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Seven Speedy Sticky Simians


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I know that there are bets being taken and some would have it that I will reach 10,000 posts or more before ever starting a diary. And that's fair lol However, here's my first diary :yahoo:  


I'm dedicating this to you lot out there. The knowledge that I arrived with a year ago would fit in a thimble. A year later and I could fill two and a quarter thimbles :woot: The generosity around here, folks willing to share their every secret to help a fellow grower out; we are truly blessed :wub:  I'm not going to name names, because I might fuck up every grow for the next 5 years and that would perhaps reflect badly on said kind folk, but @fatboy77 and @Revive have been particularly helpful lollollollollol 


I've asked a few questions, here and there :wassnnme:  And without fail someone here answers with advice. Pause and give yourself a pat on the back :yep: Thank you


The very first seeds I bought, before I found this place, were a 5 pack and a 3 pack of Barney's Farm Gorilla Glue #4 Auto. So throwing a few bits and pieces together that I've already had sitting around, I'm hoping to coax these along under some T5s until they are strong enough to head outside into the brilliant English sunshine :D I can always hang the PAR+ 240 if sunshine remains hidden. But I have no extraction, no tent, no nothing. So they're going to have to grow up and gtfo sooner rather than later. I'm so happy to have seeds wet that I honestly don't care how these turn out. They might survive the upcoming house move, they might not. The main predator in the local area is the chav.  Fingers crossed


They'll have to hide in amongst the missus' flower pots, when and if we move. I'll have to try and keep them short and not too weed-looking. Definitely some LST. Toying with topping some, just to see what happens. I know - autos. But I just want to see what happens. I figure 3L final pots should limit the explosive growth that Barney promised ......  I know, I've got them in smaller pots for now. I need to get the whole "autos are fragile" thing out of my head so I'm going to top a few of these and pot them up and see if it makes them unhappier than the others.


Um what else? Plant magic soil supreme, GA root tonic and hard water grow and bloom for soil. Handful of freebie Ecothrive charge from @Ledgrowlights-Adam Hopefully a couple more bits coming from you guys tomorrow, thank you 


Bit odd, the root tonic. 1ml water to a litre of the tonic? Still very syrupy. No wonder folk say it's so expensive when you have to use that much 


Hopefully there's photos below. I've never posted more than one photo before, so not sure what order they'll post in. 


Oh and it's seven, not eight because when I popped the stupid blister pack bullshit one of seeds flew across the room and was never seen again



Overnight swim in room temp tap water



Signs of life this morning



Under the T5s (lights on just for the photo and occasionally I roll a banger in there, so actually lights on quite often lol ) 



Didn't need a TV hanging there anyway



Quite exciting, isn't it, starting your first diary :yahoo:  


Hope the fuckers break the surface lollollollollol 

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:toot::toot::toot::band::band::clapping::clapping:fuk me mate finally some fuking beans in the dirt lollol

And a fuking diary :punk:

Best of luck buddy.. ill be watching on for sure :yinyang:

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I'm pulling up a chair for this one , cheesehunter stand aside , shit just got serious :skin_up:



Edited by BilgePump
I was lost for words , found em though
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I hit the follow button before I realised sticky simian isn't the same as sticky sybian...:wassnnme::rofl:


Oh well, I'm here now...good luck bud, about bloody time...:yep:

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Ho boy it's all happening lately. Now grow diary from @Gaijin after waiting so long. No pressure mate but if its not the best diary of they year i am going to be disappointed in you for all eternity :toot:Best diary of the year coming up guy! Dont let us all down :wassnnme:


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Well that's a relief :D 4 out of 7 above ground. I wasn't expecting much while they were unheated in the garage for a couple of nights. 24 hours in the new heated propagator and they're reaching for the sky. I probably should have paid more attention to the depth I put the seeds, but I was a little excited at the time. The propagator instructions insist on not putting the probe into your grow media, although it's heating from the base just the same as a heat mat. So the probe is hanging at canopy level (hahahaha and what a canopy it is lol ) and set at 26 degrees. Can't be sure what the soil temp is but they're growing, so all seems ok. Thanks for dropping by :) 











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We're down to 6 simians; number 7 didn't appear. She'd split and started to emerge, but was shrivelled when I dug her out. Even numbers are better for my brain anyway 

Today the girls are seeing sunshine for the first time; has to be an improvement on the T5s. Root tonic and room temp tap water for breakfast. They've been in air temps 26-28, root temps 24-26. Outside is a little chillier today but I'm sure the direct sunlight will make up for the slightly lower temps. 



