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Blue berry, Purple punch, Black berry, & Northern lights


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27th July 00:05am, and end of day 6, and good morning to all.

Just to note as I forgot to mention, on day 2 (36hrs old) 22nd July, as this ties in to one of the pics below regards height, I’m think’n, wow these girls are nearly 2” tall already, and thought if this keeps going like this, I’m gona have real leggy seedlings, so chancing me arm, I said I’d drop the light 4” to see if that would slow or stop the stretch, and that seems to have brought them straight to a halt, as they haven’t really gained height since, not sure if that was the right thing to do.


At 6pm on the 25th and been very reserved so far with watering, I gave them a good drink thinking I should up the amount of water now, but in hind sight I think I may have over watered, haven’t had to water since, and Miss Black doesn’t look as perky regards the first set of true leaves, or could be the change in temp/Rh which has dropped for the last 36hrs, average temp now 24c, Rh 46%, or thirdly that’s just her character, her first true leafs are slightly turned down at the edges, and I don’t know what shape/style or angle the leafs should be at. Lighting has been untouched regards height, and turned up to 25% on the 25th


This is the 4 girls together, Blue left front, Punch right front, Black back right, and Light back left



Miss Blue



Miss Punch



Miss Black



Miss Light



Very happy man, and will post back with progress in a few days closer to transplant day. Will be head’n to the shop tomorrow or Friday, so any thoughts on rooting products for transplant, do I need them for transplanting, or carry on without? And thanks for check’n by :yep:






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Looking lovely mate. In regards to the light distance, I think people tend to be a bit over cautious, especially when mak4 the switching from HID but even seedlings can take quite a lot of light. Have a look at Bruce Bugbees (Apogee Instruments) videos on Youtube, they're incredibly informative, he's the leading expert on the subject. 


If you want to get more accurate with DLI/light intensity you can get apps for your phone or my preferred method is using Migros method as shown in this thread. 



Edited by MindSoup
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Ha, was just check'n your link there now, it's Shane I was talk'n last week about the Uni-T when I came across his video, so I should be able to dial the light in better with that :yep:

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Yeah mate with bruce at your side and a uni t in your hand you'll be getting that DLI dialled in perfectly. 

Edited by MindSoup
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Just said I'd add this into the diary for references. I bought a digital meter, and it arrived there now, it measures volts, amps, watts, kilowatts, and costing for electricity (have to program it for the costings)


Connected to the supply is the led light, extraction fan, and the 2 pc fans.

Plugged it in there now, and the total for the 3 items is, it's pulling just under 3 amps, and 103 watts/hr.


The pc fans I just plugged out, and checked on there own, and are at full power, and just under 3w.

Ac infinity state their T4 fan says they use 21w, so until checked individually, looks like the led light is drawing around 80w running at about 28% power :yep:

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@The VillanThanks mate, and welcome :yep:

Ya UK420 is something else, a vault full of years of info, and many heads here happy to help, and share there time.

Best place I could have fell apon, and love'n it on here :)It took a bit of time to learn a few bits to get up and running, so thankfully I'm on my first run now, thanks too UK420, so happy days :thumsup:

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Fair play to you mate, looks like you have taken your time and done lots of research and preparation before jumping in and your diary looks like everything is well thought out (polar opposite to me lol)


Will follow along mate, best of luck with the grow:yep:


ATB, J:bong:

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@GaijinThey always say its never to late, until yer running to catch that bus, and just as ya get to the door, the driver pulls off :wallbash:

I'll always stop for strays though :) so welcome aboard mate, cause fuck knows what sort of a ride we're in for, time will tell :thumsup:


@Jams67Thanks buddy, appreciate that, and  welcome along.

If there's one thing I've learned from been Bi-polar, is that every fuck'n rabbit hole I jump into, on the good side I'm talk'n about for me, and I'm fly'n it, buzz'n away, and I'm happy out, it's others that suffer the trail of nuclear fallout left behind someone like me, so now for the best part all is good, as I've learned to slowed down, and think, and study what I'm about to do, instead of just jump'n in feet first, that's the way I try to roll now, and works a treat for me :thumsup:



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30th July, 1:00am and good morning to all. The girls are 9 days old now, and 1 day from transplant, again very happy to date, and all girls look'n well, and thriving :)

Temps stable the last couple of days at around 26 and Rh 50, and just to note, i'm not really controlling the environment regards temp/Rh, it is what it is, so to speak.


