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grow room


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Hi all,

Building a grow room. 6'6" tall. been having serious thoughts about reducing the height. because this will lead to a smaller cubic area and less air volume which increases the efficiency of the extracting fan.

the reason i chose 6'6" was mainly from listening to other people. this will allow me 6" clearance at top for lighting fittings, 12" for the light itself and 12-15" distance from the plants. this leaves 4' for the plants.

Light too close you think? No. I'm gonna use a shade thatb has a fitting for an extractor: this will take the heat directly away from the bulb(600w).

This particular light fitting has a lip around the shade which will enable me to attach some (heat resistant: heard about you chip-cracking effort!) glass reducing the heat egen more. It's a new model not yet in the Growell catalogue but it's basically a modified Supernova £185.

Back to the issue,

floor space is 3'x4' planning to copy Mono's :D set up i.e. 6" square pots.

That's 48 plants! I reckon that to have 48 in a SOG i couldn't/shouldn't go over 3'.

SO what i want to know is if i reduce the height by 1' will this be benificial re: increased cooling efficiency or is there some mysterious known to all except me reason why people use tall growrooms?

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It sounds like good thinking to me. If your grow room is smaller, I reckon it would improve the efficiency of the extraction. So waht would it be, 12 cu/feet less air to draw from (3'x4'x1'). lol, i reckon with the size of fan you want to put in you wont need a circulating fan, as the draft from that 6'' monster will do the job on its own. :lol:



PS. I havent been able to get hold of any heat resistant glass and i've tried loads of places. I tell them what its for (you know, one of them big lights, its used to light up our gym and i smashed the glass playing football when we arent supposed to be playing it in there, so i want to replace it before the boss finds out) and they all seem to say it woyuld be cheaper to buy a new light. Would toughened glass be good enough? Where did you get your from Trichome?

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Chip I like your three amigos but I reckon :P :lol: :D mine are better.

Thanx for your reply.

Basically here's wot I gotta say; Your loss is my gain!

knowing now how hard it is to get the glass i won't bother and i will get the already manufactured "air-cooled" unit from growell. It costs but you yourself commented on the rewards ffrom your LTi fan investment. If trich can't help you then why don't you get the reflector unit? It only costs £98 and you can use your existing bulb and balast. I'm not sure what bulb you're running at the mo. but you need a 600w.

I've already built most of the panels for the grow room at 6'6" and although i could change them to just 6' it only reduces the volume from 2.16m3 to 1.94m3 so i'm gonna have to sleep on it.

I'm guessing your fan has quadrupled your extraction rate. Has the temp. decreased noticibly or what?

ps. remember; there can be only one,

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Three amigos??/ High buddies...lol....


Highlander you :ROCK:

Thanks to your incessant questioning I'm taking your advice and getting the reflector u nit meself.......

Got the bulb and ballast like you say, so just got to get me a nice little squirrel/..////....

:D Mono....x

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lol, the three amigo's!!!

You are nearly right highlander, the LTI fan has probably doubled my extraction rate and freed up a couple of little fans to add to the inflow of fresh air.

There was a noticeable difference in the temperature of the room once i added the LTI, and even more so when it was connected up to the hood. And yes, i am running a 600w.

The air flow/extraction works so efficiently now, if i leave the room door open, the temperature goes up.

Ah mono, the squirrel fan!! That is a serious peice of kit. They can suck the paint off the walls!!! lol

I did think long and hard about buying the growell relector unit but at the time i didnt have the money to invest (i'm still a poor student remember). I must admit, I'm tempted now, especially with the hottest months coming up. I'd like to see one in action though ;)

Catcha later


PS. There can be only one, - i feel a duel coming on


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I'm not bothering with an itake fan but I am going to have the powerfullest of the 6" LTi fans. Will my airflow be okay?

p.s. www.fastlight.co.uk/GROWLITE.htm - for glass£7!

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I should think so. Just make sure youve got a fat intake hole. (ooer missus!!)

PS. Pint this weekend? Or maybe 5

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If y' can make it Friday then yeah. I'll speak to mono in the morning.

