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Crow River

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@brock1, it was stored for less than a year, but maybe not ideal conditions. Think next time I'll freeze individual "portions" so it keeps longer.

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26 minutes ago, Crow River said:

@brock1, it was stored for less than a year, but maybe not ideal conditions. Think next time I'll freeze individual "portions" so it keeps longer.

Yes it important to be sure its dry before storing it :hippy:

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Wow I didn't think that you could take clones off autos, I'm going to be doing a run of Apollo Black Cherry autos next thanks to @Seedstockers-Mark & read that as they run to up to 13wks you can top them, might do that now and try rooting the tops just for shits and giggles. Depends on what mark thinks though as I want to give them the best I can due to his generosity.


Quick question Crow, do you put your autos straight into their final pots ? I've always done them in stages but have been seeing more and more people going straight into the big ones, interested to see what you think mate.

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@Rhubarb & Flustered I don't sow the seeds in finals, but many do. I use little peat/fibre pots to grow the seedlings, then usually straight into finals once roots poke through the wee pots. However if going outside I'll often pot up into an intermediate sized pot for easier transportation.

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Thanks for the reply. :yep:


I might do a couple potting up and a couple straight into the finals just to see,always felt that if you're careful it doesn't really hold them back much, even if it does it's maybe only a couple of days.

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The three Triton Biscotto Lime clones are well into Week 9 of flower, and I reckon they're about as ready as they're going to get. Most pistils are ginger, top buds falling over all around the place due to their weight, leaves dying off. Will be chopping tonight. Given they absolutely reek, I will hang the entire plants upside down in the tent to start off with...

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The girls were chopped last night, just shy of nine weeks. They're hanging upside down in the tent for at least the first week to ten days. Once they're in jars it will be time to consider what grows in there next...

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's possible some readers might remember that I made some seeds by crossing that crazy Jack Herer "auto" male with Auto Duck. However the Duck went mouldy and while I rescued most of the pollinated buds, the seeds were a bit pale, probably prematurely harvested.


55 beans in total. So far I have attempted to germinate 10. None germinated.


It's possible the seeds are not viable. 45 still to go, will keep trying, maybe I'll get lucky eventually...

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Pottering around my collection of cuts and clones by the window this lunchtime. I topped two Auto Ducks a couple of weeks ago and put the tops to root. Well, the cuts are alive, but both are starting to flower :wallbash:. A nearby Joshua cut is flowering too.


I suppose the old adage that auto clones are the same age as the mums is coming true here. It's a bit odd, because previous experience seems to show a delay in flowering when an auto is cloned. It could be strain dependent, or it could be that the Auto Ducks were very close to flower when topped, or it could be environmental, given the mums are growing outside. Whatever the reason, looks like I'll just get a couple of buds on sticks out of it :D .


Not sure whether to pot up, plant out, whatever. Because I'm not entirely convinced the cuts have rooted yet. Is it really possible they're flowering without roots? Anyway, my instinct is to pot up and bung them outside. Maybe in a few days' time...




Edited by Crow River
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On 16/06/2023 at 3:01 PM, Crow River said:

Pottering around my collection of cuts and clones by the window this lunchtime. I topped two Auto Ducks a couple of weeks ago and put the tops to root. Well, the cuts are alive, but both are starting to flower :wallbash:. A nearby Joshua cut is flowering too.


I suppose the old adage that auto clones are the same age as the mums is coming true here. It's a bit odd, because previous experience seems to show a delay in flowering when an auto is cloned. It could be strain dependent, or it could be that the Auto Ducks were very close to flower when topped, or it could be environmental, given the mums are growing outside. Whatever the reason, looks like I'll just get a couple of buds on sticks out of it :D .


Not sure whether to pot up, plant out, whatever. Because I'm not entirely convinced the cuts have rooted yet. Is it really possible they're flowering without roots? Anyway, my instinct is to pot up and bung them outside. Maybe in a few days' time...