28th July just watered 50ml each except Miss blue gave a little less, as she's not drink'n as much, and on the 29th gave 100ml each, and 50ml to miss blue (all plain tap water)


So ya, really look'n forward to tomorrow, transplant day, the next critical step, especially been that there autos, and will be going into the All-mix, and as i'm writing this now i just remembered seeing here somewhere, that i should have pre-watered the big pots with the All-mix for 3 days to activate the soil, so i'll do that after this post, and hopefully 1 day of activation will be all right, maybe that might be a good thing though think'n about it, as if the soil is releasing the nutes a bit more slowly for the first couple of days, maybe that will prevent burning the shite out of the wee girls, any thoughts on this appreciated :thumsup: Also height wise @ 9 days old is,  2 and a quarter inches, except Miss Black who has now taken over the lead at the moment, and is a staggering 2 and 3 quarter inches. 


Also noted that Miss light on her second set of true leaves, that the one at the back, only has 2 leaves, where all the others have 3 leaves each side on all girls, so hopefully Magneto is not around :yep:    Thanks for check'n in :thumsup:




Miss Blue



Miss Punch



Miss Black



Miss Light





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Oh, and forgot to add, i quickly checked all the roots out on day 7 and all are just starting to come out the bottom drainage holes,

with Miss Black having 1 root out of the bottom about 2 and a half inches long. :)

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31st July and good morning to all, the girls are 10 days old now, and beginning their 11th day, so between 6am and 7am this morning, transplanting was completed, but let’s back track just a little bit first :realcool:

Yesterday 30th July, temps stayed stable at 27c and Rh 52% and still the same as of right now. The watering from the 29th even though they looked good for it, I still went ahead, and gave the girls a top up late last night (30th) of about 30ml each, as I was intending to transplant in the morning, and didn’t want them in the drying out faze, with the soil been too dry, and crumbly, I thought it would be better with the soil semi wet, that it would hold together better for when popping out of their seedling pots. Also yesterday afternoon, I added 1L of water to the final pots in prep for the morning.


31st July 1am I took their final pics in their seedling pots (10 days old), Also just to add, and can be seen there in pic no:2, is one of the fractal pc fans, there’s another one behind the camera in the opposite corner, love them, very, very quiet, even running at full speed, and, I took a gamble on these as it’s all new to me, and I’m very happy with them, they seem perfect for seedlings anyways, just a nice flow of air movement, and I would think these will be sufficient for the next 10/11 days, and would defo use them every time for seedlings, for their first 3 weeks of life, and they run at 3w total for the pair.






6am here’s a pic of each girl, stripped naked :) showing off their roots before transplant, and I’m very happy with the results, pots far from root bound, and all 4 girls popped out perfect, and soil stayed nicely together, but poor miss Light been the first in the queue, well it took 3 attempts to get her in at the right level :wallbash:but lesson learned, and thought that won’t be happening the other 3 lady’s, and got them in safely in one quick go.

Miss Light


Miss Black


Miss Purple


Miss Blue






7am all 4 girls safely back in the tent, in their 13L final pots, and I watered each with about 250ml of the usual plain tap water. So I guess it’s a waiting game now, with fingers crossed, that they’ll all take nicely to their new homes, not much more I can do now, but ya, I’m over the moon that I’ve got to this stage. And just to note the new pots are 12" across on the top, may help with gauging plant size :yep:




Miss Blue


Miss Purple


Miss Black


Miss Light



I realise I’m using up, photo allowance for these little lady’s, but their me first, and precious, so I wanted to document their journey well, to this stage, as my think’n from the outset was, if I get to this point successfully, then at least I can copy, and replicate the process again with what I’ve learned, and also the knowledge i've got from here (appreciated) too, and I’m starting to realise now, that what I contribute here too, may also help others in the future, so I’ll always try and give as much info, and accuracy i can in my diaries.

So folks, now that I’ve got this far, and all goes well, I’ll prob do a post with a couple of pics mid-week, and then weekly after that, well, other than me get’n into bother, and need help.

Thanks for check’n in, myself and the misses have to prep dinner for 8 peeps now, as we have visitors (not that it'll prob stop me from check’n in today every now and again I suspect :yep:) so I hope ye all enjoy the rest of yer weekend :thumsup:








Edited by Oldman2.0
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