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Compost Mix


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Always winged it when it comes to growing. Learnt the basics, subsequently made it up as I go along. Decided to try something new, historically grown in compost / perlite only.


This time used 50% compost / 30% coco coir / 20% perlite with a handful of volcanic dust thrown into the mix. Really quite impressed with the results, cleaved a week off normal veg times.


Apologies if this is already a recognised technique, totally new to me. Just made it up the volumes / what to add.


Blue Mystic. Grown them before, smaller plant being an Indica. Previously not grown so vigorously. Total 6.5 weeks since planting seeds, 5 weeks veg, 1.5 weeks flower at time of photo. Very nice smoke (I'm told) :rolleyes: Notably low odour albeit beautifully fragrant. Not sure why it's not more popular than it is. Seeds aren't expensive.



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 20/07/2021 at 0:10 AM, Rustybiff said:

Looking good! What nutes are you using? Any updates? :)


Certainly. So took these this morning, circa 4.5 weeks flowering. Looking at maximum of 5 more weeks prior to cropping, Royal Queen Seeds suggest 7-9 weeks in flower but it's never long enough / always at the top end of the estimate.




Become very much a hands off grower, canopy is always uneven so now use two lights (partly for redundancy in case one fails) which can be positioned at different heights. Not really the classic way of doing things but it works just fine, saves too much plant training to get everything exactly level. All the same plants grown from same packet, some just seem more vigorous than others.




Cut down my grows to one per year (during the summer) which saves a small fortune as no additional heat is required, lights produce enough. Once you become reasonably proficient one good crop a year of this size is plenty. Anticipate about 9 ounces dried / cured product from this lot going on past experience. During down time I'll probably experiment with some cheap seeds in different medium / nutrients. Considering using Intense Organix as recommended by @fatboy77


Currently use Fish Mix, CalMag and Biobizz Bloom. Needless to say at this stage only the bare minimum Fish Mix is being used, I'll stop this entirely 3 weeks prior to ending the grow. Bloom 3ml per litre mid / late flower, never exceed this. CalMag 1ml per litre, generally use this all the time with exception of flushing stage (flush for circa 1 week)


Post / link your grow if you like, interesting to see what others are up to. Always something to learn. If you've any questions I'll be more than happy to help if I can :yep:


I'll post more pictures / final weights etc as it progresses.

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Been using the Intense Nutrients Organix also and I am very happy with the simplicity and reults.

Enjoy your harvest.


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@Poisonata thanks for the detailed info! Plants look great, and your laid back approach is talking my language.. growing Blue Mystic as well but it’s outdoor and doesn’t seem to be doing too well like most of my plants. First time grower, plenty of mistakes. I think I’ll consider using your method when I move to indoor stuff, good work. Look forward to seeing the finished product

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Your growing style seems similar to mine.


This grow I have just used straight up allmix but last time I grew in 50% Coco 50% soil supreme


Nice plants



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6.5 weeks into flower (today), another 1.5 weeks of nutrients then a 1 week flush. Total time anticipated 9 weeks until cropping. Royal Queen Seeds suggest 7 to 9 weeks, looking at the trichromes nothing remotely orange yet / quite a few still clear.





Can of coke for scale against one of the colas .... cola with the cola lol ..... I'll get my coat :sadwalk:





Quite pleased as this will mean only one grow per year is needed during the good weather, avoid running up another huge electric bill during the winter months heating the tent. Feel like I actually know what I'm doing now, took long enough :rolleyes: The relief of knowing you've become self sufficient, it's a huge weight off my mind.


Will post again at 8 weeks prior to commencing the flush :yep: thx for reading / more importantly the help I've received over the years from these forums :cowboy: time to subscribe I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Final few photos prior to chop, 8 weeks now and flush has commenced. Will be chopping this Friday at a fraction under 9 weeks. Needless to say this little lot will ensure I've no requirement to grow again until next Spring. The compost has really made a difference, possibly more luck than judgement :eek:


Should have made a diary really but bit late now :unsure:










Hope this inspires someone to grow their own. 



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I'll be honest, it's not something I really worry about, as long as everything can get some light. I just try not to pack the room out.


Well done on becoming self sufficient :smoke:

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