather than your usual source ?


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On the original point. Yes i would use one and i would buy some gear from there, but I would still be growing my own. So it would add a little variety without messing up my growing regime.

I hope that it happens, soon!


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Would i use a coffee shop? no! :sarcasm:

(jk) ;)

I would be in a coffee shop 24/7 if they were legal! in fact i would buy my own coffee shop chain and call it Mc stoners!

You could have spliffs, blunts, bongs whatever you wanted! in fact you would get a free 'stoner' toy with each major purchase (usually something shiny or a trippy poster)

However, its not a possiblity at the moment. Sigh.

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Well maybe at first for novelty value, but then I'd probably just do what i've been doing for the last 20 years, and toke at home or with friends ;)

It's not that much different from when I used to drink, I never used to like pubs.

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Probably not, as a rule. Like Joolz, I prefer to sit at home with my friends and smoke in comfort, with sounds we like, etc etc. However, an occasional sortee would no doubt be in order, just to taste something a bit different and meet new folks. But not as an alternative to my own grow, no!

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Well were i live isolated in the Highlands of Scotland i have had a coffee shop for years its called my living room ;)  :(

I would use a coffee shop like any other cafe only to my preference of a place to go for a coffee and smoke of a bong while am shoping etc... like many others would in the millons on a saturday etc... in the end people would see them like any other corner cafe. (Plus with all the none smoking cafes today we need something like this any way for smokers, then none smokers will know not to use coffee shops, so in the end all is happy)



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