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THE Loft Thread Part 2


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So some of you longer time members will remember about 5 years ago i did a thread on here on my loft build. For those that are interested in history here it is.... 



Now the history lesson is over welcome aboard THE loft thread Part 2.


So its lockdown, im bored, ive got a little spare cash because the pubs are shut and im not putting fuel in the car to go to work. I have basically completed Netflix and im bored of the console.... what ever should i do? Well i have been a little bit tight for space on my last few grows!!!


Time to break out Maggie (the makita drill) and her friend the red devil (a chop saw).


So heres the site of the new build.




As you can see, theres a slight problem, my existing grow box is in its place and as always, full of plants. This is going to be interesting, and tight for space.

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So after a little thinking and a lot of time selecting the only straight pieces of wood in my local DIY store (took about 40 mins to find 20 or so bits of studwork timber thats straight) I clear all the crap from the sides and front of my grow room and get to work on the side walls.


The plan is to just say F£$%k it and turn the whole of the end of the loft into a groom :-)


This time im planning on being a little bit cleverer about measurments and stuff because i HATE cutting insulation. It works out a few quid extra but you can get pre cut 1200 X 450 mm bits of 50mm thick recticel (the cheap mans version of kingspan)


So here we are with most of stage one completed... side walls. 450mm between the uprights so the insulation slides in nicely with a bit of an open plam slap ( i like it tight (giggety) ) so theres no air gaps for heat to escape or get in when its summer



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Stage 2 begins... Front wall.


As you can see theres a pesky roof joist in the way which limits my access so sod it lets just build a frame similar to the side walls with a bigger gap in the middle to drag my fat ass through. Im crap at doors as i stated in my other thread but i dont think i will have an option this time.


Heres a piccy of the front wall built (with the cieling joists cut and ready to be assemled sat on top).



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Stage 3.


Put together the old DR 90 and move the plants and grow equipment i have into the tent for a few weeks whilst i get the room finished. It took about 5 hours to get all that done and i was too knackered to take any photos so you will just have to take my word for it lol 


With the plants and old room out of the way theres some space to work and i expect to get things done reasonably quickly now .

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Stage 4. 


This is where im at now. I have litterally just put the drill down and done the first three posts of my build diary. The roof, this is the first time ive tried building an apex roof so be kind with any comments.


I had a think back to ye olde school days and remembered theres a smart arse called Pythagoras who said you can work out the long side of a right angle triangle (and an apex roof is just two of those right?) by doing A sq + B sq = C sq. so bust out my handy calculator and chop some wood (with 45 degree angles) and fuck me if that Pythagoras geezer wasnt just right! they fit together quite nicely. Chuck in a few cross beams for strength, making sure my 150mm ducting will fit through the hole to keep it up and out the way, then screw those fuckers into the side walls.


Few noggins between them (at 1200mm from the top or bottom) made sure they were 450mm as well so i didnt have to cut the insulation. And you end up with something like this....




So im not quite done with the roof, i still have to do the difficult bit by the chimney but im tired and hungry now so im gonna call it for today and do a little bit more tomorrow or maybe the weekend if i cant be arsed.


So thats it for now folks. Will update the thread once i have done some more!


e2a. the big bits of celotex and the crappy bits of wood are what im recylcling from my old room when i dismantled it :) 

Edited by NiceCuppaTea4Me
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Thanks @ratdog I would like to say it’s all me but the chop saw clicking at 45 degree angles did most of the difficult bits! 

Still not bad for a bloke with a desk job and no real trade experience lol 

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it's one thing cutting the wood, but it's something else fitting it together lol 



you've either got it or you haven't



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Just finished for the day, 95% of the insulation is now finished. Just the shitty bits to go. Door, air outlet and taping joints

after that its on to partitioning off a little bit of the room for veg.


once that’s all done just need to line the walls and roof with that reflective bubble wrap stuff for extra insulation and light coverage and to make sure there’s no light or smell leaks. There is light at the end of the tunnel!



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So i bit the bullet tonight... in the immortal (almost) words of Borat. King in the castle, king in the castle, i have a door! And theres only a 2ml pinch on it!


I have also managed to cut a hole in the insulation at the top in front for my extraction (sorry didnt get a pic will try to remember tomorrow)


So without further delay i give you... CuppaTeas bad (but best effort so far) door, complete with handles and little bolt to stop the fucker swinging open once the girls move in.




So yeah, not that impressive basically just a frame with some inset insulation and hinges but i tried! (told you i was crap at doors)




I did remember to put a door jamb on though to make sure theres no light leaks (and to stop my dumb ass over closing it and ripping the hinges out)




Unfortunately tomorrows job is just gonna be cleaning up the fuck tonne of mess i have made, im still not sure how much / if im going to partition off for a veg area or just use my DR60 for veg inside the room or not. I leaning more towards a partition with a DR60 inside it to prevent any potential light leaks when i inevitably fuck up the tent through being ham fisted with the zips.


So thats todays update, hope you lot are enjoying the progress (even though youre all quite quiet, i would have thought theres at least one chippy on here that could have told me how I have done something stupid by now or something really obvious that i have missed that could make the room better).


e2a. Unfortunately im not super clever so when i took down the old room and moved the currently flowering girls into thier temporary home I put the res behind the tent >.< so the veg girls will probably have to move in tomorrow or Thursday so i can move the small tent to get to the res running the big tent! Gonna be a pain in the ass as i dont get paid for another couple of weeks and have run out of "build" money until then so wont get to do the internal lining with an empty room. Such is life!

Edited by NiceCuppaTea4Me
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So that’s the first major fuckup.... bastard dr60 doesn’t fit where it’s supposed to and fucked if I’m losing all that space. So I guess the decision is made, another partition needs to be built for a veg area. I’m gonna have to get the flowering girls into the room tomorrow before it’s finished so I can get to the tea that feeds them. 

photos a bit crap but the tent is about 15 ml too wide to fit between the chimney and the new roof. I could cut the poles inside the tent by 15 ml to make it skinny enough but that just seems too much like a bodge job to me!


Edited by NiceCuppaTea4Me
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On 24/03/2021 at 1:41 PM, smilertoo said:

How are you venting the air from the loft?

If you take a butchers at the historic thread I did, I used a core bit and an sds drill to cut a hole in the side of my house and put a vent cowl on the outside to make it look like a standard extractor fan :) 


I have now managed to get some cash together ( wife said I had a face like a slapped arse and lent it to me ) so have almost finished lining the inside of the new room. Will post a further update this weekend.

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Loooks the bollocks this mate :yep:

,  top job. 


I'm planning on doing something similar in a year or two. 

Edited by Loftgrower
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Ok so been a bit lazy with the updates and pics but here we go...


last weekend I built the veg box and I have now finished lining the interior and taping up all my joints. We are light and smell proof! 

instead of making a door for the veg room I have put some Velcro strips round the frame and I use a bit of that reflective bubble wrap as a “door” with the other side of the Velcro on it. Seems to work quite well but I expect I will end up tearing it at some point.


here’s some pics inside and out and and extra of the ventilation for @smilertoo


veg box...



outside inc ventilation


the original hole I cut in the outside wall and the ventilation attaching to it.


next job is going to be more tidying up and a proper board for my electrics.


e2a and another fan to take air out of the veg box and into the main room as the main intake is in the veg cab.

Edited by NiceCuppaTea4Me
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