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Disposing of the evidence


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Afternoon folks :) 


My back garden has been a jungle for a couple of years, until recently. I've dug up all the beds and there's  dirt everywhere and a huge pile of roots, weeds, bushes in the middle of the garden. 


So it was easy enough this time around to get rid of 120L of compost. I just spread it over the area that I'd dug up, and dug the compost in. In the dark lol 

I can probably dig in another 20 or 30 grows before the bed's get noticeably higher lol So I should be ok getting rid of compost. 


I've just trimmed the buds from 9 little plants that came from 2L pots. Just a little pile of wood. In the next week or so I'm going to have a somewhat larger pile of branches from my big tent. 


Now, this pile of roots and weeds and bushes and so on in the garden - it's pretty big; waist-high, 8'+ diameter. I'm wondering if I could mix the chopped canna wood into that pile. The pile's not going anywhere for the time being, so the canna wood would presumably weather over the weeks ahead, enough that it would cease to smell like our favourite plant. Wouldn't it? And then just take it to the tip with everything else? 


If my "throw it all in the pile" option isn't a good idea, what do you all do with your wood? :naughty: 

I'll need a plan for the next grow, please and thanks :yep: 

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At the end of a cycle I chop what I can up into 2 - 3cm chunks and chuck it on the compost with everything else, except the root balls. It stinking up a bit isn't an issue particularly as my neighbours know whats up and my other neighbours are horses, notorious for not being grasses on account of not being able to talk, but sticking waste in a tied black sack in the corner of the grow room for a week or two before putting out soon sorts the smell out.. Depending on how many and how big the root balls are depends on whether or not I stick them on the compost, a few little ones are fine but eventually the compost becomes more coco than anything else, so I either smash them up and bleed a few into the grey bin every fortnight until there is none left, or I take them to a local grow shop that has a waste collection service but I seldom utilise it, I'm glad its there though. 

Edited by GSZZ
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I do a variety of things to sort of "consume" the evidence.  I'll throw root balls in the kitchen trash can over the course of time.  So it ends up mixed into the big trash can outside that gets emptied every week.  I'll sneak depleted soil into my back yard every so often.  I'll pour some into the worm bin I keep inside as well as some into the compost bin outside.  A good deal of it gets recycled and re-amended. 



Whenever I trim and hang to dry, I do the same with the plant stalks.  Some get cut into small pieces and go in the kitchen trash.  Some outside etc. 



I just try to spread it all around so that there isn't an alarming quantity of incriminating "waste" in any one particular spot, at any one particular time. 

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I love a stroll through the woods of an evening, just keep an eye out for werewolf looking things (Am i joking?)



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@Gaijin Could you not just burn it with other garden waste? Spread the compost as you have and burn everything else..wouldnt worry about smell when burning some grass clippings will take care of that but it might smoke a bit lol

Edited by Revive
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Get an allotment,it's much safer than taking grow refuse to a grow shop ....?,even when a couple of plot holders are plod.

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@GSZZ that sounds fair, mate. I've done that with fan leaves earlier in the grow - bagged them up in black plastic. I wasn't sure how the fully aromatic parts would act in the same situation but as you say, time does the job.


Good idea spreading the biomass around a bit @Cajafiesta I guess if any is "found" it's small amount and unlikely to cause any issue


@BilgePump  I'm hardly going to go in the bloody woods now, am I?? :rolleyes:lollol 


I did think about flames @Revive But I'm right in the middle of suburbia, someone would no doubt complain even without adding weed aromatics to the fire lol  


@Mr mcgregor I've already got an indoor allotment ffs!! lollollol I hear what you're saying though. I'd love an allotment but I really haven't got the time to do it any justice 


Thanks gents, good stuff :yep: 

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@mikeydoughnut good to know that binmen don't care too much, as long as one doesn't take the piss :yep: 


I guess dropping little packages in bins nearby wouldn't be too much of an effort either lol 

tbh, I think the missus already uses the bin as a way of smuggling out everything that you would normally have to pay to be rid of :doh:


 "Another 473 bin collections and I'll be rid of all this asbestos"  


"Chuck another 3 drops of mercury in the food waste bin before you take it out, there's a dear" 



Love her to bits lol 


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I break the rootballs up as I always think squares scream cannabis grower and take it down the recycling centre. I wouldn't do it for a a whole crop but I do perpetual so it's only a couple at a time really. Plants waste gets dumped in the woods for the squirrels to get high on :wacko: 

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@mikeydoughnut from my neck ut'woods I reckon.... I am currently looking at a good years worth of root balls and stems sticking out of the veg pile. I chuck the lot in there, fuck it. I live in a part of god's country that's generally on fire. I'm not selling gram tens to 13 year olds so I just carry on regardless. Considering the amount of commercial crop waste I encounter about the place, I'm pretty sure I'll glide on through without incident.... 

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@mikeydoughnut you obviously don't speak fluent Albanian. A friend of mine has a grow shop, and I'm literally his only English customer. He now speaks in several former Eastern bloc languages (he barely managed English previously, and he's English!!) 

I only persevere with the garden so that Mrs Jones dunt smash me knackers off with all the ganj I fire out. I'm a shit gardener (she calls me the Harold Shipman of shrubbery, shit comes here to die) I'm overlooked by about a million people, so it must be amusing to watch me dragging the light dep ladies out every bastard morning.... If I could blag her into letting me do a proper indoor grow, I'd save misen a lot of early morning leg work. Until such a day, I'm stuck in a tiny wardrobe and the garden of doom

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I used to put the coir root balls in the woodburner and recycle the green waste with the food waste when i could grow at home:yinyang:

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