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Blue berry, Purple punch, Black berry, & Northern lights


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Hello to all, and welcome to my first grow, and diary, I’m now the proud father of 4 baby girls, Miss Blue, Punch, Black, and light, and thanks for all the help here over the last few months, and getting me this far,  much love and appreciation :)



Homebox Ambient Q+ 80x80x180 with 2 x secret jardin D16 Duct flanges added, one for extraction, the other with light baffle for intake.


Maxsisun MG3000 full spectrum led


Ac infinity T4 with 67 controller, haven’t studied operating this yet, had it set at speed 3, but then remembered seeing stuff here about negative pressure, so i turned it off and found at speed 2 i get very slight negative pressure, and it’s on 24/7  


Ram 100 x 200 carbon filter bought this £30, as was waiting for a Rhino pro 100 x 300 but has arrived back in stock, and have it now, but will stick with the Ram to test, as it only takes few seconds to swap them round.


2 x Fractal dynamic 140 x 140 pc fans 1000rpm, cheap fans i got to test, for circulation, and quietness.

Just to add here, these pc fans I've found perfect for the seedlings, and prob good for first 7 to 10 days, then I'll need more air flow.


Soil, Bio bizz light, and all mix.


Nutrients Bio bizz grow, max, and bloom.


No ducting, as i built a box to keep the tent 16” off the ground, and extraction is directly straight out, through to a wall vent, with 3 flexible connectors, filter to fan, fan to duct flange, and flange to exit duct.


Starting pots, 750ml clear containers, should be using 500ml, but had these lying around, drilled 8 x 6mm holes into the bottom, and these are placed inside another, same container that’s wrapped in black insulation tape, the inner cup sits 6mm above the outside one, pots are filled with 50/50 bio bizz light/all mix.

Will be transplanted into 13L final pots with 12L All mix around day 10.

The seedling pots soil, has not been pre watered, or soaked.


19th July @ 8am I opened seed packs, Purple punch, Blue Berry, Black Berry, and Northern lights, total 4 seeds, and put them soaking for 16hrs to be planted @ midnight that night, all 4 seeds are Fastbuds feminised autos, pics for first few days will be in this order, Miss blue, punch, black, and light.



20th July at 12:30am all 4 seeds with no tap root, were planted sideways about 12mm Deep in the soil, which I gave 30 pumps from the 500ml Auto Glym bottle, a very light fine spray from these nozzles, and a further 20 pumps after the seeds were in, and just to give an idea of how much water that is, you could barely see moisture at side of pots, and the little ya could see, was about 1” deep, so very minimal water, pots were then placed inside the tent, and I then placed 4 x cut evian bottles on top of the pots  for humidity, which I gave 4 squrts of water inside each bottle, each one has 4 x holes drilled in the bottle top, with one hole been larger to be able to place temp sensor inside to check, lights are set at 10% and 28” above the pots. Water been used is shite tap water, no pH testing.



21st July 00:30am, all 4 seeds have germinated, and breaking soil, I wasn’t expecting this 64hrs after opening seed packets, plus they had to have been up hours earlier, and at a guess could possibly take another 6 hours off that time, mind blowing, and screaming with joy inside my head, happy days, gave them 10 pumps of water, and lights now set at 15%, temp 22/24, Rh 47/50








8am great to see all still there and look fine, gave 20 pumps of water to each lady, 10hrs later at 6pm gave another 10 pumps of water.








22nd July only had a few pics of the start of day 2 but had so many pics that looked a like, that as I went through all them deleting, just to keep a few of the best I must of deleted these ones too by accident, but should be able to recover them later, I was busy today anyways, but got the wiring and pc fans hooked up, also a little water at 6pm and lowered the lights to 24” above canopy, temp 23/26 Rh 51/53, also put temp probe inside humidity bottle for 20 mins, reading stayed at 82 Rh in there.







23rd July 00:10am the girls are 2 days old, and look’n really good, as you’ll see from the first pic just got there in time, wasn’t think’n about the impact of the fans I installed earlier, perfect timing, so top off the water bottle, finger over it, and let it dribble out this time, lights up to 20% now, temp 25/27, and Rh 54/57






24th July pics i took at 00:10am were shite when i look’d back, so took a few more at 6am, all still look’n good, and gave a small watering to each, they are 3 days old now. Total water used to date from start is just over 2 and a half bottles so that’s a total of 1.6L, so 400ml each., temp stayed all day at 27, and Rh at 57




I’m in heaven lads, and still can’t believe something existed that I was blind to, even though I’m smoke’n street weed nearly 50 years, and from knowing absolutely nothing, to where I’m at now. Not alone did I have to learn and study about equipment and growing methods the last 6 months, but lads I’m an owld fella, and I’ve had to youtube, smart phones, and learn to use my new phone, taking photos, settings, macro, resizing images, electrics, pc fans wiring, amp’s, volts, watage, etc, even feck’n emoji symbols, and more :yep:

Fuck me pink, I’ve learned some stuff in that time, I enjoyed every minute of it, and look forward to learning more, and the experience, love’n it, love’n it, love’n it. How long this new journey will last, well who knows, all i know is, that will be dependent on my set up working, seeing a grow through to the finish, and stealth been achieved, and maintained, I know my pics are just seedlings, and can’t compare to pics of flowers covered with trichomes, but I’m passionate about things in life, and trust me, these little lady’s mean as much to me as any stage of growing, again thanks very much, ye’ve made me one happy man, peace, love, and happiness to all :realcool: Also to note, i'm more than open to help/advise/opinions etc, i'm here to learn :thumsup:

From seeing the images here now, they don't look as focused as they were, and all different sizes, so will have look into how to do this right.









