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Vaping causing sneezing


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My theory is that it's tiny particles that would be combusted if you were smoking a joint.


I find vaping much more irritating than smoking.

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Well whatever it is a couple of weeks or so has helped. 

I'm going to find some old weed I got that stinks loads and pack the vape, see if I'm OK with it. 


Just in the name of research mind :innocent:

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2 hours ago, Phoenix said:

Glad to be of service @KC and out of curiosity whats the stem rub like on that gorilla dawg @DeltaMelter 

"Grungey" would be my description - I think it's the "chem" side as I'm not so familiar with it and it's a bit low-down and garlic-like, "Skunky" of course but with something savoury behind it. Stacking nicely and the crystals are there already.






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Terpenes in Cannabis and Allergies: What You Should Know


Knowledge of cannabis and the constituents within the plant has come a long way over the years but there is still so much more to know.

Quality is extremely important, especially when it comes to how the plant is grown and stored, not to mention processed depending on the method of administration used in consuming cannabis. When we look at how allergies play a role in the overall health of our patients we also have to recommend patients do their due diligence to get high quality strains of cannabis that will not flare up their allergies. The major issue with cannabis and allergies typically comes from how the plant is grown and stored as molds and dust mites can wreak havoc on the plant; many patients are allergic to molds and dust mites. Not only do we want to make sure the plant material isn’t contaminated by molds and dust mites, we also want to test for terpene levels within different strains and products due to several known terpenes being associated with allergies. Terpenes are the “primary constituents of essential oils and are responsible for the aroma characteristics of cannabis. Together with the cannabinoids, terpenes illustrate synergistic and/or entourage effects. They also enhance many therapeutic benefits, especially as aromatherapy” (1).

Limonene, Linalool, Pinene, and Caryophyllene are the most popular terpenes known to be associated with allergies. Research shows this is typically when oxidized … Limonene, Linalool and Caryophyllene have even been associated with contact dermatitis or asthma. Research shows that terpenes released into the air as biologic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are contributors to seasonal asthma and allergic rhinitis. An increased amount of Pinene and Linalool in the air can predicate respiratory symptoms and increased nasal congestion. Furthermore they are known to induce respiratory inflammation and maintain it, by inhibiting eosinophilic apoptosis. The worst part about it is the lagged response, which means patients are less likely to associate exposure and allergic reaction (2).

If you are not allergic to any of the terpenes, great, because they do offer a wide array of medicinal benefits. For example: Linalool can be stress reducing and sedative, but it also comes from lavender so if there is an allergic reaction to lavender or similar plants, you may have an issue with Linalool. Ever notice you have a negative reaction to black pepper? The terpene Caryophyllene, while known to be highly anti-inflammatory and useful as a sleep aid, is from black pepper. Let’s say we find out you are allergic to pine, well even though Alpha and Beta Pinene are medicinally known to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and bronchodilatory effects, that will not be the case if you have an immune response to the exposure. One of the most popular terpenes used in perfumes, body washes and numerous other household products is Limonene, however this comes from citrus and if we discover a citrus allergy, this terpene will cause more issues for that particular patient. Limonene is known to help with focus, as well as being anti-anxiety and antibacterial. The University of Arizona Cancer Center showed that women with breast cancer taking 2 grams of Limonene daily for two to six weeks resulted in a “22% reduction in cyclin D1 expression” and “reduced cell proliferation.” Essentially, Limonene shows serious promise when it comes to the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. Many patients love Limonene because of the pleasant aroma it provides and will seek out strains with high levels of it. Basically any strain that has the word lemon or orange in the name should have high levels of Limonene.

This is why it is so highly recommended for patients to test environmental and food allergies in order to best approach their health and wellness. When we use such a versatile plant as medicine we should also take a closer look at which components are not necessarily beneficial for each unique individual. Cannabis is incredibly anti-inflammatory but if you are using strains high in terpenes that cause an inflammatory immune response then we are not doing ourselves any favors.

Luckily regulations within the cannabis industry have helped to reduce the amount of mold and mite contamination being sold to the public, but it does still happen. However, more research and due diligence amongst the patients must be taken to ensure the cannabinoid and terpene content of their medicine is appropriate. Has anyone else noticed certain strains make them sneeze like crazy? That is likely the terpene content in that strain. I urge medical cannabis patients to test for environmental and food allergies not only for overall health and wellness but to make sure the medicine they choose is right for you.

At Compassionate Certification Centers (CCC) and Compassionate Care Medical Professionals (CCMP), we bring together the needs of our patients with the highest quality of service. Let us help you with a more personalized approach. If we know more about cannabis and allergy testing, we can do better for ourselves and our patients.