The three amigos ;) :;): :woot:

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Hi all i awaiting delivery of my air cooled hood from growrooms uk £58+vat its no supernova but moneys short at the mo.

i`m planing too exhaust it using the smallest 4 inch (165cfm) LTI and place a glass cover over it just wondering if this would be adequate suck or would i need a larger fan?

Anyone bought anything from growrooms uk before?seem quite cheap.

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High there,

I've seen the air-cooled hoods you're talking about at Growell. I run carbon filters, so this would not be a good idea for me - I would need to seperate the hot air from the grow room with something like the coolshade2.

Regarding the glass, I don't know why people are struggling to get tempered glass - most glass merchants will get glass tempered for you.

Check the Yellow Pages at www.yell.co.uk , enter "glass" as a search string, and enter your area/location.

Then ring the results; if the first can't do it, ask where can.

It must be tempered and mine was 4 millimeters thick, bearing in mind that was not for a 600W bulb only inches away, so maybe thicker glass should be used, although I don't see why if the fan is running.

All the best,


PS. GrowroomsUK is quite cheap for some items, but Growell will price-match.

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high all,

I'm running a 600w MH inside a Growell 1m tent with a coolwing A/C hood into a 4" 150m3/hours LTI fan - no problems with heat or RH. No glass on this and I don't know that you need it - the light is 6" off the plants - how much closer are you going to get with glass? Plus glass absorbs light, mostly from the red end of the spectrum where lights are weakest and plants need the most, probably doesn't matter during veg, but during flowering you need every red lumen you can get.

The fan exhausts into the main room which has a 750m3 LTI fan in and out - like chip the room temp and RH go UP with the door open - awesome kit, sounds like a harrier jet if I take the filter of the inlet :D



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high all,

I'm running a 600w MH inside a Growell 1m tent with a coolwing A/C hood into a 4" 150m3/hours LTI fan - no problems with heat or RH. No glass on this and I don't know that you need it - the light is 6" off the plants - how much closer are you going to get with glass? Plus glass absorbs light, mostly from the red end of the spectrum where lights are weakest and plants need the most, probably doesn't matter during veg, but during flowering you need every red lumen you can get.

The fan exhausts into the main room which has a 750m3 LTI fan in and out - like chip the room temp and RH go UP with the door open - awesome kit, sounds like a harrier jet if I take the filter of the inlet :D



Old Dave

glass absorbs light, mostly from the red end of the spectrum

Thanx for that!

I thought I was going for the ideal set-up now I'm having second thoughts :D

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, sounds like a harrier jet if I take the filter of the inlet

:angry:, ::D: at 750m3 per hour I'm not surprised. Did you have to bolt it to the ground? ;).

As concerns the glass. Trichome, i've tried doing as you say but when i ask for heat resistant glass for use with a hps, no one seems to be able to help me. You mention tempered glass, is that any different? Any chance you could pm me the number of where you got yours from?

OldDave, when i first put normal galss in, 4mm thick, i looked at it and thought that it must absorb some of the light and reduce its effiency, but i didnt know how much or to what extent. But i stuck with it until the glass broke (couple of hours). The temperature in the room then went up, i think, about 4 or 5 degrees. If i could get the right glass to fit, i think i would still use it. Its a trade off i suppose, a few lumens, but cooler temp. I agree that the distance from the plants doesnt change that much, running a 600w it doesnt really make that much difference anyway. Hmm, its got me thinking though. Maybe have the glass on during the hot summer months and then take it off during the cooler times of the year.

Makes me laugh this growing business. Were like a load of old dudes down at the allotment exchanging views on the best way to grow your prize marrows, :;): . There's no set way as we've all got our own methods, but this exchange is helping us all develop as growers as we understand things from different perspectives.

Galss or no glass that is the question!


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sounds like i should not have to many problems thanks OldDave.

Even though i do not have a beast of a extractor to deal with venting rest of the box as it is quite small i`m quite sure i can now finaly get my temps down (last test 97f) using another 165cfm LTI as an out and having a i think it`s called negative pressure intake or some thing it`s when you just have vents as intakes to replace outgoing air.

heres to hoping :huh:

all the best

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