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thats a hard one as my dealer is also a good friend and i get the old vip treatment. but since im trying to get a job in a london coffeeshop, i probably would as long as my friend wasnt offended.

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Quote from rizzzzzla, posted on Oct. 18 2001,07:04

now thats a dam silly question  :D  

why wouldnt i use one ?

stay high


You might grow your own top quality buds and not need one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it's official....nobody said they wouldn't use one (now thats a suprise ;) ) ..... and over 70% said that they WOULD use a cannabis coffeeshop instead of their usual source therefore CANNABIS COFFEESHOPS would almost immediately eradicate the blackmarket side of cannabis. :satisfied:

LISTEN UP BABYLON and see the error of your ways...

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coffeeshops would be cool some of the time, but come on

there's nothin' like gettin' wayhaysted in the comfort of your

own abode!! like coffeshops dont have 4 foot bongs & tings, you

know.. i think you do :fun luvin' peace 2 u people. ;)

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I think it would be safe to say that I might pop down to one now and again. I can see the benefits of home-grown (I'm just drawing up plans for another room to get a 2-stage system going) and I love spending a bit of time with my little girls in the basement. Found a chap in the harem today - it's fair to say he suffered some 'stress' before banishment. But I'm straying from the point.

Firstly they would be handy if I ran short, secondly if I fancied a spliff when I'm in town shopping - I could slide into one for a quick pick-me-up. Thirdly it would create an environment for like minded people to get to know each other (once the initial honeymoon period was over - i.e. get mortally caned 3 minutes after arriving  and sitting silently for 6 hours - see Amsterdam) and fourthly it's crime free for all the people who might like to try it - but currently can't.

Personally - the old hemp playboy has his heart set on revolutionisng the coffeeshop theme. Wanting to create a more diverse environment for the common space-head. Rooms that turn upside down with you in them, live stand-up, cushion cinemas (playing DVDs), frog races, rooms full of hammocks playing a variety of music, with rollerskating girls in leotards (hey! and another one with George Clooney clones - for the laydees)... Phew! My 1930s background nearly caught up with me there.

Also I was thinking of 'hemp park' - a kind of theme day out - let's say twenty a head with a bag of bud thrown in - indoor jungles, quad bikes, miniature hovercrafts, cable cars, hang out with a monkey (my personal favourite), funny animals - meerkats, peccadilloes, anteaters, armadilloes. Excellent catering facilities - i.e. lots of thrills but nothing too taxing (or dangerous)...

the future.... it's all possible

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