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new to coco need my hand holding

Lazy L

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hi everyone im going to need some help i have decided to switch to coco and got some cheap stuff large.20230903_160727.jpg i cant help a bargain:wallbash:


i will be growing in a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2.2 tent with a 600w hps, 150mm extraction with 200mm mountain air filter and i have a 200w under floor heating mat with a inkbird controller set to 23


im just getting set up for the proper grow at the moment and i would appreciate any helpful tips and tricks as i have been a mud monkey for over 10 years now and im surfe i will need to re learn a lot


thanks for reading


e2a: these are what i will be growing large.20230903_182736.jpg


3 x zkittlez 2.0 from silent seeds

2 x rainbowcake from pheno finder seeds

1 x lemon bubble from pheno finder seeds


i am hoping to get at least 5 to germ so they can end up in some 15L buckets for flower


i have some other seeds as back up just in case hopefully i wont need them yet


1st question can i still just germinate the seeds straight in the coco or do i need something else?


im off to read some diarys :smokin:

Edited by Lazy L
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For anyone else who wants to read it, including me when I move to coco in a year or so, I think the 1st coco thread referred to is this one:


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hi everyone time for a little update and a couple of questions


i popped my seeds in some water earlier i stuck with the


3 x zkittlez 2.0 from silent seeds large.20230910_155004.jpg


2 x rainbowcake from pheno finder seeds large.20230910_154918.jpg

1 x lemon bubble from pheno finder seeds large.20230910_154934.jpg but i added

5 x chelato from @4kali i believe large.20230910_154955.jpg


hopefully these all pop i can either do 9 in one tent or i have another 1.2 x 1.2 sitting there in the corner so i can do 5 in each

im going to soak them untill they sink with a gentle poke and get them into pots


1st question is can i put these straight into the coco or would i need something like these large.20230910_155114.jpg


2nd question is i have fishmix for veg will that still work in coco?



thanks for reading :smokin:

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Yes you can pop the beans straight in to coco, and yes you can use fish mix in coco, although others wouldn’t recommend it, I grew autos in coco with fish mix over the summer with great results, but for starting off with coco i would recommend coco specific nutes

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@The Green Manalishi thank you i was hoping to use the fishmix up i cant order any feed for about a week i have some intense nutrients kickstart would that be better?


@Black Shadow i have no soil anywhere buddy im all in with the coco




on a side note im thinking about starting some autos i was thinking the fems are going to need 8 to 10 weeks veg so i have time


i just looked through my seed tub and come up with these little beautys large.20230910_164415.jpglarge.20230910_164452.jpglarge.20230910_164458.jpg


how many could i fit in a 1.2 x 1.2 tent i was thinking 5 in buckets (15L i think) so i might start all 7 hope for the best

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I don’t have any experience with kickstart, but I would suggest fully saturating your coco with 0.5-1ml/l of feed before planting beans in it 


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Yeah the pellets are ideal for starting your seeds in :yep:



Start off with 2ml/l of Kickstart :thumsup:


Plus your CalMag or whatever you’re using to get your water up to EC 0.4 :) 







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I have sprayed my tent with guard'n'aid for thrips as I had a infestation on my last grow and have washed my pots and flushed my coco ready for tomorrow 


I am going to start my autos in the final pots is this still the way to do it or should I start them in small pots? 


I will be starting everything under a 250w hps and putting the autos under a 600w hps after a couple of weeks in a separate tent


I was thinking about putting everything on a 18/6 schedule would I be better doing a 20/4? 


Sorry for all the questions I really want to get this right my yields and quality have gone right downhill recently and I need a good result to get the mojo flowing again

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I’d start the autos in wee pots and pot up :) 


It takes a lot of guesswork out of watering a small plant in a huge pot,

reduces the risk of root rot etc.


Start off everything on 24hrs light just to help keep the environment steady,

then drop to 20/4 after a couple of weeks.



It’s better to ask before making a mistake,

plus you’ll get different answers from different members,

it’s a great way to learn as folk explain the reasons for their answer :thumsup:


There’s often multiple ways to do lots of things to achieve the same or very similar results.







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i flushed the coco through again today with a ec of 0.78 and it came out the other end at 0.72 i hope thats close enough i thought as it was 0.7 both ends it would do


i planted all the seeds today




theres the autos in the black pots i run out of the little ones


now its just a waiting game

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If your using fishmix, you might as well ditch the ec pen it’s not needed with your feed, best stick to ml/l ec pens work best with coco/ specifically feeds.

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I made up a 10L bucket with 15ml cal mag to bring it up to 0.4 then added 20ml of kickstart that took the ec to basically 0.8 I didn't check the pH as I need some calibration fluid 


I will take pictures of everything next time I'm not the best at explaining 

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LED’s diary is a good one to read as has been mentioned, also I found some great info in @Owderb diaries, he takes a very simple no nonsense approach which I’ve followed myself and got great results. Also @GSZZ diary for the more technical stuff. Just keep it as simple as you can and you should be ok, if not there are some top growers on here that I’m sure will be able to help you out.


Good luck!

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