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Disposing of the evidence


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4 hours ago, mikeydoughnut said:


You knows it, the fear is genuine lol


Also as a former kerbside refuse collection operative I can confirm nobody picking up yer rubbish gives a badgers nutsack what's in yer bin , just make sure there's a bag of cat litter or something rank near the top to deter any over zealous waste awareness officers (jobsworth twats them) if yer local authority uses them but actual bin men just want to go home, job n finish innit :yep:



Edited by BilgePump
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I chuck it in the composter with a shot of canna zyme to speed things up 

I've heard people say an enzyme based drain cleaner will break it down quicker in the same way but I dunno how true that is Or how it will effect the compost long term 

But if you have a large enough container, drain cleaner will liquify it in a couple of days 

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@BilgePump My two cats seem to stopped going indoors. I'd say we haven't changed the litter for weeks and weeks. The whole setup is decorative, nowadays :D And no, we haven't got Covid and lost our senses of smell;  I'm sure someone would have said something lol 


I can plan ahead, though. Lock the cats in until the necessary has been produced lollollollol 


In an emergency, I guess I could try and fill the tray myself :skin_up: 

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One of the reasons I use my system is disposal of waste, especially rootballs. Without medium all that's left is roots, stems and leaves.

I dry everything then chop stems and put in a public bin, the roots and leaves are chucked on the lawn where the mower deals with them.


Like this...:yep:



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I'm fortunate to have a rubbish disposal chute in the building I call home, and there's about 110 flats all using it daily, down chute into the big metal bin, gets collected every week with no further thought or consideration from myself, I'll tie up any trim, after decarb or qwiso fuckery of course, in several carrier bags inside a black bin bag, done it this way for the past 7ish years with never a problem. The person/group/gang that's growing somewhere in my area on an industrial scale don't seem to care much about stealth, layby near me over the past few years has become the dumping ground for all their trim and old 10" ducting after every grow, I've been tempted to have a sort through for any decent trim, yeah so what waste annoys me, but the big council CCTV cameras covering that stretch of road puts me off, and leaves me puzzled why someone would dump all their grow evidence in view of cctv

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Work somewhere that has lots of large wheelie bins for the 100 flats above, no cctv, during winter I would take a few bags from the car when it's dark whilst emptying the office bins and bin it all, probably 120L coco, few bags of material and rubbish, all at once , spread it across bins so it's at the bottom,  stuff gets collected with all the other flats and hotels. in summer it's a different story.... paranoia, night time runs lol


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This is really interesting :D Everyone has a slightly different method. Some of you have great circumstances; I love the disposal chute, that's perfect

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I’m lucky I guess, I have the space to get rid without bother. Chuck it on the compost heap or muck heap. No one near enough to smell weed, and if they were the pig/chicken/horse shit would cover it lol.


If I lived in a town, I think I’d just double bag it and chuck in the wheelie bin.

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My local council do a green waste wheely bin for £50 a year. Mine all goes in that, root balls anyway, the rest goes in my compost heap. It only gets emptied once a month, so a few grass clipping in too, no sweat :yep: It was a bit different getting rid of roots and matting from an NFT grow, that’s not something you see in a garden lol

Edited by Flamedodger
Spelling innit
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Years ago before they became so anal about checking you’ve separated stuff at the local recycling Center I took my nft waste in black bags there, stalks and roots sticking out of rockwool cubes matting everything they were dripping water. One of the guys helped me unload it all from car into the general waste skip while chatting to me about my car lol 


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8 hours ago, Flamedodger said:

My local council do a green waste wheely bin for £50 a year. Mine all goes in that, root balls anyway, the rest goes in my compost heap. It only gets emptied once a month, so a few grass clipping in too, no sweat :yep: It was a bit different getting rid of roots and matting from an NFT grow, that’s not something you see in a garden lol


Yeah we have a brown bin for garden waste. Supposed to monthly but it seems a lot less than that :rolleyes: I guess we pay for it lol I pictured the bin guys opening the lid on collection day and getting a face full of fermenting weed aromas, and crossed the idea off of my list. But then it seems that the bin guys couldn't give a monkeys what's in the bins as long as it doesn't ruin there day. So I'll probably start slipping the stuff into bins over time, I'd say


@Arbre Medicinal I did consider at least looking into how to "enliven" used compost, but didn't get around to it. If it's as simple as adding a teaspoon of "X" and reusing, that'll be what I do next time around



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That's mad some places have to pay for the green bin. They collect ours every 2 weeks. Well not mine as it's lost in the jungle that is my garden :blushing:

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