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Proposed set up questions


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Hey guys, I wanted to post because I’ve had different set up ideas rolling around my head for months and as soon as I think I’m decided I change my mind.


I have limited space and the tent has to be in my bedroom with me and my partner.


I was going to get an 80x80x160 tent and an AC Infinity Cloudline S6, with a scopex 250. Problem is I wouldn’t have space for a drying tent, the plan was to connect one to the main tent.


I figure the best compromise is two 60x60x140 tents, this way one can be a flowering tent, the other can be a vegging/drying tent. The idea is that what I lose in floor space and wattage I make for in being able to run a constant grow, having plants ready to flower as soon as others are chopped.


My questions are, would a Cloudline S4 be enough to move air through both tents while remaining quiet, or would I need a bigger fan? I am on a real tight budget so savings would be good where possible, although I figure going for an AC Infinity fan is a good investment. 

Does anyone have an experience with a similar set up? 

Sorry if this is in the wrong section, I tried to find other posts but couldn’t see much. 

Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :v:


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if its in a bedroom get a normal tent and a very short one, put the short drying tent on top of the other one. 60x60 is VERY small and you wont get much from it.

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@Rustybiff  I have a 60 x 60 x 140 tent which currently has a monster Dos Si Do just on Week 2 of flower in there. Alongside I have a 50 x 50 x 100 tent with two plants in early veg.  Got one fan, one filter connected with a duct splitter.  No smell at all :thumsup:


By the way my last crop about two weeks ago I pulled over 4 zips of White Widow out of that 60 x 60 x 140 tent. Not too shabby a harvest at all. :smokin:

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Hey @smilertoo, problem is I’m restricted by height, and generally don’t want to impose on the feel of the room. I could maybe go with the Bay6 75x75x130 tent and a small drying tent as well but not sure if the 4” would cut it. What would you reckon? Thanks for the input


@Alys hey! I loved reading that diary :) really inspiring.. remind me what fan and light you used? I’ll read your diary again soon. I may just go with the set up you use. How often do you harvest with the two tents? My brain genuinely hurts from tossing up ideas about the future set up. This seems common when starting a grow! I need the tent and filter to dry this years outdoor harvest so want to set it up so that I’m only a light away from an indoor venture… 


Another problem is that our room is hella cold in the winter so may end up having to do autos anyway to keep the heat up. 

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Hi @Rustybiff The fan is just a bog standard 4” / 100mm extractor (noisy too!) This is connected to two lengths of ducting via a duct splitter (y-shaped) and all going through a 4” / 100mm Rhino Pro filter. Not a whiff to be fair and I’ve had the filter in use since last October (maybe last day or two of September).  
I have 2 “noses” that visit about once a month separately  and one grows and she can’t smell anything. The other has no idea I have a grow on but would soon pipe up if she smelled anything suspicious. She knows that Grandma likes a spliff but that’s as far as it goes.


I only bought tent 2 half away through Grow 2. The idea is to get a plant into about 4/5 weeks flower in the larger tent and start vegging a couple in the smaller tent. As Week 10 flowering finishes then harvest and dry in the small tent. The vegged 5/6 week girls from the smaller tent then go to the flowering tent.  This knocks about 5 weeks off Photoperiod harvests - so 10 weeks per harvest.  It was a great plan and I’m doing it now!


My light on “Grandma …….the Sequel was a brilliant outlay of cash It is a VST120 from Voost. True output is 123W. Cost me £150. Dimmable as well. 

Most important too are the Nutrients - in the second grow I used Intense Nutrients Organix Grow,  and their Bloom along with some Biobizz Calmag. I almost doubled my yield between Grow 1 and Grow 2.  All down to lighting and nutrients.


I am only 2 grows in but if I can help you I will. I learned everything I know from this site and the input from loads of other members/subscribers that popped into my grow diary has been absolutely pivotal in my success. Team Uk420 :hug:

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Bloody marvellous @Alys, thanks for taking the time to break down your set up. Good to have a few noses around to keep you in check ;). You’ve already helped loads by sharing your diary! I like the appeal of having a smaller tent, especially as my other half isn’t interested in cannabis so I don’t much want to turn half of the bedroom into a farm hahah. I like your method, 4oz over 10 weeks isn’t bad at all!


The problem I would encounter is low temperatures during 12/12. It would be okay with the other tent vegging, and taking the warm air through the dark period, but the other weeks without would be hard to maintain 25 degrees. I think running autos in the winter months and exhausting out of the bottom to pull the heat down may work, and then use your method for photos during the rest of the year. 

Hope you will have another diary soon, really nicely documented!

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@Alys aye that’s a must for sure, can’t be spending the night in a tent with a cold behind, that’s a recipe for misery! Looks like the plan is coming together then :) 

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12 hours ago, Rustybiff said:

Hey @smilertoo, problem is I’m restricted by height, and generally don’t want to impose on the feel of the room. I could maybe go with the Bay6 75x75x130 tent and a small drying tent as well but not sure if the 4” would cut it. What would you reckon? Thanks for the input


@Alys hey! I loved reading that diary :) really inspiring.. remind me what fan and light you used? I’ll read your diary again soon. I may just go with the set up you use. How often do you harvest with the two tents? My brain genuinely hurts from tossing up ideas about the future set up. This seems common when starting a grow! I need the tent and filter to dry this years outdoor harvest so want to set it up so that I’m only a light away from an indoor venture… 


Another problem is that our room is hella cold in the winter so may end up having to do autos anyway to keep the heat up. 

I grow in a 75x75x130 as my main tent.  I've been running 2 autos at a time in 11l pots and height has to be controlled with training.  If you can have more height for your main tent, even a 160cm, I think you'll appreciate that extra 30cm.

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@BudJ hey man, I was checking out your stuff whilst doing my research. I think you’re right about getting that extra 30cm. After getting the tape measure out 130cm doesn’t allow for much leeway after the pot size and light distance are subtracted. This is where it becomes a bit of an issue though because for a taller 75x75 tent your need a bigger light/better ventilation. I think the 60x60x160 will keep it to a manageable hobby on the side instead of a major commitment of electricity and time. 

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1 hour ago, Rustybiff said:

@BudJ hey man, I was checking out your stuff whilst doing my research. I think you’re right about getting that extra 30cm. After getting the tape measure out 130cm doesn’t allow for much leeway after the pot size and light distance are subtracted. This is where it becomes a bit of an issue though because for a taller 75x75 tent your need a bigger light/better ventilation. I think the 60x60x160 will keep it to a manageable hobby on the side instead of a major commitment of electricity and time. 

I have a 5 inch RVK in there @Rustybiff and I think a 4 inch would be sufficient.  I'm planning to change to a 4 inch Cloudline at some point so I can control air flow.  I don't think it'll need to be full blast.  Have you done the calculation to see how much air flow you need?  

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@BudJ I haven’t actually done the calculation yet but I’ve been reading about similar tent set ups and I also think the Cloudline S4 will be enough without being full whack. Not sure of the difference two daisy-chained tents makes to the calculation would you add the volumes together or just use the biggest tent? I’d also rather have the smaller fan for the smaller ducting as it needs to go through the floor

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