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Tobacco substitute?

Subliminal Criminal

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What do you guys use instead of tobacco? You know in your joints etc..


I'm trying to give up smoking tobacco for good.




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Nothing mate. Just pure flower. Takes a little getting used to but there will be no going back. Way better taste and effect imo. It’s an absolute fucker giving up the nicotine but very worth it. Day 100 for me today. Good luck :yinyang: 

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A few dabs is a good substitute . Must practice what I preach . I gave up for five months .Month six,seven using a little more tobacco . I never used much though but it is tricky ,there's a hit with nicotine . Initially I coughed a lot but after a month ,and with some cured bud I found it a tad easier to toke . It felt a bit like drawing from a short pipe ,especially if the weed wasn't maybe cured to perfection or just a bit schwag-ish . 

Some folks use Greengo . I thought about it but just stopped ,hard to believe my own discipline .

I used to wash ,strain and dry tobacco ,and I think that helped remove some of the bad stuff ,certainly coloured the water . There was less of an effect . It's not appealing because there's hardly any nicotine so you smoke more . That happens too when you stop using tobacco ,well I smoked more . You need a heap of weed ! 

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If you need to dilute your weed, just keep your trim and use that..or you could roll a smaller joint, with just pure flower to the same effect...similar to a half pint, or a club shot of whiskey...


If youre addicted to nicoteen, whatever you use as joint/bong fodder will leave you unsatisfied...Its not a packer you want, its the nicoteen...speaking from an ex 30yr smoker...


You gotta deal with them seperately...get a pipe, one hitter, steam roller, similar and use that to break away from the nicoteen, the harsh hit will leave you feeling like youve had a fag, but ultimately you gotta kick the 'teen to the kirb...


In concurrence with others in the thread...I'd never been properly high until I gave up tobacco, and Id been smoking 30yrs lol


When you break awya from the stimulus of the nicoteen, and just gete the weed, you'll understand what all the strains are about, flav, terpes, thc a/b you'll get the lot, stand ready my friend. Not many folk realise how much tobacco smashes weed, and WHEN you give up, you'll wanna vape :D - then you also wont be burning off 60-70% of the goodness youre trying to ingest :)


Then you'll be so high, you'll wished youd never vaped it, and vow never to do it again...until the next time lol - but it wont be the same...you only get it once, but its a revelation :) and an epiphany :)


Good luck kicking it to the kerb bro, i did after 30 years, youre probably not 30 yet, so it'll be a sinch ;)

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Yea, echoing everything above. Roll smaller joints with the same amount of weed but without the tobacco. It bends the mind but that's because you're missing tobacco, not the larger joint or the process etc etc. Your brain is tricking you.


I haven't smoked cigarettes for well over 10 years, 15 maybe and pure weed spliffs were the eye opener that really made me stop fags. You don't need it. At all. Everything is better without it. Every joint is better without it. Every high is better without it. Every break time, every time you leave the house and don't have to go 'Keys, fags, lighter', type of thing, is better.


Go free and go pure and go higher. Run with us.



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5 hours ago, Keye said:

Run with us.




we a herd of ex smokers, who have never been so high since we kicked...Its a herd mentality lollollol...


One final question...at the moment what are yoiu smoking and what does it taste like?


B@h? Redband? Silk Cut or a Marlboro?


Bet it dont taste like a really sweet NL or a subtle Tangie?...


Weed for thought...





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Get some good tasty CBD bud and blend it  

Or just smoke CBD during the day if your working or whatnot and don’t want to be baked 24/7

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No messing around with alternatives just smoke pure flower. There is a transition period where you are still chasing that nicotine high but once you're over that it is plain sailing and very enjoyable.


Trying to get into edibles and vaping but for me nothing beats a joint and you still get the same action as having a fag, as an ex smoker I miss the ritual of a fag but has now been replaced by a blunt.

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I mixed CBD Hemp flower with High THC weed in hemp blunts, So I'm kinda using the hemp at a tobacco substitute as i can't handle a full high thc blunt if i want to take more than 5 pulls lol


But this is of course if i ain't got my own balanced strain grow of my own at the time.

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I was smoking 20 Marlboro touch a day then went to rolling tobacco, which was golden Virginia yellow. I'm on the vape now but I'm gagging for a proper cigarette all the time

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Conventional Nicotine Vape for the Nic cravings joints are pure flower.


The vape doesn't hit the same as a fag but it takes the edge off.


I don't recommend it if you're looking to kick it altogether though.

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I quit the evil weed on 02/01/11 and I haven't smoked any since. Quitting tobacco has changed my life completely, alcohol soon followed, I've drunk two pints this year, when you smoke/vape pure weed, you realise how crap nicotine and alcohol actually are, plus I found I had a whole different perspective about life afterwards. 

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I've promised myself i'll be tobacco free by the end of the year too.. just need to good wee stash of weed, bit of will power and someone to keep you on the straight n narrow....good luck, buddy


here'e hoping for that good grow season!!

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An inhalator for the nicotine hit, a Mighty vape for the weed and a pure joint when I really fancy a smoke is what did/does for me, the inhalator apparently is only supposed to be for 3 months but I used one for 3 years or more, did the trick tho.

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