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Jack Herer 12 weeks still not ready


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@greatgreenstuff those trichomes look ready to me mate but I think you've took pics of the leaves , try the actual bud and take a pic a that , if they look the same as the trichs in the pics above I'd take her .if not then leave her a week or two :hippy:


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I know Jack herer goes back a long was, but I'm sure I recall that the advice way back when was to to start her on 12/12 and that there were outliers that would take 3 months or more to finish and that some would never finish?

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They are nowhere near ready yet by the looks. Hardly any calyx swelling. A friend of mine grew this years ago and I think it went 16 weeks. What a waste of 16 weeks it was too. Bland as hell. I have smoked some really good JH in the past though



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On 22/02/2021 at 5:22 PM, greatgreenstuff said:

 they are now 12 weeks into flower

Drop your daylight hours to a 10/14 this should speed them up a bit.:lucky:

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21 hours ago, Dr feelgood said:

Drop your daylight hours to a 10/14 this should speed them up a bit.:lucky:

Ah I'll try that..Would they not get as big in the end do you think?

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It's worth the wait Jack Herer is probably the best weed I've ever smoked I've never grown it because I read up to 16 weeks for flower but the smoke is unreal. A friend grew it once and I only managed to get him to part with a tiny sample I've always debated running it but never plucked up the endurance for 16 weeks.

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1 hour ago, greatgreenstuff said:

Ah I'll try that..Would they not get as big in the end do you think?


Maybe go 11/13 instead it may not loose you as much in final weight.:lucky:

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Think you're pretty much done with this grow. Flush them, chop them and be pleased that you're baked from you own pot! JH is a lovely feeling, not a sledgehammer, but just nice weed that feels quite medicinal. RE your current grow: Those leaves fully think it's autumn and I doubt you'll add much more now, maybe a tiny bit of swelling/firming up, but that will happened during flush. (remember the physical matter of plants isn't the nutes, its locked carbon from the air and light.. They will have enough nutrition left to grow a bit more during flush).. Better to think about what you've learnt and plan your next grow. If you do the same strain a few times you really get an eye for what helps. 


I have grown a fair bit of Jack Herer from GHS. Currently have one on the go in 12/12 now. My last lot were also flowering through the freezing temps.. and they're out in a shed!! .. It was minus 7 out there at one piont!!... But I still harvested after 9-10 weeks of 12/12.. I get nice dense buds that are very high quality. Cold will slow them down but its only temporary, they wake up when it warms up..( Think about what happens through the course of days and nights on an afgan mountain side, it's not allways a balmy mid 20's) .. For future grows my advice would be: veg longer so you have good strong roots! People will say different things but I have worked professionally in horticulture and with trees, and as rule of thumb what you see above the ground is reflective of what you see below. So if you veg for ages with minimal pruning and let a plant get massive and healthy, and you're doing everything right, then the roots will also be massive and healthy.. Then prune and train quite hard before switching to 12/12, it'll slow down as it recovers for a few days, but then bounce back hard.and vigorous as you'll have overkill in the size of roots to vegitative growth up top.. Your roots will be over engineered.. So they will provide a lot of root pressure in pushing nutes up above ground and when you come into 12/12 visible growth (including flowers) will be strong.. Nutes: keep EC low, I grow hydro DWC so I go for around 1.2-1.4 during flower. Don't be seduced by the 'more is better' idea, they need to be drinking lots to get the nutes, so they won't get them if the nute solution is too hot and theyre partially locked up.. Less is more.. Use a bloom booster, but again shoot for the same EC, don't try and go hotter, it's just the ratio of npk and additional things you want to change.. I use GH 3 part base nutes and advanced nutes overdrive (plus some other magic ingredients ;) ) Lighting: I don't know how big your space is but more horse power per square ft equals faster vigorous growth.. Plants are literally made of light and air.... if you only have 200w of led, make sure they're nice and close, 12-18inches, as proximity makes a bigger difference to the intensity hitting tyebleaves than just adding more power randomly. heat burn shouldn't be a problem with leds. don't try and spread the light over too much space, you might get more flowers, but total yield weight will likely be similar and it will be lighter leafier, lower quality flowers. Temps: if your space is prone to getting cold like mine, then run the lights at night to give them the best chance of keeping some warmth, the added bonus is that it helps prevent overheating during summer days. I do 12/12 from 9pm until 9am, and then fettle nutes etc in the evenings around 10pm+. If you want to peak at them in the day grab a green lumi head torch from amazon. Also a fan speed controller is good, if the temps are dropping, slow fan extraction down, yes c02 might rise a tiny bit, but it will make bugger all difference compared to the gain of a few degrees more warmth. I have a cheap chinnesse transformer from ebay to slow my fans. I have grown  a JH soil in my same space, it ripened only slightly slower but was still really good pot. 


Sorry for the long post, i got a bit carried away! 


Good luck :)



Edited by Moby
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Those buds are not ripe. You can't rush top shelf weed. It's ready when it's ready. The flower times stated by breeders are very inaccurate. How many Jack Herer seeds would get sold if they told you 16 weeks?


You'll definitely get high if you chop now you might even think it's amazing. But you'd be doing yourself a disservice not waiting the extra couple of weeks it'll take for them to finish. If you want to test this for yourself harvest in stages over the next few weeks I guarantee you the riper buds in 3 or 4 weeks will get smoked first, and then you'll kick yourself knowing that your whole harvest could've been that good.


My 2p

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Thanks for all the advice guys, particularly Moby for that very in depth reply. I'm gonna leave them be for now and see where they go. I'll update with some pics in a few days✌️

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Little update guys, as you can see the leaves are really starting to turn. The buds seem to be still sprouting.. thoughts?

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@greatgreenstuff hopefully someone else can chime in because one of my black widows looks exactly the same almost like its starting to re-vegetate from the new green leaves coming out the buds that's what I first thought when I saw mine. Mine are in 13th week of bloom. 

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Nothing to worry about, 

It's still producing single bladed leaves so it's not revegging. Fwir 


I dunno if someone else has already mentioned that some proper decent(Sativa dominant) Jack H vars should be more like 14 weeks flowering(ideal environment). 


Patience will be rewarded :)


I dunno if you've read this 



I'd love to grow some proper Jack H, 

It's been a long time since I last smoked any. 






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Push them as far as you dare IMO. If you have any completely dead leaves that are dying back into the buds I'd trim those off completely to minimise the risk of rot. Daily inspections in my book.


I reckon 2 more weeks yet they'll limp there but you'll need to baby them and be very attentive.


If I'd have invested what you have so far I'd do everything I could to harvest them as ripe as possible. It's a fine line but from what I can see they can make another week possibly 2 if you try.

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