Dr. Jennifer Hawks, Naturopathic Medicine
Chief Medical Director CCC/CCMP








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Isnt sneezing the bodys response to expelling foreign objects.


Just as yawning is its response to increasing oxygen. 


Must be some good pollen giving you hay fever. 


I vape but not had instant sneezes but regularly have bouts of prolonged sneezing last week i did it about 15 to 20 times whilst driving pretty fucked up gets too much .


Gotta keep one eye open lol whilst looking like a fuking mad man.


Any who terrible cold bugs about aswell so who knows 

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I sometime get a couple of sneezes when vaping but do get a very runny nose from it.

And it tastes odd compared to smoking, it didn't at the start of vaping about may, seems very strain specific sweet zombie is the worse culprit.

The smell of it now makes my nose twitch and can set off the runny nose?


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3 hours ago, mikeydoughnut said:

Funny is this. I’d get occasional sneezing fits smoking Discobiscuit. I tent to smoke 1 skinners but found when I bashed one down reyt quick and the smoke comes from all the holes in yer face it would irritate my nose enough for a good few sneezes. 

Does everyone vape these days? I wouldn’t know what to do with one lol 

Mate i quickly went from bacci to blunts to vape .imho its so much cleaner health benifits out way that rush u get from combustion amd i find now im used to the high its just as nice longer and less lethargic .


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Just now, mikeydoughnut said:

@B-real I’ve looked into vapes n that but it’s quite cost restrictive. Couple of hundred quid for owt half decent v 30p for a pack of fag papers. 


Been having pain in my ribs n lungs when I lay down to sleep so got a chest X-ray and a smoking cessation thing in the pipe line. So might have to go toward vaping eventually. I don’t like smoking funny as that sounds but I’m a full on addict. I don’t have enough distractions and get too much stress day to day to give up without it really torturing me. If there’s a decent vape out there for less than 100 quid I’d give it a go I guess. 

I got a flowermate  v5 pro about 70 or 80 quid .i had chest xray this year and ultra sound and a camra in my stomach turns out i got a histus hernia.


I was smoking blunts a few months ago but once vaping took over combusting blunts still was ruff now i get clean smooth vapour hits nothing compared to phat puffs on a zoot but still sit down and chill clean as clean gets high wise.


Pay out for it mate i smoked nearly 20 years but this year conveted.


Health benifits 100% and weed lasts you can vape a chamber full 5 mins get high then later or straight away 5 mins again get really stoned the weed you save pays for itself within 3 months.


Anyways rant over hope u convert .

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1 hour ago, mikeydoughnut said:

@B-real I’ve looked into vapes n that but it’s quite cost restrictive. Couple of hundred quid for owt half decent v 30p for a pack of fag papers. 


Been having pain in my ribs n lungs when I lay down to sleep so got a chest X-ray and a smoking cessation thing in the pipe line. So might have to go toward vaping eventually. I don’t like smoking funny as that sounds but I’m a full on addict. I don’t have enough distractions and get too much stress day to day to give up without it really torturing me. If there’s a decent vape out there for less than 100 quid I’d give it a go I guess. 


Edited by lildaveham
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I'm too home-brewed to read through it properly. But I sneeze when vaping with my Volcano. I've determined it's really dry, uncured weed. And sometimes when the sprung seal in the volcano mouthpiece is gummed up with resin it doesn't seal and a little wisp of vape comes out constantly. As I pull it to my mouth a bit goes up my nose. Sometimes the bag lingers as I'm doing something for a split second and then I draw, and then sneeze and I've definitely noticed the two together; I've felt it slip up my nose as I'm drawing and had to put the sneeze off (most dislikeful).


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When you've sobered up you'll notice Phoenix mentions the curing thing. I think that's it, it doesn't happen with older weed. Fresh weed is evil in a vape :skull:

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17 hours ago, mikeydoughnut said:

Been having pain in my ribs n lungs when I lay down to sleep

I used to get that I put it down to the way you expand your lungs to get a full hit in ways you don't when smoking?

I have found the crafty/mighty are worse than the PAX.

I get real weird taste but that might be the medication I take at least two have specific interactions with cannabis warnings, and more than two give me real bad dry mouth and combined with vaping makes having a drink on hand a must. 

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23 hours ago, Nick Berry said:

I sometime get a couple of sneezes when vaping but do get a very runny nose from it.

And it tastes odd compared to smoking, it didn't at the start of vaping about may, seems very strain specific sweet zombie is the worse culprit.

The smell of it now makes my nose twitch and can set off the runny nose?


@Nick Berry Snap - well holy shit, it was sweet zombie for me too. Trimming it had me reaching for the antihistsmine. I only grew one plant out as it was a freebie seed but I won't be growing it again - it was the only strain out of 7 that did it too.

Edited by DeltaMelter
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