Now you know to guarantee the delay pop them in the fridge a week or 2 before rooting. In my experience you should always expect the unexpected :wallbash:

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  • 3 weeks later...

The other Auto Duck clone (that is flowering) also seems to be struggling. Not dead yet, but not looking very healthy.


Anyone who has been following my GG diary closely (okay, that's just me) might recall that I am growing some auto regs from Soviet Finland. The odd thing is, out of eight plants, only one was male: a Short Term Amnesia. Originally I was going to do outdoor open pollination of both SF strains, but with only one male that wasn't really going to happen. I grew him by the window and collected some pollen.


Given how wet it's been lately, rather than try and pollinate my outdoor girls I've decided to chuck pollen at some clones I have by the window instead. One is already in flower, a magnificent Joshua clone. The other three are still very small: one each of Triton Biscotto Lime, Super Kush and Frisian Duck.


I potted up these girls today: the three smallest into 1 litre pots, and the Joshua into something slightly bigger, I think around 2 litres. They're now in a small tent. I'll keep them on 18/6 for three weeks, which will allow the three smaller girls to veg a bit. The Joshua should continue to flower, given she's flowered under more hours of light per day. Showing her semi-auto character. I'll pollinate part of Joshua first, then flip to 12/12 and once the other three have some buds I'll pollinate them. Don't have a huge amount of pollen but if used sparingly hopefully enough.


Joshua clone



Three clones: clockwise from top left, Triton Biscotto Lime, Super Kush, Frisian Duck



All potted up and ready to grow


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  • 4 weeks later...

Yesterday the four clones in a tent were flipped to 12/12. All except the Joshua have grown a reasonable amount during the past three weeks. I did brush some STA pollen onto a couple of branches of the Joshua, but I'm not sure pollination has worked. I'll persevere, but possibly some moisture got into the pollen, it was a bit clumped together. As a back up plan, I will reverse a Frisian Duck clone using CS, and do an open pollination with the resulting "female" pollen by letting the reversed plant jizz in the tent where the ladies are. May result in some interesting crosses...


The four clones






Super Kush



Frisian Duck



Triton Biscotto Lime


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22 hours ago, Crow River said:

Yesterday the four clones in a tent were flipped to 12/12. All except the Joshua have grown a reasonable amount during the past three weeks. I did brush some STA pollen onto a couple of branches of the Joshua, but I'm not sure pollination has worked. I'll persevere, but possibly some moisture got into the pollen, it was a bit clumped together. As a back up plan, I will reverse a Frisian Duck clone using CS, and do an open pollination with the resulting "female" pollen by letting the reversed plant jizz in the tent where the ladies are. May result in some interesting crosses...


The four clones






Super Kush



Frisian Duck



Triton Biscotto Lime


I like STA. I used it in a NFW / LBH SSSDH x STA auto years ago. These were pretty good but a little small in general for what I wanted. I think I still have a few. I give a load away around 2012ish. I think you would get something similar to Short daze if you find any seeds. Short daze as a sativa Sensi early skunk added. So Joshua as a little STA in its distant ancestor's. So technically your making a BX :hi: its also got core cut amo in the NFW. If you go way back with it. It's meant to be the hypro cut used in STA so when I made this cross with the STA. Your going to find a lot of ammo in these seeds. Bigger than the STA though. :bong:

Edited by brock1
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@brock1, thanks for the information, that's really useful to know the history of Joshua. Both Joshua and STA are so incredibly tough, they really seem like good candidates for breeding hard as nails outdoor strains. :yep: STA grows very small in my locale so a larger version would be good. :) 


It will be a few weeks before I have a reversed Duck clone to pollinate the girls, so I will see if the STA pollen takes at all in the meantime.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The past week I have been treating a Frisian Duck clone with Colloidal Silver. S/he has now gone into the flowering tent with the other four girls, who have been on 12/12 for ten days and are all showing lots of pistils. I'll continue to apply CS to the new arrival for the next fortnight, or until pollen sacs start to appear. The new clone is bottom left in this pic.



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