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Beginners problems-question


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 Hello, i am first time grower and a youtube learner.

Grow summary

I have 2 babies Gorilla's cookies + lsd25 from fast buds they are both 45days into the soil in 23liter pots. I am doing mix grow, so i constntly transfer the pots from outside sun to my inside diy tent.

My soil is 40% regural soil from a farm, 40% lidl soil for outdoor plants, 10% old cow shit, 10% perlite and a little fire ash.

I started lst after 3rd week. Lsd25 is very easy for lst. Gorrila is harder because i think its bussier. So at first lst attempt to gorrila i broke 3 brunches and main tip. I decided to let one brunce to go and try to reconnect the other 2 and main colla. 2 brunches and main colla finally reconnect. After a few days i removed the connection from main tip and try to bent again. Complete idiot, main tip broke for second time at the same spot. 360 degrees rotation, only one skin was holding it. I put connection again and hope. Likely connection worked. 

I use advanced nutrients micro grow bloom after 3rd week. So far i feed once a week starting with

 0.5ml/l up to 2ml/l each ingredient. Last two feedings I put.  big bud 0.5ml/l.

So i have some problems/questions.

My soil ph is about 7.6 measurement with a 3way ebay analog meter. I always water with water ph around 6 or lower, drainage is about 8, measurements with paper. I used every method, secret, tip, formula, receip, voodoo,magic spel, prays to lower soil ph.

I used black coffe, white vinegar, add compost on top of my pots and digging with a fork, urines only once, orange juice, lemon juice, soaked skins from bananas, orange and pineapple and then water. Temporary some of this worked but when pots drying ph rises again.

1. Is there a method to lower soil ph or i should leave it as it is!

2 Should i feed them more than once a week, should i stop vegetatavi nutrients now? 

3 I bought bestva pro1000 from ebay is this light capable to grow to the end two autoflowers?

4Can you recommend companion plants for cannabis?

5. Should i remove any leaves now?


6 My light cycle is not regular does this affect the plants

Sorry but i do not know how to upload photos.

If somebody could help i would be grateful, thanks



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Keep it simple why don't you? You have problems?


Not a good idea to put the plants outside and then into a tent inside. Lots of lovely bugs that love a spot of Herb. You'll only bring them inside. It I were you, Get some proper compost, some feed and stick them under the light for 18 hrs on (or 24hrs on) then as they are Autos they will flower and maybe, just maybe you'll get something to smoke.


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Shumroom thnks your direction helped me, but my photos are bigger than 2Mb and i can not upload them. I changed cameras resolution but still bigger than 2Mb , sorry.

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So far i have no serius problems except some yellowish leaves on lsd25. I think plants are doing decent, but i have so many questions..

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All of your general Q's will be answered just by some selective reading here. Troll through areas of the site that relate to your chosen style of grow, get an understanding of the search function to home in on specifics. Very experienced growers produce grow diaries, the wealth of information available here is huge. 

Get photo uploading sorted and accompany any specific Q with as much information & relevant pics. 

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I'm not an auto grower,

but I don't see too much wrong with them :)


As for reducing the pH,

have you tried lime?(not the fruit)


The lime will also buffer the pH of watering in future.






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They look fine to me. Leaves nice and green, not drooping or yellowed. Plenty of bud sites. Interesting purple centres/flowers on the one on the right.


You must be doing something right!

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Thank you for your advise

Its hard and dangerous to transfer these big pots, they are over 20kg but sun outside is very powerful 28c. Tomorrow were expecting 30c. I dont know if bestva pro 1000 which i have for inside is capable to grow to the end the plants. The Other reason i move them is because i have no ventilation system inside. There is a constant breeze outside, so plants can get fresh air and frying sun for 7-8 ours

Do you think i should remove any leaves?

Do you think i should let lower brunches to take some hight?. Total height from soil is 40cm the top. 

Do you think i should feed them more, i feeding once a week and all in-between waters are with coffe bannana and orange soaked. This is working for lowering soil ph temporary. My thought for soil ph is that i came the half way now, plants look happy so far, i will let it as it is. Hopefully plants can absorve nutrients to grow the buds. Any recommendations for companion plants. Smell is not a big problem but i need cover.. 

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Whatever you are doing don't change anything until there's a problem. Your plants branches are open enough to not need leaves removed imo. The biggest issue when starting out is fannying with the plants too much - I've been as guilty as anyone - and yours are doing fine. Don't worry about fan leaves yellowing at this stage as the plants focus is on flowers and will devote all their resources in the leaves to those.

Edited by catweazle1
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