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So now that we've progressed to some sunshine, I'll get the girls outside during the day for all the sun they can get. I'm making up the difference with a 20/4 cycle using 4 T5s, about 100w. Would it make sense to just get the PAR+ 240 hanging there instead? Obviously dimmed down a bit at first. I'm going to try and keep them on a 20/4 cycle until I feel comfortable leaving them outside full time. Just wondering if the PAR+ would get things moving quicker than the T5s? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

How time flies when you're having fun lol In line with starting this thing that I hesitate to call a diary, my hours at work increased from part-time to full-time-and-a-quarter. Then there's been some more hold ups in the house move chain, so we've ended up deciding to stay where we are. Tending little seedlings and so on takes a bit of time too, so I'm starting to wonder how any of you have the time for such detailed diaries :notworthy: I've barely started the indoor thing yet lollol 

Anyway, I'll use this as my practice diary :D 


I've already learned a few things, I think:


- T5s don't seem to be worth much more than getting the seedlings upright and working on the real leaves. The girls got to a certain point and seemed to just stall, although there were probably other factors involved. I got the PAR+ 240 out and I swear that between going to work and returning, they'd added an inch and an extra node. They've been outside during the sunnier parts of the day and back inside otherwise. 20 hours of light. I've cleared a spot in the garden and will get them outside full time shortly, probably under some find of transparent cover from above and surrounded by mounds of slug pellets 


We are down to four GG4s; I'd like to end up with 5 or 6 of the best looking plants. "But you've only got 4 plants left?", I hear you say. Well, I realised last week that if these work out, they'll hopefully keep my lungs ticking over until I get the indoor grow thing sorted out. But only one strain? Seemed rude not to invest in a couple of other auto strains and see if I get get at least one decent plant from each. So I grabbed some Mazar and some Dosidos from Real Gorilla Seeds and some Killer Mandarine from Urban Legends on the same site. And landed a couple of freebie Wedding Cake autos as well, from the very helpful @panik:yep:  


And that's where I learned a couple of other things lol Once you get a seed cracked and put it in compost, the T5s WILL dry the compost out if you haven't watered it enough to start with :doh: 

Also, don't get some wild idea that seeds need to go into the dirt facing up/down/a certain way. I've never thought about it before, but for some reason I tried it with these new seeds. And I think that the fact that I was actually thinking about what I was doing, instead of just poking the damn things into a hole and adding water; that's what fucked it up lol I had some buried too shallow, and they sent a shoot straight up vertically and then stopped right there. I waited a day or two and this morning I dug them up to see what was going on. They had all popped the shell off underground, but the shoots just stopped where they were above ground. Just for the hell of it, I replanted them the right way up and fingers are crossed. Despite that, I still have 4 Killer Mandarines, 2 Mazar and a Dosidos above ground and doing ok :D 


Oh, and one of the GG4s doesn't look anything like the other three. I have three very Indica-looking fat-leaved ladies, and then the weird looking thing in one of the pics below. Might keep it alive just to see what happens . Same conditions, same everything as the other three. Looks totally different. What do you think? 


Epsom salts arrived yesterday to fix my water. Growers Ark analysis showed that my water has no magnesium in it at all.

I'll probably end up ordering a GA custom feed to make up for my watery deficiencies, but for now, the Epsom will have to do the job


The difference between this one and the one beneath it .... is it even the same strain? lol 




My happy place




A gentle stem rub on larger of the GG4s gives a lovely aroma :wub:  


It makes you feel nice, this weed growing lark. Know what I mean? 


Thanks for popping in :) 



Edited by Gaijin
Probably making the grammar worse
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