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Tobacco substitute?

Subliminal Criminal

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After the initial month or two you'll find your consumption drops quite a lot when you smoke pure. I must have cut down to a quarter of what I did when I gave up tobacco.

12 years and I've not even had the slightest craving to smoke that dirty shiite again :puke: 

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Just buy yourself a Dynavap and knock the smoking on the head mate, trust me you will never look back once you master it.

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55 minutes ago, mr rhino said:

Just buy yourself a Dynavap and knock the smoking on the head mate, trust me you will never look back once you master it.



Never was a cigarette smoker, but always put baccy in my daily joints. In november, I bought a vape, an Arizer Solo 2. It was good, but not hitting like a joint. Then I bought a Dynavap with glass stems. Holy shit, this thing is great !! While it's not exactly like a joint (no nicotine, and no carbon monoxide which is the thing that hits you first when you combust, actually before nicotine does, making your head spinning), it gives you a real hit, and the form factor helps too, it's just like holding a joint. I now have a premium convection vape (Tinymight) but still come back daily to my Dynavap. Great little thing.

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1 hour ago, purepotstill said:



Never was a cigarette smoker, but always put baccy in my daily joints. In november, I bought a vape, an Arizer Solo 2. It was good, but not hitting like a joint. Then I bought a Dynavap with glass stems. Holy shit, this thing is great !! While it's not exactly like a joint (no nicotine, and no carbon monoxide which is the thing that hits you first when you combust, actually before nicotine does, making your head spinning), it gives you a real hit, and the form factor helps too, it's just like holding a joint. I now have a premium convection vape (Tinymight) but still come back daily to my Dynavap. Great little thing.

I have had most of the top end vapes but all sold and i just use the dynavap, like you say there just something about the way it vapes that is reminiscent of a joint.

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I stopped smoking baccy (in roll-ups and spliffs) years ago, but I confess I'm still a nicotine addict, I just use an ecig (some folks I know tried ecigs and went back to baccy cos it just didn't do it for them, but it works for me). I roll pure joints and if I want a weed+nicotine hit then I'll toke on the ecig afterwards (I know some American folks that never grew up rolling joints with baccy like I did, I grew up with baccy joints cos I started in the 80s and we just got hash, I never even saw grass - never mind bud - until I'd been toking for a couple of years lol and they talk about the 'after toke smoke' - having a cigarette after a pure joint or bong or whatever cos it increases the stoned feeling, cos there definitely is a synergy between weed and nicotine). But I smoke pure, and it's a different buzz (and you smoke less, cos if you smoke a baccy joint you smoke it all and then want another one half a hour later - that's the baccy, if you smoke pure weed then you smoke what you want to get stoned, and that's enough - sometimes you even let a joint go out and put it down for later :ohmygod: ). If then you feel like the weed+nicotine synergy hit then toke on an ecig :) It's much cheaper and less harmful (and not mixing makes your joints taste of weed, and gives you the choice of a weed-only buzz :) ) No need to mix, just roll them pure, same amount of weed in a single skinner as you'd use in a mixed spliff just roll thinner ;) or throw in some trim if you're after a fat spliff to smoke like baccy joint  :)

Edited by Boojum
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Ill be 7 years NicoFREEn next week...


I found a vape for nicoteen competely useless, I just stayed addicted to that source. I went to the docs, got the big bad boy, Zyban, or whatever the alternative is now or was 7yrs ago, I forget (must be properly stoned with no tobacco ;) ) ... Thought about killing people for a few days, then myself - you have to go back just before 2 weeks for the psych eval, 10 days i think - before they give you the 2nd 2 weeks - I lied. Bare fecedly lol 'yeah I'm great, no problem' hehe...axe in the boot of the car, baton in the side pocket...lol...WAR is gooood lol


I was dark lol, proper psychotic dark, so much so although i took the 2nd lot home, I ddint even finish the 1st 2 weeks batch, after about 12 days I wasn't feeling the pangs, so went turkey, which wasn't turkey at all... a few uncomfortable moments but all good. Didnt smoke a thing for 3 years, not a spliff, nor an edible...nish


But I was fag clear in a fortnight. Make sure that if you 'need' to go the docs (anyone 20yrs+ - Its dangerous if you dont, believe it or not) youre ready, and I mean that. If you dont want it, it wont happen. Cause even with the mind bending darkside narcotics, you still have to bear down on yourself in those deep, deeeeeeeeeep darker weaker moments (pub, decent food, after proper fuck - end of first week - when you try to prove to yourself if you have a fag you wont need another lollollol )...The resally dark monments - therees not many, but theyre there...


HOOOOOOOOwever...the reward of longevity, (potentially) Good breath, not stinking like a pub carpet after a navvy friday all dayer, the next day...tasting your food for the firest time in years, enjoying a proper bottle of decent wine, and realising it is, and getting higher than you ever have in your life await you... Its like fucking martydom, never mind the virgins/camels ('ring' preference), sweet meats and dates, get a load of what I just offered you brother, you dig...


...come on, just a lttle bit of 'give up'...you know you want it really...come on, suck it deep man, let it smother you, comfortable? happy?..course you are....hehehe...Im pushing NicoFREEn...


...want some sucker?



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Pipe only here bro, sine 2013.  It was difficult to kick the nicotine and hand-to-mouth habit so finding something productive to do with your hands is a good idea.


E2a - plus the very occasional blunt - maybe 4 or 5 a year..

Edited by Biltong Bob
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