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Just now, geogeo said:

are you from yorkshire , or aberdeen lol  lol


Neither...another few miles South and I'll be on the Isle of Wight...:rofl:

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Yh they look nice mate, first thought when I see the pic was "Cor they look quite chonkey" lol


I've had one or two surprises from freebies I've had from Attitude before but nothing to write home about, they look well nice tho.


Keep the humidity in check and I'd agree your in for a solid yield there matey. :yep:

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Good job you mentioned humidity...62% FFS !  Found a dead leaf on a bud today, guess what was underneath...fecking mould!!

Took my eye off the ball there with so much shit going on elsewhere, found another couple of spots and cut it all out,

increased circulation and extraction, cranked up the dehumidifier... set at 30%.

I'll have to check them all now...at least I can take them off the table to do that...ain't life grand...:rofl:

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1 hour ago, stu914 said:

fecking mould


Mate.... I lost about 3-4 oz to it on my harvest two weeks ago. So easy to loose you head once in heavy bloom, Im usually like a hawk for spotting it, but that last grow I had a SCROG on half the tent so I think I missed some mold over the far side and it got a hold before I spotted it. No table for me mate, just a huge net with 9 plants trapped in it :headpain: Heartbreaking cutting those tops off it really is.


I couldn't work out how it had happened but when I did a full clean I found the culprit. Turns out the pre filter on my filter was totally dust ridden, when I took it off and turned my fan back on all the tent sides sucked in and I could feel the fresh air rusing in the tent vents. Wasn't doing that 4 weeks ago I know it wasn't. Should have seen it coming tbh as I didn't wash it from the previous grow. Over 15 years of this stuff and I'm still learning :rolleyes:


I wish I could get a dehumidifier in my tent / groom mate but I'd need one the size of a Ford Fiesta to deal with the humidity. I had to go up to a 12" fan instead. The thing looks like the engine from airplane but it does keep the humidity down. Unless you do something DUMB like forget to wash your prefilter of course lol



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Afternoon all,


I took the plants off the table yesterday and only found one more spot of mould, bugger getting them back under the support mesh.

All sorted now though and I saved a mould free top bud, dried on the dehumidifier overnight and this morning tried some in the vape.

Even at 6.5 weeks 12/12 It's absolutely banging...  bit harsh but no coughing and even with my tolerance it's done the job...:stoned:

Supposed to be a nine or ten week finish so can only get even better.


On a side note, Peggy-the-Cat is recovering well from her final tooth extraction yesterday...:thumsup:


'til next time


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Afternoon all,


I seem to have conquered the mould, had to chop out a fair bit so cranked up circulation/extraction

and had the dehumidifier running 24/7, humidity now between 42 and 48.

These are supposed to be 9 to 10 week finish but at 7.5 weeks they look pretty much cooked.

Trichs mostly milky with a few amber, I've never had leaves yellowing at this stage before and they're still on full feed.

I reckon it's the system responsible for reducing the flowering time...still going to run them through to 9 weeks though.




'til next time


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  • 3 weeks later...

Evening all,


What a disaster...just about the whole lot is riddled with mould on the insides, my own bloody fault for letting the humidity

get too high coupled with root rot.

I hadn't noticed until harvest and I opened the pots that the roots had coiled around the base blocking off the drainholes

so the plants had slowly drowned, hence the early yellowing leaves.

It's a good yielding strain and I'll be able to salvage some, not sure the quality will be all that though...definitely running it again...


'til next time


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Mate, I feel your pain I really do.


When I ran the San'Bacio Gelato and LA Gelato in my DWC buckets I got rot in 5 of 8 plants, the rot had gotten into the stem and just infected the entire main tops, was worse I'd ever seen.


I think some strains are just more likely to get it than others, even if the humidity is OK'ish they can still get it, and if its from the inside its a bastard to spot in time.


fingers crossed next run is mold free :yep:

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Thanks for all the commiserations chaps...luckily I've got plenty of bits and pieces stashed so won't run out.

It's certainly a bummer alright, just goes to show you can't afford to take your eye off in this game as it can

go shit shaped PDQ..anyways, onwards and upwards, I've had an 11 roses quietly vegging in the growfridge and put

9 tiny rooted clones off her straight into 12/12 yesterday, I'll start a new thread...


Thanks for looking in everyone

'til next time




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