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loving the hinges to allow it to fit in the apex of a roof space 

Edited by rumplestilskin'n
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@ControlLED do you guys make any hobby panels?


all I’m seeing is 740w panels. 

any plans for a 300w, 480w, 640w?


just thinking 740w at £800 are a little more than the average hobby grower would need. 

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Yeah...they are hellish big units.....I tell you what....Ill take one for the team and you can send me one to test lollollol 

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21 minutes ago, mysticriver said:

where ur website @ControlLED?

ive looked on ur profile & googled controlLED to no avail...







You had to put 830w in the search as well to find it....I couldn't find it yesterday either at first :yep:

Edited by zen-ken
Shameless promoting so I can tap them up for a fixture
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1 hour ago, zen-ken said:




You had to put 830w in the search as well to find it....I couldn't find it yesterday either at first :yep:


still far too much LED power and price for the average hobby grower. 

V1 - 740w

F1 - 830w

F1 + UV and FAR red - 930w


ranging between £800-£1100


most hobby growers are choosing 300-480w panels ranging from £250-£400. 

don’t get me wrong it’s great that companies are producing U.K. panels but when there aren’t any budget friendly or hobby style panels this only caters to those who realistically grow for profit. 

If I were to get a 730w Panel I wouldn’t run it over 400w and at a cost of £809 it’s a very expensive 400w light. 

Edited by JonDaMon
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Some people don't run perpetual harvests, particularly those in rented accommodation. They might run one or 2 big crops per year. Those people need a lot more light than those of us with smaller perpetual grows. More than one way to skin a cat and all that.

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1 minute ago, NezA said:

Some people don't run perpetual harvests, particularly those in rented accommodation. They might run one or 2 big crops per year. Those people need a lot more light than those of us with smaller perpetual grows. More than one way to skin a cat and all that.


i agree which sparks the question why only cater to one type of grower?

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Just now, JonDaMon said:


i agree which sparks the question why only cater to one type of grower?

 Because the hobby market in the UK ain't worth dick lets be fair....its oversaturated with really quality fixtures with very small margins of difference.

Hence, I suspect, the screen on this fixture and its ability to change lighting recipes....something I adore tbf and can see being very very useful.


(I found a Chinese company willing to do this for me but they would only sell them to me by the container lollollol)   


Once you buy a fixture, the chances of you replacing it in the next five years is close to fuck all.

I have the old migro's ....I have a V1 scope still....If you put a middle man in (grow shop) then the price hits the roof.


Your really aiming for low hanging fruit if you go for noob hobby growers that dont know any better and just want a salesman in a shop to tell them what they want and don't mind paying for the privilege.

The chances of me buying my lighting from a grow shop is the same as the pope giving me a love bite on me bell end :rofl::rofl:

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Just now, zen-ken said:

 Because the hobby market in the UK ain't worth dick lets be fair....its oversaturated with really quality fixtures with very small margins of difference.



Once you buy a fixture, the chances of you replacing it in the next five years is close to fuck all.



dont get me wrong I use LED myself with bridgelux diodes. 

my point is that if a company such as @ControlLED offered a U.K. manufactured panel with U.K. support I suspect a lot of U.K. hobby growers would choose them over those other manufacturers. 

i agree there are a lot of hobby panels on the market but not a lot of U.K. manufactured hobby panels which is why most end up with Chinese panels with poor customer service. 

but I guess I’m just not “big time” enough to see the benefit in what they’re selling. 

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1 minute ago, JonDaMon said:

i agree there are a lot of hobby panels on the market but not a lot of U.K. manufactured hobby panels which is why most end up with Chinese panels with poor customer service. 



I disagree with due respect....I know of at least four manufacturers (I have fixtures from two of them) that are quality units.....they are just expensive.....Most have some really nice touches like not blowing up when the humidity goes up lollol  


People end up with chinese knock offs because they are bloody cheap and now extremely effective (Samsung and osrams etc) imho.






(just banter - I struggle to communicate my sense of humour sometimes)

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41 minutes ago, zen-ken said:



quality units.....they are just expensive






(just banter - I struggle to communicate my sense of humour sometimes)


and in this lies the problem. 


and don’t worry it’s always tough to communicate satire when it’s just text on a screen. lol  

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1 hour ago, zen-ken said:

the pope giving me a love bite on me bell end 


I'm sure if you prayed really really hard and said enough Hail Marys'...:wassnnme:



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