Edited by Oldman2.0
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Just now, Oldman2.0 said:

Not alone did I have to learn and study about equipment and growing methods the last 6 months, but lads I’m an owld fella, and I’ve had to youtube, smart phones, and learn to use my new phone, taking photos, settings, macro, resizing images, electrics, pc fans wiring, amp’s, volts, watage, etc, even feck’n emoji symbols, and more :yep:

lollollol I hope the pain was worth it bud, I'm probably much younger than you and still struggle lollol

Honestly there's nothing better than seeing someone filled with so much excitement and passion about this hobby.
I hope you knock this one out the park bud.
Wishing you every success :yinyang:

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Cracking photos! Looks like you've well and truly done your homework.


The 67 does take a bit of time to work out, it's much more user friendly using the app so download that if you haven't already. When setting up temp/humidity triggers "Off" sets the default speed, "On" sets the max speed. You then set it to auto and set your desired temp/humidity triggers, say 28°c and 75% for veg. You can set it up to gradually change one speed at a time, but thats pretty superlative unless you're sleeping next to it and the big changes in fan speed become annoying. 


Good luck!

Edited by MindSoup
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@MindSoupThanks bud, and fair play with the controller info, that makes sense.  Seems a long, long, time ago now since you first chimmed in to one of my first posts :yep:

and ya I put the time in alright, but the mad thing is, when ya don't take notes sometimes, I found I've had to back track plenty, cause as I've got older, holding info is like standing with a 99 cone outside in the heat, ya got to move fast or it's gone :thumsup:

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5 minutes ago, Oldman2.0 said:

, I found I've had to back track plenty, cause as I've got older, holding info is like standing with a 99 cone outside in the heat, ya got to move fast or it's gone :thumsup:


Fuck. I'm 31 and I'm already like this, probably the ADHD lol. It will all stick in your mind better in time, especially when you make a mistake and identify why it happened. 

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@MindSoupADHD, mild Schizophrenia, Bi-polar just to mention a few, but my life time other half, well her job is working with adults with intellectual disabilities, and running workbshops, so I'm I'm privileged, been that I'm wired to the moon, but have learned many techniques to keep my life fairly stable for the most part, but have locked, and loaded in the owld head in recent years, that there is no mistakes, only experiences to learn from, and this type of think'n has changed my life, because before that I would dwell on every f**k'n thing :yep:

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@Crow RiverThanks mate, I'm kind of wing'n it to be honest, so many different techniques, and methods, for grow'n on here, and with many factors like, equipment, environment, media been used, quantity of water, and feeds, etc, well been a novice it's more an experiment trying different things for the first few grows to gain experience. I've been very nervy about over watering the girls, the hight to place the light, % of light, position of pc fans, but I've got 5 days done now, and haven't killed them yet, so fingers crossed :yep:

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1 hour ago, Oldman2.0 said:

I'm kind of wing'n it to be honest,


I know the feeling! My first grow was real seat of the pants stuff. You seem to be taking a much more professional approach. I'm a bit of a cheapskate if I'm honest. Cheap lights, cheap fan and filter, discounted tent or knocking together cabinet from scrap wood. Cheap compost, bog standard supermarket nutes and tomato feed. Hell, I started on the windowsill, doesn't come any cheaper than that! :D Still, the weed grows.....only had one disaster so far (touch wood) and still got some useable bud out of it.


Reckon you'll be fine. Seedlings look nice and healthy. Will be interesting to see how they develop.



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@Crow RiverI wouldn't say professional, done the best i could with the info i have, but ya, 6 months ago my initial budget of €200 for a set up is long gone out the window, but I sold stuff to boost the old funds, so kind of a swap, of one thing for another, and didn't feel as painful, there were many holes this money could have gone to, but if this works out for me, then it's a no Brainer. 


Myself, and my other half need the meds at our age, and have had enough with street deals, prices, and not knowing what we're smoke'n, so reality is this could be life changing, and actually help finance's.


And ya, very happy with the girls progress, early day's though, and i hope i can keep them alive. The process is no doubt, especially been a newbie, and as you said, seat of the pants kinda ride, but feck it, you only live once, and life's about experiences, so hopefully I'm on a good one, thanks for check'n in bud :thumsup:

Edited by Oldman2.0
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