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SHD x Guerrilla Exodus Auto


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Ive give her a drink with high N2 feed 360 ppm inc.150ppm water, thats 0.6 EC total - not got a clue if thats good or bad EC wise

anyhow, stop rambling, oh nice this G41 , Im gonna have another :smokin: back soon!:yinyang:

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Day 21 

Plant 2: In the fabric pot has bounced back to life, if a little squat - just needs to strech a bit 

Plant 1 :no problems so far,  touch wood.

Im thinking of introducing veg feed based on what @brock1 said about being heavy feeders. what ec or ppm do you suggest mate

Im trying to tuck the big fans and not remove them as I would have normally. no stress no stress happy thoughts 


@brock1 Good trait for outdoors, having those early big fans to smother any surrounding competition.:yep:



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Keeping the girls at DLI 35 = ppfd 450 - orange bucket is now on the floor with the light at max height, so as it grows, the dli will increase.

                                                       - fabric pot is not as tall, so its up on blocks, both canopies are level and receive same amount of light 


started feeding veg neuts 500ml each (chempak no.2) 600 ppm with a pinch of epsom salts to amend the very low mg levels in my water 


also lost a couple of fan leaves trying to tuck them but it will help with airflow.

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Thanks for tuning to this weeks update.

The girls have settled in to the new pots and are flying now, putting on plenty of new growth this week, they look like they will over take the Gelato 41 in size (at the rear) in another week.


Bucket brocklet is turning into a bit of a beast :taz:the main stem is incredibly thick but she has spread out well on her own, with very little training needed so far.

Fabric brocklet is a bit more compact, so needed a few flexi-wires to help train the branches, out and away from the centre but little LST required compared to previous grows.

Resisting the urge to remove fan leaves and still "tucking" them out of the way for now but I did loose a few of the bigger ones, with thicker stems, which I snapped off with my big old sausage fingers. :crybaby:


From week three, I started feeding high nitrogen feed (chempak no.2) 600ppm and increased water/feed from 500ml to 1 Litre each every 3 days. 

Im struggling to keep the humidity under 60%, like everyone at the minute, so Ive got the internal fan on full speed pointed directly at the plants - dont want any mould or rot starting.

@brock1 any tips for the coming weeks mate much appreciated.  :smokin:







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Day 28 - these bank hols have thrown me, I thought it was Saturday on Thursday :wallbash: still that means more weekend left to enjoy - so result of sorts


No signs of flowering, I will give them another week to start on their own and if still no sign, I will give them some "black out time" as @brock1 has advised.



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I took about 5 leaves off each plant on day 30 - might not sound much but they were almost hand size and this exposed loads of bud sites to more light and air 







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Day 34 still no signs of flower, I'm going "dark" for 24 hours tonight to see if I can kick start the flowering.

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4 hours ago, RUFUS HOUND said:

Day 34 still no signs of flower, I'm going "dark" for 24 hours tonight to see if I can kick start the flowering.

Go 48hr dark mate. Seems a lot but your plants will be fine. :smokin:

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and after 48hrs of darkness, the supreme being said "let there be light" and 170W of full spectrum LED light shone forth, sparking the new stage in the girls young lives - I will keep an eye on them over the coming week,  hopefully we will start to see some flowers :hippy:

Temp 22 to 30'C

humidity 40%

DLI - 40

ppfd - 600


Ive also popped 2 g/glue and put them into jiffy "peat pellets" for a change but forgot they were in the tent when it went dark time :wallbash:, so they have ended up a bit leggy.


Almost forgot - I chopped the last G41 auto and its in the "drying box/vegbox" so I got plenty of room for my brocklets to go batshit crazy. 



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I dropped the light about an inch today to increase the DLI from 40 up to 50, this goes to show how a small decrease in light distance effects the DLI quite markedly. 

That would mean I will be OTT on DLI with a further 2 inch reduction in the light distance from the canopy, assuming that readings would 


Ive been reading that above DLI 65 the plant would need CO2 to use the light available.


I found this DLI chart for autoflowers, which Im  going to follow loosely but maybe push the DLI to 60-ish in flower  



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I just noticed I stopped mid sentence, in my rambling, sorry I was a bit baked.


Anyhow, I have another 3 inch to play with before the DLI hits 60, so I will raise the light as needed to keep at DLI=50 for a week or so and then gradually increase the DLI to 60 over the coming week. Trying to keep it under this for as long as possible, Im hoping the plant will limit its own height as it grows toward the light and the dli increases

I have 19" of head room above canopy, so plenty of room to stretch into.

I think my problem previously was bringing the light down to 12" above the canopy at first signs of flower, so they didnt need to stretch as they were getting all the light they needed and more so they stopped growing. - this might be all a load bollocks but its what Im going with for now!


One of the G/glue seedlings has withered back to just above ground level, looks like the stalk bent/ kinked when hunting for light, the other is struggling to form its first leaves but is standing up on its own, so there's a slim chance it may recover, fingers crossed. 




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21 hours ago, RUFUS HOUND said:

I dropped the light about an inch today to increase the DLI from 40 up to 50, this goes to show how a small decrease in light distance effects the DLI quite markedly. 

That would mean I will be OTT on DLI with a further 2 inch reduction in the light distance from the canopy, assuming that readings would 


Ive been reading that above DLI 65 the plant would need CO2 to use the light available.


I found this DLI chart for autoflowers, which Im  going to follow loosely but maybe push the DLI to 60-ish in flower  




That's useful. Will look to dial my lighting in now that my grow is stretching...

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