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Would like to grow but space is a problem


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7/10 oz from 2 plants is alot and there's so many things that can go wrong if environment isn't perfect for them and your space is small also the electric cost is alot I'm just running a 600w led and heating and it's costing £4 over a day so not cheap over say 18 weeks  if growing 2 plants electric alone could cost you £504 for the grow time needed if they get hot they foxtail if they turn hermie full if seeds then spider mite and other stuff make sure you have fans and filters and good luck growing you should do autos has not has big 3ft x 3ft is really small but autos don't yeld big most between half oz to 2 oz a plant but some people have amazing autos growing I find is more about the area they grow get that right and you should be ok we all learn has we go 

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Also plants take closer to 5 ,/6 months to veg and flower so with 2 plants I doubt you ever get you 7/10oz and with a led 300w I have seedlings 2 days old and I'm using 600w led now and heating and that's it fans off at present my electric cost yesterday was £5.25 for the day so say 20 weeks total that's £100 in electric gor maybe 2 oz then if get problems it's lost money in electric cost I nearly packed in the other week when lost them all but I love the growing qnd watching them change daily 

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Just now, Grow lady said:

qnd leds don't cut it im afraid also most leds are low watts so beware 

You’re right saying leds don’t cut it for a source of heat, compared to a hps light! As in growing/flowering terms, they do and they out perform most hps lights equal to the watts of a led fixture! The ones you see on eBay and Amazon are falsely advertised, if you want a proper led light, that will give you the watts that they say it do, shop at ledgrowlights.co.uk

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Guest anarchycamp

I blame my bad back for not opening the tent door above 2ft to get in. Crawl tech


Go with the ledgrowlights kit if you can pal, bundles usually come mismatched with subpar equipment from auction sites and the like. But these guys have their heads screwed on. Plenty of people using the stuff they stock


I've grown,lived and smoked in the same room before with a dog,cats and snakes in tow. No need for extra heating:punk:


Crack on now:smokin:


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Beware who you listen to ;)


There's a lot of misinformation out there :)



Good luck with setup, 

echoing others who recommend Ledgrowlights.co.uk @Ledgrowlights-Adam and @ledgrowlights-Craig know there stuff :yep:


Also they securely and stealthily package things,

so there's no need to worry about what the neighbours see being delivered(nosey buggers won't have a clue) :)



Ditch the dealer :D








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Thanks for the replies guys, I'll take all of it on board. I'm probably gonna study up a little more on the subject for a few more weeks before I get my equipment. Anybody know any other websites besides this one that has good info? or any good grow tutorial vids? a lot of the ones i found on YouTube seem to be either lacking in actual information or the grow they are doing is far to big for what I want to achieve

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If you look deep enough into the back catalogue this site has just about all the info you could ever need, over 20 years of it. YouTube is a bit hit and miss, there's a whole heap of misinformation and product placement but there's a few good channels out there, not a lot around small space growing mind. Toto grow comes to mind, not very informative, but a good watch some inspiration. 

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1 hour ago, Donny.Z said:

 Anybody know any other websites besides this one that has good info? 

Eh? Thus sites been going years and there's probably centuries of growing experience added amongst the community and IMO 1 of the bests, if its no good for you then Google away and find your own but what exaxtly is it youre looking for?


People use this and stay here for a reason, the member count and posts should be enough to show how its used daily. Spend some time going through each forum reading and you might find exaxtly what you want. 


One tip I can give is Google your actual question and put uk420 at the end. If it's been posted on here it'll be found and you might end up reading posts going back to the 90's lol it can save a little bit of time scanning the Internet 


Regarding other sites  you'll find the same conflicting advice in any site you visit and research but saying that I do use one site specifically for coco growers.


Buy your equipment and just start growing. If you encounter problems the advice is here to ask. Don't worry how he's growing or how I'm growing or what his light is or her filter is. Get your own and learn by own mistakes and you'll see what's right for you.


There's good sponsors on here who can set you up at a fraction of the cost the idiots in hydro shops charge, you'll get great customer service and you know you'll ve getting the right light and exhaust fan fir your size. If you decide to upgrade in the future the light will certainly get used and the exhaust fan may end up becoming an inlet fan  


A good set up from Adam paying either on Klama or PayPal over 3 or 4 months you'll be laughing and well happy you've got the right equipment.


Have a good day and get your plan into action and fuck the dealers especially with the prices and quality if weed they offer!!

Edited by Darknight420710
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chill @Darknight420 they just want info to learn the ropes - I would suggest all you need is here on this site. maybe not vids


 just so your fully informed ledlights are a site sponsor but there are other sellers available.

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On 08/01/2022 at 10:29 AM, Darknight420710 said:

One tip I can give is Google your actual question and put uk420 at the end. If it's been posted on here it'll be found and you might end up reading posts going back to the 90's lol it can save a little bit of time scanning the Internet 

100% this.

My go to search method whenever want to grab some info about growing. There are plenty much other sites, and I’ve been (and still on occasion go, though only as a lurker) to a few, but they’re predominantly US based, which isn’t necessarily helpful if your growing in dear dank Blighty.

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20 hours ago, RUFUS HOUND said:

chill @Darknight420 they just want info to learn the ropes 

Absolutely nothing to chill about rufus, we all want to learn the ropes and ive given some useful hints and tips 


Enjoy your day 

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Have you considered a micro grow in a PC case or a wee cupboard? Plenty of growers have done both. PC case has the advantage of integrated power supply, and supreme stealth. Your plant(s) will have to be kept small, but done right you'll get weed out of it. The lighting won't have to be the most powerful or expensive either. Smell could be an issue, but ways round that. 


Plenty of resources on the net for designing and building a PC case or small cupboard grow. Some folk on here have done it too. I grow in a small space myself and while I cannot claim it's a roaring success, no plants died yet and I got a decent amount of weed out of it.


Best of luck anyway whatever you decide. Plenty of helpful folk here that ca help with advice.

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On 08/01/2022 at 10:29 AM, Darknight420710 said:

Buy your equipment and just start growing. If you encounter problems the advice is here to ask. Don't worry how he's growing or how I'm growing or what his light is or her filter is. Get your own and learn by own mistakes and you'll see what's right for you.


Also this.


But I'd add if you need to be more stealthy than the average grower, look around for design tips on small growing spaces and making them blend in to your surroundings...

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I too grow in the room I spend most of my time in so if your room is 22-24c you won't need to worry about heaters. But will need heat mat's for the roots if on the ground floor but they are very cheap to run.

I have a 60x60x160 tent and can fit 4 plants in with training. (Seen people fit more)

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