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seeds dying germination fails


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For me it's exactly the same as germing a Pea or a Bean... and I've bean sprouting them for over 40 years.


Soak seed in 20/21 degree tap water for 24hr or until it sinks.


Once sunk (that means that the seed has started absorbing water to kick start germination and that any air that the seed contains has been expelled). Plant about half inch down in compost in say a 3" pot.


Quote from:

Bryan Peterson

Ph.D. Horticulture & Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Iowa State University.


"The embryonic root (the radicle) is the first visible portion of the embryo to emerge from the seed. During germination, the growth potential of the radicle, which is taking on water and growing by mitotic cell division, causes it to bulge until it penetrates the seed coat. It elongates into the soil and anchors the seedling.

Then (depending on the species), the entire seed that is still attached to the radicle is lifted above the soil and the shoot inside it begins to grow until it, too, breaks through the seed coat, the remnants of which fall to the ground.

The seedling is freed from the seed, and can continue to grow!"


Water... carefully... you don't want to wash the seed out.


Maintain 21 - 25.


Keep moist.


Check regularly until you see the emergence of the Hypocotyl.


Place under light... suggest 150W blue CFL or equivalent... not too far away or you'll get Cress :(


Pot up as required.


Image result for first shoot from seed


The radicle is very fragile and easy to damage during handling, causing death or retarded/mutated growth... it's covered in micro roots.


I opine that the less the seed is disturbed, the better the chances of survival.






And it doesn't matter which way up you sow the seed.


I sowed some at least eight year old seeds over a week ago... they've not shown yet... Colombian... :unsure: fingers crossed 


@Lancaster8 +1 :yep:

Edited by Punta Roja
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Wet kitchen roll in a sealed plastic takeaway container and stick on top the boiler, 24/36 hours and jobs a good un, simple but effective for me.

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