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Carbon filter letting out smell


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Hey can anyone shed some light on why a carbon filter I bought in 2021 but only used for 1 crop. Isn't working now.


I have a 3.6 x 2.4 tent with 35 plants In veg and I can smell them through the ducting so I'm worried when I go into flower this will be a big problem 


When I first used this carbon filter there wasn't a single smell. 


I have a 4250m3 fan set to run about half speed. And the filter is the same rating so not sure why it's not working. 


It has been in storage until I've got it out to use it again. 

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Have you checked all yer connections and made sure the filter isn't damp Inside?


On that note excessive humidity can hamper performance.


35 plants for a personal grow is fair cavalier, you must have cast iron huevos



Edited by BilgePump
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That's shit man,I'd get a new one,if you feel it now if flower it will reek,better react now.


Check the connections twice as mentioned before you order new.


If it's temp controled fan that might cause it as well due low Temps it can reduce airflow.





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2 hours ago, BilgePump said:

35 plants for a personal grow


A bit unfair, I mean who couldn't smoke their way through 120 ounces a crop  :)

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52 minutes ago, Larry Badgeley said:

35 Plants. Wholesale eh?

Why is it on here if people do more than 10 plants they get snidey comments on higher numbers?. Is it because higher numbers folk think there bang at selling? People should be able to grow how many they want be that one or a thousand had no relevance on there life what folk do. They make extracts etc creams balms they use a fair amount for the returns maybe it’s jealousy who knows. Hope you get your problems sorted to the original poster.

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1 hour ago, Devon Cream said:

Usually just jealousy.


That they can afford all that electricity :).


In all seriousness, I was under the impression that large grows were frowned upon here in the same way that talk of pricing was so that the site isn't seen to be encouraging anything but ditch the dealer. I couldn't give a toss personally what others are up to because I've learnt to be more concerned with what's on my plate. That said I realise that many out there may well have the green eye, but if that were the case, nothing stopping them from setting up a grow of similar size with all the pitfalls that come with it.:)


A bit like all the sausages on reddit uktrees accusing people of jealousy because they get laughed at for their "cali weed" at 5 times the normal price I suppose. 

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